I get all kinds of e-mails from my readers...some like my "
Here's What I Wore" posts and some don't. I know that I can't please all y'all, but recently, I received an anonymous comment from a reader who said she thought my "
obsession to wear clothes fit for only 20 year-olds" was out of control. She also mentioned that I should "
focus on bloggers my own age for my 'Friday Style File'." Lord have mercy!
First, I think that my wardrobe is rather prim & proper.
Second, I feature bloggers whose style I admire. When I look at their outfits, I don't want try to copy them; I am inspired by them and get ideas from them. Then, I create my own outfit and make it my own! I am featuring stylish bloggers in no certain order. {Some of my very favorite style bloggers are still in my queue} Coming up this Friday, I will be featuring a blogger who has fantastic style and she is also close to my age!
My style has always been a bit prim & proper, classic, and preppy. In the photo below {circa early 80's}, I am dressed in a very preppy style and that has remained my fashion style of choice since then.

In the photo below {taken 30 years later during the summer of 2011}, I'm still rocking that same style...preppy skirts, Bermuda bags, and the
same ponytail!

By now, y'all should know that I adhere to my own strict dress code when attending church...no bare arms, no low-cut outfits, no see-through outfits, and stockings are a must, along with closed-toe shoes. My 'Vara'
Ferragamo pumps are the perfect choice for my church shoes. {Dressy pumps for the grown-up girls} Too young? I think not!

Lilly 'Sabine' shirtdress is preppy and also prim, paired with hot pink tights and Revas. I don't think this outfit looks too young for me! In fact, the day I wore this, I received numerous compliments and one lady who was around my age commented that she loved seeing me wearing the tights with the dress and said that she was gonna start wearing them also!

Lilly 'Havana A Good Time' shift is perfect for summer church services, when paired with a pink cardi, stockings, and closed-toe Revas! Full of color and yet just prim and proper enough for church!

