Happy Easter to y'all! Of course, this morning I attended Easter service at Church:) LOVE my Church!

The Ladies Church Garden Club and the Altar Guild did a wonderful job! Take a look at the Altar...
The needlepoint kneeler cushions at the Altar Rail are stunning!
Of course, on Easter Sunday, MOST people are dressed in their 'Sunday Best Easter Outfit'. From my front-row seat, {got there just in time to get the last seat--UP FRONT, Lord have mercy!} I saw everyone. One gentleman looked very dapper in his seersucker jacket. There were several beautiful hats and many bright colored linen suits. Then...there was the white sandals with stockings. The blue jeans with tennis shoes and topsiders? I love topsiders also, but on Easter Sunday? After the service, one of the ladies on the Altar Guild was working at the Altar and it was then that I realized she and I were the only Lilly-clad girls present!!!
After Church, I went straight home {no shopping!} for a traditional Easter Sunday Dinner of Honeybaked Ham, green bean casserole, cream corn, mashed potatoes, salad, and Sister Schubert rolls. Since the gym is closed today {YAY for that}, I'm gonna have a relaxing day and watch Miss Coco dig into her little Easter basket.
"HERE'S WHAT WORE" Decided to go blue this Easter with the Worth shift Lace, 'Aquamarine in the Slim', by Lilly.
Love the pattern, with the ladies {also dressed in Lilly} in a fountain...
I broke out my white Revas and carried a little white Bermuda bag to celebrate the first day of 'White Shoe Season'. My white cardi throw is from Land's End. I wore my rollring wedding band by Cartier, my pearl necklace, and my Ralph Lauren pearl earrings & bracelet. My ponytail was adorned with an aqua ribbon and my fragrance of choice for the day was 'Wink' by Lilly.
Happy Easter, Miss Janice!
Hello Friend!!
Happy Easter! You looked beautiful this morning. As miss coco:)
I hope you had a blessed day. Saw your tweet this AM, sorry I missed you :(
Hope your having a great rest of the day!
Happy Easter to Miss Janice and Miss Coco!
Happy Easter Miss Janice.
Happy Easter Miss Janice! Love your Lilly shift and Miss Coco looks adorable as always. The ladies at your church do a wonderful job of decorating, it looks beautiful!
Happy Easter Miss Janice! Your church looks beautiful. And you look fabulous as always! Did Miss Coco share the basket with Puff Kitty?
Happy Easter Miss Janice!
Cute, cute, cute dress!!!!!!!!!
Happy Easter from California. I loved your blog today.
He has risen.
I don't think those people came to church today to impress you. I'm sad you had to post this on your blog publicly. You are are southern lady with class I thought. This is why a lot of people want go to church because of people like you. If I was you, I would delete that part from your blog post FAST! =(
You dress is beautiful...as is Miss Coco's! Happy Easter!!!
xoxo Gerr
Happy Easter Miss Janice. HE is risen! Your Church is beautiful. You look fabulous and Coco looked adorable. Thank you for sharing. xo
Happy Easter! love your menu and your outfit, especially the Revas.
Hi Miss Janice! I'm so glad you had a nice Easter Sunday. Your church looks so wonderful! Love how the ceiling looks with all the rafters! Just lovely!
We're pretty casual here on our little island and no man wears a suit. It's just too hot! :)
Little Miss Coco is darling in her little Easter dress.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
My goodness Miss Janice, isn't it wonderful that USA citizens can express their opinions without being imprisoned? I too like to see all the finery at church on Easter Sunday and appreciate people coming in anyway they can. Dressed-up or not!! I think your post was GREAT! Don't let negativity spoil your own opinion.
Miss Kara
My goodness Miss Janice, isn't it wonderful that USA citizens can express their opinions without being imprisoned? I too like to see all the finery at church on Easter Sunday and appreciate people coming in anyway they can. Dressed-up or not!! I think your post was GREAT! Don't let negativity spoil your own opinion.
Miss Kara
Miss Janice,
You and Coco looked marvelous this morning!
We live in a small rural area and attend the church that is in the middle of the valley, literally.
I have been unable to attend church for several months because of my health. And I do disaprove of the way some of the people dress - myself included, but sometimes it's the only way I can make it at all. Our members give me, and each other, hugs and kisses given with great love to every member, no matter how we are dressed.
We are there to show respect to our Lord, not to show off our taste in clothes.
I read your blog every time I am able to be up and have enjoyed every moment, but this one.
I wish you the very best!
Ruth Ann
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