This post is from many years ago, but I still follow the rules.
I've been cleaning and organizing my clothing closet all day! It's that time of year when I shift the summer and winter clothes around. Since I get e-mails all the time about "What to Wear and When", I'm gonna give y'all MISS JANICE'S AFTER-LABOR DAY FASHION RULES!
To the back of the closet go all my flip flops...
I've been cleaning and organizing my clothing closet all day! It's that time of year when I shift the summer and winter clothes around. Since I get e-mails all the time about "What to Wear and When", I'm gonna give y'all MISS JANICE'S AFTER-LABOR DAY FASHION RULES!
To the back of the closet go all my flip flops...
This is a no-brainer for moi...NO WHITE SHOES AFTER LABOR DAY Y'ALL! One of my readers e-mailed me that she was hosting a "White Shoe Brunch" before Labor Day so that her friends could enjoy their white shoes one last time. I love that theme and maybe next year I'll have a "White Shoe Brunch"!

Straw pocketbooks must be put away as well.

After the 23rd...bring on the corduroy y'all!

If you are lucky enough to have some cute wool shifts like this 'Portia' dress by Lilly, you may certainly begin wearing wool after the 23rd!

If you are wondering where these rules came from, well...they came from my mama, Miss Pauline. She's been a fabulously dressed shopaholic her entire life and even though she is now up-in-age, she still loves to dress up and knows what to wear and when! Till this day, mama won't wear slacks to church...Not in the sanctuary, no ma'am! "That's just not appropriate." So thank you to my sweet mama for teaching ME "what to wear and when!"
I hope y'all's Labor Day Weekend was wonderful and allowed you time to get ready for a the new season ahead! I'm so excited about Autumn! Have I told y'all that before?
I will be back later this week...talking about "Preppy Fashion Rule #5", from the new book "True Prep."
I hope y'all's Labor Day Weekend was wonderful and allowed you time to get ready for a the new season ahead! I'm so excited about Autumn! Have I told y'all that before?
I will be back later this week...talking about "Preppy Fashion Rule #5", from the new book "True Prep."
I just posted on my blog's Facebook page wishing everyone a happy Labor Day and to put those white shoes away. I don't care how many people declare those rules to be passe' - those people are just wrong, bless their heart.
Can't wait to see the Fall tablescape you'll have in your foyer~
Thank you so much for this post!! I have grown up being reminded by my mama of all these fashion 'dos' and 'don'ts.'
I'm going to tweet this, lady!
Kisses to you on this gorgeous day!! xoxo
just printed this off and posted it in my room next to my mirror! you should write a book!
Happy Labor Day, Miss Janice! You can tell a Southern lady because she follows these rules to a tee! However, I cry when I have to put away my flip flops, Miss Janice! If it were good Southern manners, I'd wear them all winter! But...don't worry, I won't! Hope you have had a great holiday...hugs...Debbie
We dont have these sorts of rules here - when it gets to hot to wear winter clothes we switch to summer and vice versa. I have started packing up shorts and pool clothes but the rest is staying until we get some consistantly cool days. I dont have white shoes except those I wear to the gym so no worries for me there!
I am looking forward to your Autumn decor and ideas!
Ooo I just remembered I need to organize my Autumn friendship gifts!
needed a quick brush-up, thank you a mil Miss Janice for bringing me up to speed!
Love to Miss Pauline! She is the original fashionista!
Miss let me know when you are in the state of Arizona. I will have to throw the white shorts/pants and flip flops/sandals in closet. I can't even think about cordoroy, velvet or wool! Denim is even difficult. It is still 100+ degrees here until November 1st!
I'm with you Miss Janice. There is much talk in Blog World about not adhering to these rules, but not here. Our moms must have been sisters in "spirit" anyway. I remember my back to school dresses being dark cottons for hot days after Labor Day! I have my corduroy ready! Love it so much. Thanks! xoxo
It took most of my day, but I put summer away....I will miss those sandals...I wore my Tory Burch ones to the game on Saturday....I haven't heard anyone talk about wearing velvet after Valentine's Day since my sweet grandmother gave us wardrobe instructions....she liked to call our dark cottons after Labor Day, our "trans-seasonal pieces"....loved your post, long live Southern Charm....
