To celebrate, I want to offer a gift that will be meaningful and represent what my blog is about--Social Graces...Southern Style. I started thinking about the massive amount of e-mails I receive daily and what people want to know from moi. There's the usual dining etiquette questions, appropriate attire questions, gifting etiquette questions, et cetera. What is the question I get the most? "How do I learn about Southern etiquette?" My reply is usually to direct the person first to social etiquette books, either by Letitia Baldrige or Emily Post. Then I recommend several books written by Southern authors about Southern etiquette, entertaining, hospitality, et cetera.
I can say that I was taught all the prissy Southern stuff at early age by my mama, her lady friends, my aunts, and etiquette teachers. These books I am giving away today will definitely give you the inside information on what we Southern ladies have spent a lifetime learning!
Miss Janice's Social Graces...Southern Style Giveaway

To start, I'm including the latest copy of Southern Lady magazine--a must-read for any Southern lady! This magazine, published by Phyliss Hoffman, always delivers beautiful tablescapes, recipes, and loads of Southern lifestyle inspiration. Next, there are three books by Deborah Ford, famous for "GRITS--Girls Raised in the South." The first book is Putting on the Grits, A Guide to Southern Entertaining; the second is The GRITS Guide to Life, and the third is GRITS Friends Are Forevah. All of her books are excellent sources for those who want to learn about Southern etiquette.
The next book is A Southern Belle Primer, by Marlyn Schwartz. This is a great little book for Southern belle wannabes!
The last book is one of my all-time favorites What Southern Women Know, by Ronda Rich. You will absolutely adore this book!
Here's how to enter my Social Graces...Southern Style Giveaway:
~Post a comment about why you Might Be a Southern Lady (refer to my website link here to find out if you are a Southern Lady)--you receive 1 entry
~Be a follower of Miss Janice's blog--you receive 2 entries
~Post about my giveaway or add a button to the sideboard of your blog--you receive 3 entries
The deadline to enter this drawing is on Tuesday at 12:00 midnight, EST. I will announce the winner on Wednesday afternoon. Good luck to y'all!