Back in the day, you could find me sunning on the beach in St. Thomas wearing bikinis. Well, nowadays, I'm rocking this cute
Lilly 'Grasshopper' one-piece...usually with a cute
Lilly cover up! Cute and colorful suit for the grown-up girls!
The Lilly Amberly 'Twinkle' dress...Oh my...When I walked into the Lilly store, this darling strapless dress caught my eye. However, at my age, I think this style is too young for me! *le sigh*
While I realize that the fashion industry caters to young women, I think that the older ladies can still have fun with fashion. The Lilly Cherry 'Twinkle' dress...it's the same pattern as the strapless number above and a much better choice for the "little old lady" in me.
Years ago, I would have totally rocked this Lilly Isabel 'White Mariposa' halter dress...
But, the grown-up Miss Janice now chooses to wear this classic Lilly 'White Mariposa' Margot shift dress...with a green cardi over my shoulders and grass green Revas.
I can't ever remember wearing a skirt that was 13 1/4" long--even when I was young...but I do love the Lilly 'State of Mind' pattern...I tried on both of the shifts and the Bermuda shorts, but none of them were a good fit for me.
So I picked up the Lilly Roslyn skirt in the 'State of Mind' pattern...18 /14" long. This is a great length for me, since I'm only 5' 4" tall.
Oh my goodness...I totally loved this Lilly Bowen 'Chorus Girl' dress in the strapless style. This is the pattern I chose for my Easter dress, but y'all know I'd never walk into church wearing a strapless dress...even with a cardi. *le sigh*
So, I chose the Lilly Eryn 'Chorus Girl' dress below and thought my Easter frock dilemna was solved! Not!!! When I got it home, this dress looked so dowdy on me. I absolutely loved it, but it wasn't made for short girls...or this short girl! Took it back and now the hunt for the Easter frock is still on!!! I may actually have to look inside "Miss Janice's closet" for my dress...Lord have mercy!
I first saw this Lilly 'Bowen' strapless dress in turquoise with the 'Laroc Panel Embroidery' at Dillard's. I wanted it so bad, but again, the style is just too young for me...
So, I bought the Lilly 'Roslyn' skirt and I LOVE it!!! Can't wait to wear this cutie after Easter.
I do try to choose fashion that is appropriate for my age. I don't wear low-cut tops or mini-skirts, I've never worn stilletos in my life nor have I worn tops that show my midriff.
My ponytail. Hmmmm. A lot of y'all probably think that I'm too old to be wearing my hair in a ponytail with grosgrain ribbon bows and headbands. The only thing I can say is that my ponytail keeps getting
shorter and
lower...maybe almost in a low chignon. I will NEVER stop wearing the ponytail and will probably still be adorning it with cute grosgrain bows when I get to the
Rest Home. It's all just me...and my style!
Miss Janice~
I think you are just wonderful! Certainly do wish folks would stick to the rule of...If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all! And one thing is for certain, some comments come from nothing but unhappy, jealous people!
Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
Well, naturally, it was an "anonymous" comment, right? I hate that.
I admire the wardrobes/styles of a good many people: young, old, men, women...and it's perfectly acceptable to point out those people who we consider to be stylish.
Honestly, I can't imagine how you could dress that would be any more appropriate for your age or anyone else's. Why do we have to dress a certain way once we celebrate a specific number of birthdays?
"Anonymous" should post some photos of THEIR wardrobe. I expect we'd all be seriously underwhelmed.
I love your style and it amazes me that folks will be so verbal about not liking it. Don't comment rude people just move on. Keep your style going just right.
I think you always dress appropriate for your age. I don't think that women over a certain age should be limited to bedazzled track suits and clothes from Bon Worth (I call it the "Old Lady Store") Keep wearing what you are wearing.
Miss Janice I love your style and admire often how age appropriate you present yourself.
Your wardrobe is lovely and perfectly suited to your taste and age. (Although I don't know precisely what that is and would never ask! I think we are fairly close in age.) I might understand the poster's comment if you were wearing short shorts, midriff bearing shirts, and tank tops. As far as the ponytail, I see lovely women well into their 80's who look classically beautiful and appropriate with their all gray hair pulled back into a short, low ponytail. Love your style!
People love to hate! I say you look great in whatever the heck you want to wear! Keep on keepin on Miss Janice!
I find that as I get older I have this crisis about dressing the age I feel or the age I actually am, and have questioned whether the ribbons I wear in my pony tails would be better suited for a girl in her 20's. I decided that the one nice thing aobut getting older is that I do not give a whoot what anyone thinks - I am wearing the bow b/c I think it looks cute. :)
Loved the post!
I love your blog, and adore all the fabulous fashions you share with us. This is YOUR blog, so if someone doesn't approve of something, tell them to stop reading. Keep up what you are doing. We love it!
Don't listen to that girl- I think style is ageless. You absolutely dress appropriately for your age, and I adore your preppy, fun style. Hope you have a wonderful day!
There's always a critic out there. I remember when I did my 'Advice for my 14 year old self' series/book I would get emails from people arguing with me about how they didn't do this or that and their life turned out just fine! LOL Ummm ok!
I find negative comments stem from jealousy - I suspect your anonymous *uh huh* reader is simply ruing the fact she/he can't get away with fun colours and cute outfits. At least you aren't trying to squeeze yourself into jeans 3 sizes too small and a tank top! I always think you look perfectly put together.
Miss Janice, I love and admire your style. I, too, was a girl of the '80's and love the preppy style of dress.
I suppose everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. Personally, I feel that if the person who wrote those very unkind comments doesn't like the style you choose, then she can simply choose not to follow your blog.
I look forward, each day, to see what cute and very age appropriate things you will share.
I hope you have a blessed day. Let's say a prayer for that other person.
Perfect on ALL occasions.
Thanks for y'all's sweet comments. I would like to add something to this post. The majority of bloggers that I follow {probably 85%} are in their 20's and young enough to be my children. With that said, again, I don't copy them but I am inspired by their style. There really aren't a whole lot of bloggers my age who post their Outfits of the Day {OOTD}. If anyone wants to comment here and help me find more little old lady bloggers...with style, I will be more than happy to check them out and feature them on my blog...if I like their style!
You always look appropriate! Love your style. I have the same swim suite as you! And always wear it with a cover up. I admire style and then make it work for me too
Miss Janice, don't mind that jealous, want to be perfect lady! You drees appropriate for your age.. Not only you have impeccable taste on putting out your wardrobe together your home is beautiful inside and out as well... Your response to her comment was well said.. She would eat her heart out when she sees the pictures of you in the 80's and haven't changed at all.. Two thumbs up 2 you!!
This goes 2 your anonymous reader, You must be a misarable old lady, keep your comments 2 yourself!!!
I adore your style and your blog just makes me smile every time!
I adore your style and your blog always makes me smile. You are darling!
