Hopefully, you are now ready to host an afternoon tea or to be a gracious guest. Maybe you are interested in one day teaching tea and etiquette--so I'm providing just a few websites that might be helpful if you would like to purchase tea magazines or tea books. I've also included various websites to find tea accoutrements and programs available to train to become a Tea or Etiquette Consultant.
Dorothea Johnson, maven of protocol, etiquette, and manners, was one my teachers when I studied etiquette for children. She is the founder of the Protocol School of Washington. Dorothea no longer owns the school, but you may visit her website here. If you are interested in teaching corporate etiquette, The Protocol School of Washington is the place for you. If you are interested in teaching etiquette to children or adults, try these: Emily Post, Academy of Etiquette, or Etiquette Leadership (These ladies are graduates of the Protocol School of Washington and are awesome!). If you are interested in becoming a Tea Consultant, visit Tea and Etiquette, The Elmwood Inn, The Tea Academy, or Tea U.S.A.
Dorothea Johnson, maven of protocol, etiquette, and manners, was one my teachers when I studied etiquette for children. She is the founder of the Protocol School of Washington. Dorothea no longer owns the school, but you may visit her website here. If you are interested in teaching corporate etiquette, The Protocol School of Washington is the place for you. If you are interested in teaching etiquette to children or adults, try these: Emily Post, Academy of Etiquette, or Etiquette Leadership (These ladies are graduates of the Protocol School of Washington and are awesome!). If you are interested in becoming a Tea Consultant, visit Tea and Etiquette, The Elmwood Inn, The Tea Academy, or Tea U.S.A.
The only two books about tea etiquette that I love are "Tea and Etiquette" and "Children's Tea and Etiquette," both by Dorothea Johnson. You can order these books from the sidebar of my blog under "Miss Janice Recommends."
These three websites are great guides to tearooms around the country. If you are taking a trip or just looking for a tearoom near your home, visit Tea Map, Tea Guide, or Great Tearooms of America.
Finally here are some websites for tea enthusiasts to browse:
Finally here are some websites for tea enthusiasts to browse:
Harney Tea, Tea at Tiffanys, Sandy's Tea Society, Etiquette Collection, Teacup Traditions, Art of Tea, Tea Chat, and The Twiggery.
I hope that you have learned a lot about the world's second most popular beverage! I will leave you with a photo of my mother-in-law and myself having tea. Bless her heart...she's looking directly into the teacup...just like I taught her!

"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."
Henry James
Thank you!!!
Thank you, Miss Janice! I have so enjoyed your series on tea etiquette. I had no idea that so much was involved in serving and drinking tea! Have a wonderful weekend...Debbie
Thank you so much, Miss Janice for informing us about tera etiquette. I think I can safely say we all know so much more now.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts! Thank you! So much of this has died out here in recent decades - and we need to bring it back! Love the fact you chose a Taylor's of Harrogate teabag! harrogate is only a few hours from where I live, and I drink their Earl Grey. If you ever get to go, Betty's, the famous tearoom, is the place to go!
I am so glad I found your blog! Thank you so very much for the information and the uplifting ideas. I have been blessed with every post!
Thank you. But , um will you still have a blog ? mishelle
Amazing, Miss Janice!! Bravo for this series!! :) Please do consider writing a book on this! I would be your first reader!! ;)
The Southern Housewife
Miss Janice,
Thank you for all the links, and the book recommendations. You are a treasure.
Thank you so much for a month on tea. I know it is hard, for the month of November, I wrote an article everyday. I have enjoyed your articles so much.
Excellent, thank you so much! I enjoyed every post! CHEERS! Michele
Your posts this month have been so much fun and educational, I have really enjoyed visiting your blog. I like the way you ended too with a comfortable cozy tea with a sweet companion, very relaxing!
I enjoy visiting different tea rooms when I travel. Thank you for all of the wonderful links you have provided!
What a delightful, lovely blog! So enjoyed my visit! ~Maryjane
Thank you very much! I've enjoyed this.
Thank you Miss Janice for allowing me to learn so many facinating things about having a tea and of course manners! Your blog was a breath of fresh air!!
I also want to thank you for persnally addressing some of my questions from one of your recent posts. You are so kind!
Thank you, Miss Janice! I am a new follower of your Blog. I have enjoyed reading all your suggestions. Have a wonderful weekend.
Walnut Creek, CA
Mishelle, yes, I will still be blogging!
What a wonderful series! Thank you so much for all you have shared with us!!! :D Jewel
Thank you so much for your series. I learned so much.
Thank you Miss Janice for all the work it took to put this series together. Your MIL & you look wonderful having tea together!
;-) Bo
This has been a month to make any lover of tea very happy. It sure has made this one both happy and content enough, to have a second cup. I have to go back now and bookmark this post so that I can keep the links you provided close at hand.
With the temps dropping in Florida the past few days, I'm sure you have kept the kettle on. How wonderful it is to warm up with a nice hot cup of tea.
Thanks again for this month of interesting and informative posts.
What a wonderful series of posts.. I have really enjoyed them!
I will be picking up a copy of the book in may...and hopefully will be having a tea sometime!
Thanks for sharing it all with us!
Hi Miss Janice,
You are such a great source of information! Thank you!
If you get a chance...Zip by my blog... I'm having a give away.
Dear Miss Janice! I'm so glad you will still be blogging...will it be on this blog or another? I notice that this post mentioned it's your final one. I too have thoroughly been blessed by visiting your blog~ I have one of Elmwood Inn's tea books ~ The one on "A Year of Teas at the Elmwood Inn". I look forwarding to having you post for many years ahead...please! ;) I'm also going to check out your website! ~Au Revoir ~CC Catherine
Miss Janice, Please visit my blog on Tuesday, 2/3, I have something special for you! ~CC Catherine
Hello everyone! I should have entitled this post "Tea With Miss Janice, Post #15" instead of "...Final Post." Sorry for the confusion--this is not my final post but the last in a series of the tea posts.
you are just so fab, what would we do without you?
merci beaucoup!
this is just your final TEA post, right? Not your final post? Don't leave me...I'm just getting to know you!
btw, your banner is lovely. Goodness, that is one party I would love to attend!
xo, Cheryl
Thank you, Miss Janice for bringing grace and beauty into our lives. It is deeply appreciated.
Miss Janice, just a kind reminder to not forget to check out my post today, you are mentioned in it! Have a blessed day! ;) ~CC Catherine
Thank you so much for the series on tea and tea etiquette. No one in my family ever drank hot tea while I was growing up, and believe it or not, this southern lady does not even drink iced tea. This has been a wonderful learning experience for me, and maybe even a new "hobby" for me as I think I will try some hot tea for a change.
Also thank you for the "regular" etiquette reminders that we sometimes forget. You are a true blessing!
Nice to come across a blog written by a fellow PSOW grad. I did Dorothea's children's course and the corporate etiqutte/protocol course before she sold PSOW. I let my children's certification drop but still maintain the adult version through the new PSOW. I also did her tea program before she sold it to Bruce Richardson. I don't teach very much but I think it's still important to maintain affiliation with PSOW. I'll enjoying going back and reading through your blog.
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