We'll be sprucing up the outside of our cottage in 2013. Here is a painting that Fifi Flowers did of our home a couple of years ago.

We still own this house up in Mississippi, but it doesn't look like we'll be going back there for now. When we lived in this house, I decorated it with a lot of dark woods and now that we are gonna stay in Florida for a bit longer, I really want to lighten things up.
No more black porch furniture...
These are the colors I'm going with. The house will be painted yellow, with white shutters and white doors. The front and pack porches will be decked out with lots of turquoise, white, and hot pink {yes, that's a cute hot pink} furniture, with some lime green thrown in.

Gotta get back to today's task...taking down Christmas decorations and getting rid of a couple of themes. I want my garage to stay neat and organized and stuff must go. Thanks for visiting with me today.
Lawd a mercy, Miss Janice is going 'Miami Vice' on us! I think it will look smashing!!
Eek, I am so excited for you. This is going to be so fantabulous. I look forward to quite a lovely transformation.
Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
I can't wait to see the before/after pictures. :) I'm sure the changes will be amazing!
You have such a wonderful touch with all your decor Miss Janice :) Excited to see your completed new look...it is such a happy & fun in the sun color palette !
Best wishes, Pattie
I love all the happy color - totally suits your cheerful personality!
I know it will look smashing. I am in awe of all you do in terms of decorating and themes. I am curious as to a personal biography tho. Do you and the mister have any children or grandchildren?
No, we do not have children.
Oh Janice! What fun this will be. Something to look forward to after Christmas.
I've been feeling inspired of late to do something similar here. We've done a lot inside...moving to "lowcountry" colors...but not outside. Look forward to seeing your changesl
I love yellow houses with white shutters. It will look great. Can't wait to see it.
Thank you! I was feeling very inadequate in terms of my own time management! Kids and Gkids take up sooo much time! Can't wait to see your new decorating genius!!! I believe I was a southern bellle in another life, and just love your posts!
you have wonderful taste I can't wait to see the results
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