You are just too cute, and too sweet!! Stay true to yourself! And keep looking preppy with the pony tail!
Since when does classic style have an age appropriate limit? That's absurd!! I imagine that the person making the comments can't wear the outfits you can and there is some jealousy going on there. You just keep on keeping on! We love you just the way you are!!!!
Well, Lord Have Mercy! Obviously, their mother never told them, If you don't have something nice to say, Keep your mouth shut!
And I think you're look is fabulous...preppy, classic and timeless! Just because we're growing older doesn't mean we have to succumb to frumpy, out-dated style. I say keep doing what you're doing! :o)
Miss Janice, you are the epitome of good taste! I don't feel your dress is at all inappropriate for your age. Which by the way is your business. IMO Lilly is timeless, provided one's hemline is not too high, nor top cut too low. And, a cardi worn with takes care of the bare arms. I agree with the comment, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" I'm growing weary of the insecure, hateful trolls who choose to ooze their ugly comments at lovely women. It's completely uncalled for and is inappropriate behavior. But as we all know, "freedom of speech", "haters gonna hate", etc., etc. Keep being wonderful you Miss Janice! You're adored just the way you are!! xoxo
One of the advantages of things "clasic" and preppy is that they can be wore by women of many ages. Your wardrobe is entirely appropriate, without being dowdy. And, for one thing, your Sunday suit actually looks a bit matronly for you -- you could wear something equally conservative and demure, but a little more youthful. You look great. Tired of so many people who try to make us old before our time. Stay classic,stay cute.
Miss Janice, My brain just about exploded when I read that someone was ugly to you. You are a true lady and it really irks me that someone feels the need to say something like that. We as women should be more supportive of one another!!
Miss Janice, you are an inspiration, and this 'lady' was quite clearly jealous of your style and great figure (I wish I had pins like that!). Your style is lovely and your posts and taste appeals to all age groups - which obviously means your style is timeless and classic.
I think Miss Lilly P herself would agree you are 100% appropriate!
I LOVE your sense of style and get inspiration from you ALL THE TIME! Don't stop showing your cute outfits because one fool doesn't like them. She should just not read your blog.
It irks me to no end when people troll around making snarky, rude remarks just to give them some secret thrill. Last night on Pintrest, some woman who has an account but zero pins made a fuss over something I made for myself- not to sell. If you don't like something, just don't read the blog, tweets or pins. It's really quite simple!
Also, do the snarky commentors realize you live in Florida? Style and need for hair out of your face are very different than say in Chicago, IL, Madison, WI or Albany, NY.
Miss Janice:
I love your style! And I have noticed that most bloggers that showcase their style are young. I wonder if there are bloggers out there in the 40's or 50's that we just don't know about? I wish they would come forward. There is a market for them!
I like that you style your hair the way you do. It is age appropriate without "aging" you.
Keep it up!
umm you look fabulous! I love your style and think you always look classy and age appropriate :)
I believe your style fits you and your lifestyle. I enjoy your outfit photos and who really cares what someone thinks.
I too, love your style. So classic and very classy. And you KNOW I LOVE your photos. Please don't ever let anyone talk you out of posting them. I know you've had a few ugly comments as of late, and I respect the fact that you publish all comments, but the majority of us really do like to see what you're wearing.
RE the ponytail, Jessica Tandy wore a low ponytail and often tied it w/ a black ribbon.
You look lovely.
Miss Janice
As one "Preppy" to another I have to say that in no stretch-of-the imagination have I ever seen you in clothing that could be construed as "mutton dressed as lamb". Always proper - with a hint of "joie de vie". Not a bit of the innapropriate "tacky trophy wife" desperate-not-to-age look about you. I say proudly pop your collar and rock your pink and green!
Miss Janice,
You are classic. That anonymous person is silly. There is also something to be said for "dressing too old", too. No one wants to do that either. You are right on target.
I am shocked that someone would say that about your amazing style! You featured me in you Friday stye post and I am over 40 so they really can't talk about only having younger girls. I did a post once about dressing FOR you age, not "dressing your age". I think that is absolutely the key. You always follow the age appropriate guidelines perfectly. Also, color is ageless! There is no age limit on pink, green and light blue. Cute ponytails are southern, not limited to a certain age. keep blessing us with your cute outfits and style inspiration,we love it!
From Katespade-aholic.com
Hi Miss Janice, I found your blog a month and spent several weekends reading every post. I'm 40 years old and love your style. If She Whose Name Will Not Be Mentioned had a problem, she should've behaved like a lady and kept it to herself. Keep writing...we love you!
p.s. my husband would like to talk to you about my new Lilly obsession LOL!
Your style is ageless and I love it!
i just wish people would mind their own business, i am in my late 20's and i dress very conservative for my age, and still people think the got to help me. Miss Janice, i think your style is very appropriate, and we all have to get our ideas from somewhere.
I think you are a beautiful dresser. I love seeing what you put together. Some people just have to get their digs in from time to time or they're just not happy. I'm 58 and growing my hair back out so I can wear it in a ponytail this summer. I'm moving to a warmer climate and think it will be easier pulled back....and I have a wonderful collection of headbands which I wear quite often. So there!
Miss Janice,
You are a fashion rock-star! And don't let anyone tell you different.:)
Phooey to that anon commenter. You are classic, beautiful and timeless!
You always look wonderful, and in my opinion very age appropriate. The person who said otherwise is simply jealous and ridiculous!
You always look wonderful, and in my opinion very age appropriate. The person who said otherwise is simply jealous and ridiculous!
I don't know your blog Miss Janice, but hooray to ponytails. I'm a pony woman too. Just wanted to say that. People that me that a ponytail doesn't work for the work place and I need to do something with my hair as I'm a young woman and not a school girl anymore, but I like my natural hair and a pony is the easiest and best looking style for my hair. It was just nice to see someone else who wears pony's too.
Thank you for making me feel, not so alone in the pony world. =D
Wow Miss Janice!
I can't believe someone can be so rude.
I am 19 years old & yes, I adore your style. But do I think it's too "young" for you? Absolutely not.
What you wear can work for anyone of any age. I think all your outfits are spot-on & I really hope you haven't taken this to heart.
You are fabulous!
- Ebony-Rose
Ma'am you don't need to explain. You are simply fabulous in your own way and style. I don't blogs, I only read them. When I came across your site, I was hooked and attempted to backtrack olders posts in one sitting. I also can't bear to part with my youth and the girl in me. But I act my age and behave appropriately. I think you are great loving still the things you love when you were younger. I too will still the same - bows, pink, ballet flats, shimmers, and a lot of fun!
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