I promised myself I wasn't going to do it...but yes, I have jumped on the super popular bubble necklace bandwagon. I found a couple of them {knockoffs} at the local flea market and the rest I ordered on eBay...from China. I loved that I got each of them for less than $10, including free shipping!

J Crew made these necklaces popular awhile back and they originally sold for $150. Right now they have this necklace on sale for $99.99. Y'all please...I love J Crew, but I just can't see myself spending this much on a necklace that might be out-of-style next week.

I think that my new $8 necklaces look the same as the expensive ones and I have no problem wearing my necklaces from China! You can find some cute bubble necklaces in bright colors on eBay here.
Thank you for visiting with me today and y'all have a wonderful week!
I think they are quite pretty. Loving the colors. Can't wait to see pictures of you wearing them. I'm sure they will be striking!
I bought 2 of the china ones, but they itch so bad! Do you have this problem? It might be my sensitive skin!
I've yet to take that plunge, but all the younger gals here at the office have them. I think I'd get some wear out of one this summer. Maybe I can find one that goes with the most for under $10.
Happy Monday,
Lulu and Daisy
Dressbarn carries these as well.Lori
JCrew and other stores like that are so ridiculous with the prices of some of their accessories. A plastic necklace for $150? The things people will do to feel like they are "in".
Very cute! You can't beat that price, and IMO, they look just like the J Crew version. Enjoy the trend!
I saw these on ebay the other day and thought about picking up a few to play dress up with! I'm glad to hear they are worth it.
They have grown on me. At first I thought, nope, not for me. I am now in search of an inexpensive one in red to match a cotton top that I just ordered. Some are way too big in my humble opinion, so I have to find just the right size.
I bought four. I am such a joiner. :) Nicole@rsvpshindig.com
I bought a red one on etsy (from China) after reading about a similar link. I love mine it's so fun. I have not seen them at the flea markets.
btw, the comments here made me chuckle lol
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