I have been looking for new lighting for the inside of my pink preppy closet...I wanted a pink chandelier but the ones I saw online were either too juvenile, too shabby chic, or too formal. Please say Bonjour to the newest addition to my favorite room.

I found this inexpensive brass chandelier at Home Depot and decided to spray it the color of pink that I needed.

Boom! Mambo Pink is the perfect shade of pink to coordinate will all the pink loot inside my closet.

I'm thinking about getting some monogrammed chandelier shades from The Pink Giraffe...you can customize your fabric...lots of options y'all! Of course, I'd probably end up with my go-to pink gingham!

Thanks for stopping by y'all!
I love it! Yes ma'am... I would add the bling.:)
I love, Love, LOve, LOV, LOVE the new addition to your closet!! How very festive. I like it just as it is. Don't you just adore spray paint?
Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
Yes to shades and bling.
so cute! I vote no bling, it's perfect as is!
Nice work, Miss Janice! I vote yes for shades, no for bling.
LOVE the shades!!
Love the chandelier- bling and /or shades would be darling and whimsical!
Hooray! It's wonderful! I have a chandlier over my bathtub, but I didn't think to put on in my closet.
I think your chandelier is rather wonderful my daughter (age8) read your post and suggested that the again to the ceiling should have a ruffled silk chain cover to match your shades.. We love your blog here in the UK thank you so much for a great
Dear Radcliffe,
Please tell your daughter that I adore her idea! The silk chain cover with shades would be a perfect look for my closet!
Miss Janice
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