What would you do if there were an incredible heat wave on the day after Labor Day? Would you not wear sandals in 100 degree heat?
Not trying to be sassy, just wondering!
I'm a Virginian, and my mother taught me the very same rules that Miss Pauline taught you! I hope you have a fantastic Labor Day!
Dear Luxelife,
I most certainly would NOT wear sandals on a hot day after Labor Day! I would probably wear a khaki skirt c/ a Ralph Lauren oxford shirt and a pair of Revas! BTW, it's okay to be mama tells everyone I'm a "Sasspot"!
Hi Miss Janice! I know you do your mama proud! :) I know some of these rules but I was thinking the rules went out the window here in the Texas Gulf Coast! Shoot it's so hot, you've got to keep your tiny flip flops handy! :)
Don't shoot me! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I wore my seersucker suit to Court Friday just so I could do it one last time before Labor Day! These sound like the rules we learn here in VA, too.
My sweet daughter and I had this very conversation today as we were out shopping. I did wear my favorite white shorts today just one last time!
Thanks for this post. I recently posted something on Facebook about not wearing white after Labor Day. I had one person respond that rule has changed. I did not want to be ugly, but NO it has not changed- not for me. Thanks for sticking to the rules and educating the masses. I'm now a follower of your blog.
I wore white pants today, Labor Day. Hope I don't get stuck anywhere?
I wore my white dress to the football game on Saturday just so I could get some wear in! The only rule I am guilty of breaking is the flip flips (I had gameday bonannos made) and that my revas are black patent leather so those get worn in the Fall. Thanks for the tips! I was out shopping today and told my sorority sister I could not buy any of the 70% off Lilly because it was ALL predominately white!
Wow! Some of those rules I had long forgotten over the years. But they were certainly ones my Grandma taught me. Thank you for the reminder!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for stating that patent leather shoes are indeed a summer staple. I've seen so many other blogs talk about how black paten leather is strictly fall/winter - I thought I was confused - so thank you for clearing that up.
I agree 100% with you on everything - but in Virginia (I know I'm preachin' to the choir here) it stays hot until November -
Sometimes even the 'transitional' wardrobe is still uncomfortable. I'm anxiously awaiting your next post!
Love this post! It's so very helpful. Thank you very much for your great rules. Although I will surely miss all of my madras and sandals.
I can honestly say that I don't own any white pants, white shorts or white shoes. You don't want to be around me with white between Labor Day and Easter. I'll tell you about it. My grandmother always said that you don't wear corduroy until October 1 or wool until after the first frost. After that you can wear it until Easter.
I love these great reminders...I am sad to put all my summer whites away! It's time and soon the weather here will be changing.
I always love your tips and look forward to more!
Love this post, Miss Janice! People in Cancun sometimes wear swim trunks, shorts, and that sort of clothes to church...
Miss Janice you are precious and pretty. I enjoyed your fashion tips. Thank you! :)
Hi Miss Janice,
Oh you have been busy. I need to get some things put away and others pulled out soon, fall is definitely on its way. Look at those gentlemen in their seersucker suits! Very sporty indeed. Have a wonderful week!
Hmmm, does my madras tote bag from LL Bean need to be put away as well? I have two (monogrammed!), one in pink and one in blue!
Also, love the searsucker Thursday photo. I worked on the Hill for a year and my Congressman (from New Hampshire!) wore his searsucker suit too!
Thanks for this post. I know about sandals and whites, but I did not know linen was not appropriate after Labor Day.
Some of my favorite things are linen tops & dresses, straw purses, and straw or rope bottomed wedges & espadrilles. I guess I'm a summer girl fashion-wise.
I was raised by the same fashion rules here in southern Kentucky. My mother and aunts taught me well!
I was wondering what the rule regarding the wearing of capris says about when to put them away? Thanks for your advice.
I was in my closet yesterday and am proud to tell you that I followed your rules before reading your post :D that's good even for a PA girl...
