Nothing says "Classic and Preppy" more than monograms and madras. Both are must-haves for the prepster. This is the time of year I love to wear madras. Take a look at some of the pieces I wore recently...lunching and shopping.
The skirt and light blue cardi are by Lilly and the white tee is monogrammed in light blue.
I wore my Lilly blue thong sandals and carried a white Bermuda Bag. Along with my pearl necklace and stud earrings, I wore my Cartier rollring wedding band. My nail polish was 'Lovie Dovie' by Essie and my lipstick was 'Laser Pink' by Chanel. My ponytail was adorned with a white grosgrain ribbon bow and my fragrance of choice for the day was 'Wink' by Lilly.

Here's a few of my monogramming rules:
~Monograms may be used with the first/last initial only. I am not a fan of the single letter monogram because I don't think it is as personal as the full monogram.
~For a single lady--Janice Kay Sessums would use the first initial of her given, middle, and
family surname; i.e., Janice Kay Sessums---jSk.
~In the South, after Janice Kay Sessums marries Kenneth Craig Gibson, she drops her middle name Kay. Sessums would then become her middle name and Gibson would be her surname. Her name would then be Janice Sessums Gibson and her monogram would be jGs. (This Southern tradition of dropping your middle name after you have married and using your maiden surname as your new middle name, allows people to recognize your name throughout your life.)
~If Janice uses a joint married monogram for items such as crystal, china, linens, et cetera, she would use the first letter of her given name, the first letter of her husband's surname, and the first letter of her husband's given name--jGk.
It's important to remember that Janice Kay Sessums may still use the initials of her maiden throughout her life, even if she marries. I still have jewelry from my single days, with my maiden monogram.
~When monogramming clothes, men's monograms are usually small and women's are larger. A man's monogram is always on the left side of the shirt or the left cuff, in small block letters in the order of the names; i.e., Kenneth Craig Gibson--KCG.
A traditional monogram consists of three initials. Your surname is in the middle and larger. For example: Janice Sessums Gibson is jGs.
~In the South, after Janice Kay Sessums marries Kenneth Craig Gibson, she drops her middle name Kay. Sessums would then become her middle name and Gibson would be her surname. Her name would then be Janice Sessums Gibson and her monogram would be jGs. (This Southern tradition of dropping your middle name after you have married and using your maiden surname as your new middle name, allows people to recognize your name throughout your life.)
~If Janice uses a joint married monogram for items such as crystal, china, linens, et cetera, she would use the first letter of her given name, the first letter of her husband's surname, and the first letter of her husband's given name--jGk.
It's important to remember that Janice Kay Sessums may still use the initials of her maiden throughout her life, even if she marries. I still have jewelry from my single days, with my maiden monogram.
~When monogramming clothes, men's monograms are usually small and women's are larger. A man's monogram is always on the left side of the shirt or the left cuff, in small block letters in the order of the names; i.e., Kenneth Craig Gibson--KCG.
A traditional monogram consists of three initials. Your surname is in the middle and larger. For example: Janice Sessums Gibson is jGs.
The interlocking font...

The circle font...

The diamond font...

Is there anything you should NOT monogram? Right off hand, I can't think of a thing! I'm getting ready to have a window valance monogrammed! Can you every wear too many monogrammed items at the same time? Probably so and I'm certainly guilty of this all the time.
Make it personal y'all. Monogram it!
Make it personal y'all. Monogram it!