Friday, November 30, 2012

Adding Cute Loot to an Ordinary Outfit

Y'all know I love cute loot!  I've always thought that accessories can make an otherwise boring outfit way cuter!  Tonight I'm wearing my J Crew jeans, a lime green turtleneck from Belk's, a cheetah print scarf also from Belk's, and brown Gucci loafers.  Not bad, but not totally Miss Janice either...I needed another cute accessory.

Well hello!  Y'all say hey to my newest blog sponsor...The Palm Gifts!  The Palm Gifts offers custom preppy cute loot, with the latest trends in monogrammed gifts.  Of course you can "like" their Facebook page and keep up with all their sales and promotions.  They are also on Twitter and Instagram, spreading more photos of their cute stuff!

Rebecca is the owner and she so graciously sent me a fabulous monogrammed gift...Do y'all not just love it?!  It's a monogrammed wine bag..."Merlot Hour" on the road made easy and chic.  I love the brown with the  lime green interlocking script font {my favorite font}, it matches my turtleneck and looks so cute!!!

My Accessory du Jour!

No brown bagging for moi...I'm ready to arrive at a party in style tonight!

There is a sleeve down the middle that allows you to carry 2 bottles of wine without them rubbing together.

There is a snap on the back side if you wish to fold it up...of course, I would only do this to protect the precious monogram when packing it inside a suitcase.

Please say hey to Rebecca at The Palm Gifts and stop over to check out all her cute loot!!!


Something Delightful by Rachel Timmerman said...

I just LOVE that bag, Miss Janice! It makes the outfit. Your initials look gorgeous in a monogram :)

And be sure to enter my Henri Bendel Christmas Ornament giveaway!

Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

A monogrammed wine bag....hmmm....makes me wish I drank wine! You loof fab!

Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Love it, all your items really dress up your outfit. You are adorable! XO ~Liz

Miss Southern Prep said...

I love that wine bag! Too fabulous!