I love the Fall...can't wait to see what you have in store for us :D
Oh Miss Janice,
You got me! I had ordered a pair of Jack Rogers in all bone this season, thinking I could wear them into the Fall (no white trim stiching), but I am defeated! My new, unworn, lime green linen pants were also going to be transitioned into Fall with a lovely Talbot's paisley silk blouse, but I see that is not to be. Oh my, it isn't easy being proper, but now I just can't. You'd feel it in the air, all the way down there! Thanks for keeping me in line! I promise not to cheat, except for a pedicure!
Warmly, Kathleen
What about winter white or cream?
Have to be honest here... I was raised with these rules as well, but too many rules for me and I don't purposely follow them, although I have to say, I've got very little white, no white shoes, no madras, no seersucker, no velvet, no linen... so on most counts, I'm pretty safe anyway! hahaha But I'm a fan of patent leather shoes in winter, especially a fabulous pair of patent black pumps with black tights and a cute dress... just don't tell your mamma! But it's great to be reminded of what the rules are! You should write a book!!! I'd buy it!
Pink Julep Abroad,
Winter White and/or ivory is certainly acceptable to wear in the Fall season or Winter Season.
I don't wear capris after Labor Day...too summertime lookin'!
Lexilooo...You simply must put those madras totes away! They do sound very cute, though...monogrammed!
oh i hate to put my white jeans away!! can i still bare my toes for a little while longer in my favorite lilly gold wedges?
Dear Pink Prep,
I do not wear open-toed shoes after Labor Day!
I have never heard the rule about patent leather! Is that a Southern thing? Here in Michigan, it seem slike we don't wear our black patent leather pumps until late Fall and through Winter? They remind me of Christmas!
Thank you for a reminder of all the "rules"! I've got to find time to get my closet switched around and ready for cooler weather!
Hello Miss Janice,
Thank you for going over the rules!
Thank you, Miss Janice, for tellin' us all how to behave!
I didn't work yesterday, but for my first day back, today, I wore black pumps, stockings, black knit pencil skirt, white top, denim blue cashmere sweater vest and a black and white tweed cardigan. And...I FROZE to death! Slacks, tomorrow.
Hugs, CHeryl
I have a question: Are the flip flops ok if you live in Southern California where it is still 100+ degrees??
Also I posted a table etiquette post and added your sites as additional reading...Love your tips Miss Janice =)
KDC Events,
I lived in Palm Springs, California for many years and never wore sandals or flip flops after Labor Day.
Princess Freckles,
I was always raised to never wear patent leather after Labor Day. Believe me, this pains me 'cuz there are some stinking cute patent leather shoes out there! But, I must stick to my rules!!! :)
I'm a bad Southern girl because I'm still wearing flip-flops. I have a medical excuse, my left ankle swells in the heat. I carry a note from my doctor. :) But pleae know, I do follow the rest of the rules, as do my children.
I must disagree about black patent leather....LOADS of new shoes, new FALL shoes are just making their debut, in black patent no less. They don't look summer-y in the least. I'm with you on everything else, though! xxoo
I think this rule is more commonly used in climates where there are four seasons and it starts getting cold in the fall. I think it is good to follow when you can, but there are also some exceptions if the temperature is very high (for example, it will be 107°F in Phoenix, AZ tommorrow).
Also, here is what Emily Post Institute (another etiquette authority) has to say on this issue:
Stephen H,
I lived in the desert town of Palm Springs, California for many years and always followed these fashion rules...I would stay home before breaking them!
Miss Janice, you are my fashion guru. I grew up in Southern California and was taught these very rules by my mother. Need I mention that my mother is from the South?
Thank you for your stylish guidance.
Helpful post! I have a question....does the "no patent leather after Labor Day" rule also apply to handbags??! I have a bag that suits me so well and am not ready to put away! Please advise!
(It's the Kate Spade New York Patent Leather Kingsbury Park Large Catalina Bag, if you'd like to Google it to see what it looks like!)
Thank you for your time!
Team Dixon,
I would not use a patent leather purse after Labor Day, that's just me. Even if it has a patent leather look, I would not carry it. Leather that has a bright shine is different. My rules are very old-fashioned, but I still follow them.
So, I’m trying to coordinate my handbags. I’ve switched now to a cute pale peach leather one with a small flower pattern for now though I won’t wear it after Labor Day. I was wondering if it’s ok to wear my Kelly green (no patters or trim) handbag after Labor Day or if it’s something that should be put away at that date.
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