You "Might be a Southern Lady" have deviled egg plates for every occasion--egg plates for all the major holidays, egg plates to-go, and fancy, high-fallutin' egg plates--they are all de rigueur!

Southerners love deviled eggs. The deviled egg is the perfect party food and a beloved staple at Southern events. Nobody can eat just one...they are most definitely the first food to go at a party! Whether you are attending a baby shower or a bridal shower, a picnic, tailgating party, funeral reception, or potluck meal...if you want to be the belle of the buffet, show up with deviled eggs!
Southern ladies have recipes for all kind of deviled eggs--crab stuffed, Tex Mex, Tomato Basil, et cetera. Last night I prepared some deviled eggs, using a very simple recipe...
1 dozen eggs
Grey Poupon Coarse Ground Mustard
Salad Relish
Salt and Pepper
I boiled the eggs, let them cool, then peeled and sliced them in half. I scooped out the yolk into a large bowl and added the mayo, mustard, relish, and salt and pepper. I didn't add a certain amount, just what I thought tasted good! And, just 'cuz I like it, I sprinkled paprika on top of each one.
I served Harney Tea's African Autumn tea with our's the perfect beverage for this time of year. I LOVE this tea!
My OOTN: Black tee, with black leggings, and an autumn half-apron from my "Prissy Apron Collection." And...pearls, of course!

Etiquette tip: How to eat a deviled egg:
Deviled eggs are finger foods and only served at Buffets, Picnics, Tailgates, and other informal casual settings. When eating finger foods, remember to follow the three-finger rule...Use the thumb, middle, and index fingers when picking up the food with your fingers.
If you are standing up at an event, sit your beverage on a nearby table and and hold your plate with your palm underneath. Take a couple of bites of the egg...don't put the whole thing in your mouth at once and please don't slurp out the yolk--Lord have mercy, that would be tacky!

I'm busy today getting my Halloween treats together for the youngins on Wednesday. Y'all have a great week!!!
I'm a New Englander, but still love my deviled eggs, and I make them often!
You are cute Miss Janice :)
Make sure to use Duke's mayo, it's the only mayo true Southerner's used, other than homemade :)!!!
You are just so June Cleaver. I love it! And I love deviled eggs too. The pumpkin deviled egg tray is really cute & different. I could go for some of those eggs right now. Have a great week!
Love deviled eggs! we have to have them at almost all family events!
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