When you arrive at someone's home, ring the bell and stand back. When your hostess opens the door, wait to be invited inside. First, remove your gloves as soon as you step inside. It has never been correct to eat or drink with gloved hands.
Hat and gloves are okay to wear to tea...remember to remove those gloves as soon as you enter the home or pick up that teacup!

Little girls at tea...no gloves please...do not raise that pinkie finger either!!!
You may wear a hat to tea, but the hostess never wears a hat.

If you are given a name badge to wear, remember that it goes on your right shoulder. Oh yes, it does! Most employers require that employees wear name badges on the left shoulder, but this is incorrect...Etiquette dictates the badges be placed on the right shoulder! The reason for this is that when we shake hands, our eye automatically goes in that direction.
Name badges placed on the right shoulder...
What is the proper way to introduce yourself to others?
~Stand up--You should always stand up when being introduced or introducing yourself. It is considered rude to remain seated during an introduction.
~Smile--First impressions are everything!
~Make Eye contact--Are you uncomfortable looking directly at someone's eye's or just not sure which eye to look at??? Don't look up into the air, down at the floor, or around the room. Make eye contact! I teach children about a "safety zone." This is the area where they should look, just above the nose and between the eyebrows. If you ever see photos of children from my etiquette programs, you will notice they have a happy-face sticker on this safety zone--to remind them where to look!
Making eye contact...looking at the "Safety Zone"

~Shake Hands--Shaking hands is a universal form of greeting someone. It's very easy and important to learn how to give a proper handshake. Step out onto your right foot, extend your right hand (thumb up and remaining part of your hand flat). Grip the hand of the person you are greeting, making sure that the webs of both of your hands connect. Pump your hand firmly a couple of times. Don't shake with a limp hand and don't shake someone's hand too hard...just a nice firm grip. Remember, only the Queen of England is allowed to shake hands while wearing gloves!

~Introduce yourself--Say, "Hello, my name is Janice Gibson." It is your duty to introduce yourself at any function, large or small, if no one introduces you. Remember that when you are introducing others, the first name spoken is that of the older or more distinguished person; i.e., "Mrs. Smith (older lady), I would like to introduce to you Mr. Roberts." "Mr. Roberts (older gentleman), I would like to introduce to you my daughter Mary. If you really want to be ever-so proper, remember to say "introduce to you not introduce you to."
Young girls practicing introductions...

After all the guests have arrived, you may be asked to go through a Receiving Line/Reception line. What is the difference between a Reception Line and a Receiving Line? A Reception Line is formed at an event (wedding, afternoon tea, formal dinner, etc.) and may consist of the Bride/Groom/Parents or Host/Hostess/Guest of Honor. The Reception line most likely will include an Introducer who will introduce all the guests in the Receiving Line, guests waiting to meet and greet the people in the Reception Line.
~The guests should smile, make eye contact, introduce themselves (if there is no introducer), and shake hands with the host/hostess/guest of honor.
~Do not shake hands with the introducer.
~Never carry a beverage in your hand when you go through a receiving line.
~Remember that a parent goes before a child, to set the example.
~A lady precedes a gentleman, except at the White House or a military function.
A Reception Line at Afternoon Tea...
Loving your teas posts! I am learning so much!
This was a great reminder of some things we should all already know and practice. Thank you.
How is your friend doing? laurie
Wow, I remember that great day we wore our hats!
Etiquette is often so hard to remember. But you make it easy and fun to learn about it and the reasons why. You just gotta love the Queen!
I never knew that about the hat and the Hostess or the name tag on the right shoulder... Very interesting!
The correct side for a name badge makes sense. Happily, I have chosen the right side, for no real reason.
Thank you for the lesson.
I remember typing the introduction part of your post as a typing exercise in the 1960s. The rest was new information for me. Thank you. These are things we should know but are not taught in school, unfortunately.
Love the information about the hats!
I love these posts on etiguette. I appreciate them very much. I have a question. . .why does the hostess not wear a hat at a tea? Thank you!
Hi Miss Janice...I did not know about the name tag! I have always put it on the wrong side, I guess! Yes, ring the door bell and stand back! I was forced to put little blinds on the side lights of my door because people ring and then peer in!!! How rude! So much good information. Thank you...Debbie
Oh Miss Janice, I am enjoying this so much and trying to soak it all in! I know this is for girls, and ladies, but some of this is great for fellows too! Blessings, Nancy
Thank you for the information on the name badges. That is interesting and now that you point out the reason why it makes total sense!
Miss Janice your post are always so informative,I have learned alot reading them.
Thank you for your wonderful tips of etiquette...most helpful in this day and age!
Thanks for stopping by....I don't live in a warm climate...the pics are from this past summer...nice to dream back to that time right now while it is sooo cold and snowy!
Have a happy week!
Miss Janice, I am finding this fascinating! I am wondering - in the U.S. is it also considered non-U, as it is over here, to say 'pleased to meet you', rather than 'how do you do?', or is that just an English thing? When I use 'How do you do' in the U.S and mainland Europe, it seems to confuse people, yet in Pakistan, India and other former colonies, it is commonly used still.
Absolutely perfect!! Especially about the hostess not wearing a hat! Hardly anyone ever addresses this. Europafox - I hear 'how do you do' a lot here in the Washington DC area, but not so much in other parts of the country.
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