Here's my sweet mama, ready to go to the tearoom
Lady Ann's Tearoom, Stuart, FloridaReservations are necessary and I can see why--the place was packed! The menu consists of soups, salads, and entree items such as quiche, chicken and seafood dishes. They offer many tempting desserts, as well as iced tea and, of course, hot tea. Reservations for a Full Afternoon Tea are only accepted on Saturdays. I was very happy with my choice of lobster bisque. I also enjoyed the shrimp & crab quiche--which was served with potato salad and fruit. I decided to try their raspberry iced instead of hot tea, because of the warm weather that day.
The lobster bisque Shrimp & Crab Quiche, potato salad, and fruit
Our visit was during the Christmas holidays and the tearoom was decorated with beautiful trees for the season. The ambiance was perfect and we both had a wonderful visit there.
I am giving Lady Ann's "Miss Janice's Five Silver Spoons Award." I loved it and I will definitely return!
FIVE SILVER SPOONS! for Lady Ann's Tearoom, Stuart, Florida
Thank you for visiting with me today. I hope that you will visit Tea Map or Tea Guide and find a tearoom to visit at home or when traveling. If you are in the Stuart, Florida area, visit Lady Ann's Tearoom at 506 SE Camden Avenue, or visit her online at Lady Ann's Tearoom.
May you be steeped in His love, infused in His Mercy, and sweetened with His grace.
Looks like a great place...and what wonderful memories for you and Mom!
You certainly did find a delicious spot! So glad you were able to enjoy it with your Mom. In the long term of life, having your Mom with you will be the best part of your memory.
Thanks for the tea room locator sites, Janice. I am taking my aunt to a tea room soon & would love to explore a new one.
Your mom has such an engaging smile!
Hi Miss Janice-
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your blog and your website! I am so delighted to know that there is at least one remaining true Southern Belle out there. And...I'm thrilled to know you're just up the road from me. I look forward to trying Lady Ann's soon!
Love your sweet mama. She and you are the best and I am so glad you told us about this tea room. I am going to have to find one in Knoxville and take you to it.
Looks dee-lish! I love lobster bisque and you can't go wrong with lovely looking quiche!!!! I need to find someone who will go downtown (Chicago) with me for a teatime! CHEERS! Michele
I wish it were closer to me - my favorite tea room closed not long ago :(
What a wonderful way to share a day with your Mama. I would love to do that with my Mom and daughter. We're all tea people, and going to tea rooms is a treat for us. We love to feel girly sometimes!
I enjoy your blog so much. Thanks for today's post. Very enjoyable.
The food looks wonderful, as does the lovely tea room. What fun, to have a day of tea and shopping with your lovely Mother.
Glad you and your Mother were able to enjoy an afternoon tea, while she was visiting.
Thanks for the websites. I'll have to check and see what is available in my area.
Prayers still ascending for Teresa.
This looks like such a lovely place...wish I lived closer!
Thank you for sharing and for stopping by!
Have a happy week!
Well Miss Janice,I am drooling on the keyboard.I just ate and now I'm hungry again.This food looked awesome.I love tearooms.This one looked heavenly...Ann
Hi Miss Janice, that looks like a good place to eat. It must have been if it deserved 5 spoons! Thanks for taking a look at the frames..... I think I've recooperated from the holidays....Finally! I was pretty busy! Kristen
Thanks for sharing your afternoon. I love Tea Rooms too. If I'm ever in FL I will book a reservation!!!
If I am ever that close I will have to stop and enjoy some tea! Thanks for the review~
That does look like such a charming place, and the food looks delicious.
Have you heard anything about your friend who went into the hospital?
I still have her in my prayers.
What a lovely place, Miss Janice! Thanks for sharing the info on finding tea rooms! How is Teresa doing? Hope she is doing better! Blessings, Nancy
Good morning Miss Janice...your mom looks so classy...just like you! I love the green & red in the first photo...and what agreat idea you have to award your "5 silver spoon award" to worthy tearooms...
Hope all is well with your friend..
;-) Bo
It looks like you had a wonderful day with your dear mother. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful tea room with everyone. I am so excited that you are exploring your new community and finding some lovely places to enjoy! By the way, I am still praying for your friend!
Thanks for always stopping by and visiting Janice. We don't have many tea rooms here. Looked like a lovely place
I love tea rooms! Looks like yall had a delightful time. Your mama is precious!
I'm gonna post a bit about tea...with this being teas month and all...just thought I might borrow some of the info from your earlier post...I've read that info before and thought I would pass some of it along.
...been praying for your friend
Your mother is precious! And it looks like you two found a great spot for tea. I'm so glad you got to enjoy her visit this way.
Have a lovely day...
Sheila :-)
I used Tea Map regularly. I just wish there were more tearooms close by!
I LOVE going to Tea Rooms...I have been to many in the Bay Area here in California.....for me it is such a treat going with my girlfriends...I grew up with Mom is from Ireland and I think she put it in my baby bottle...hehe...
Mo :-)
Oh! I am jealous, a tea room and your mom...what a treat. Can't wait to find a new tea room to visit with a new friend since you moved away.
Sounds like a lovely place.
Are you close to Dade City?
While I was in FL recently, I went there to a place called Lunch on the Limoge. It's a very nice place with excellant food.
Hope you and your Mom had a great time. She looks very elegant in the pic.
What a wonderful tea room. Your mother is beautiful. I know you both enjoyed the visit. I'll definetly be checking out those sights. Thanks so much for sharing.
hugs ~lynne~
I just found your blog and I love it! Thanks for visiting me today.
Miss Janice, I don't drink a lot of hot tea but I do love girly little lunch spots. The one you and your mom found looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing your day with us.
Your mother is so adorable Miss Janice! I wrote about you today in my post.
I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. Your mom is so precious!
Awww. . . your Mother is beautiful! She looks so darling! I enjoyed the pictures of the tea room. The food looked scrumptious.
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