Yes, sometimes I crack my own self up! Tonight, I'm in my office...tweeting, facebooking, and going through my Wish List Book. It's also my Style File. It contains photos and information about cute loot I want to buy. Every since I've been married, I have always kept a file of stuff I wanted...some of the stuff is extravagant--but it still stays in the book, just in case my husband hits the lottery!
I went to a seminar years ago and the speaker was talking about "getting what you want in life". He said "you must first visualize it"! "Visualize yourself having it and you will get it!" HA! As we all know, that doesn't always work, but I still keep filing photos in my book, just in case.
Here's my Wish List Book. The photos on the cover change from time to time, depending on my little heart's desire!
Inside the binder I also keep a Lilly folder, with estimates, vendor names and contact information.
Fabric samples...

My big project on the horizon will be to get my cottage repainted. This is how it looks now...it's a light green stucco with olive green doors and shutters. I want to paint it a pretty bright yellow with brighter green shutters and doors.

This is a photo of one of my favorite houses nearby. I love the vine which drapes from the top of the porch. This is definitely on my list of things to do! {Y'all, I love this house so much, I ride by it all the time...I go real slow and drool. I have even knocked on their front door once to ask about the name of the vine...it's a variegated bouganvilla. The lady probably thought I was crazy.}
Gonna add some window boxes with pretty red flowers onto the front windows...

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that recently I was fretting because I went out and bought birdseed and no birds showed up for about a week. Well now it's like McDonald's after school lets out...mucho bird feedin' action going on! So I must get some more bird condos...something a little more upscale than they have now!
Don't even ask me why I don't already have a white wicker swing on my front porch...I have no idea why! But, it's on the list:)
This comfy hammock would be pretty on my back porch.
I've been meaning to buy these for my front or my side door...so cute and so Southern!

Mlle. Coco Chanel needs a new bed and this one is just perfect for her...maybe with a cheetah print covered pillow!

Saw these copper molds in a magazine and I search for them all the time.
This is BIG TIME on my list! Want this bad y'all!
Of course, this would be on the front...

Another must-have accessory for the inside of my cute little Beetle...
This is on my SHORT LIST...I hope I get this bike for my birthday...It will match the house color and the VW Beetle color...I told y'all I crack myself up!!! I haven't been on a bike in years, for personal reasons, but I'm ready to try again!
This Nantucket bike basket is a must-have bike accessory...along with a bell! Ding. Ding. Again, I get a kick out of myself and that's all that matters!!!
Now this beautiful sterling tea tipper has been in the book for YEARS! Husband needs to hit the lottery so I can buy this pretty thing...and a pink Chanel pocketbook...and a pink Chanel suit!!!
These Sperry Topsiders are a must-have shoe to the preppy wardrobe. I'm embarrassed to admit I don't have them. You can be sure they are on my short list:)

I went to a seminar years ago and the speaker was talking about "getting what you want in life". He said "you must first visualize it"! "Visualize yourself having it and you will get it!" HA! As we all know, that doesn't always work, but I still keep filing photos in my book, just in case.

Here's my Wish List Book. The photos on the cover change from time to time, depending on my little heart's desire!

My big project on the horizon will be to get my cottage repainted. This is how it looks now...it's a light green stucco with olive green doors and shutters. I want to paint it a pretty bright yellow with brighter green shutters and doors.

This is a photo of one of my favorite houses nearby. I love the vine which drapes from the top of the porch. This is definitely on my list of things to do! {Y'all, I love this house so much, I ride by it all the time...I go real slow and drool. I have even knocked on their front door once to ask about the name of the vine...it's a variegated bouganvilla. The lady probably thought I was crazy.}

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that recently I was fretting because I went out and bought birdseed and no birds showed up for about a week. Well now it's like McDonald's after school lets out...mucho bird feedin' action going on! So I must get some more bird condos...something a little more upscale than they have now!

Mlle. Coco Chanel needs a new bed and this one is just perfect for her...maybe with a cheetah print covered pillow!

Saw these copper molds in a magazine and I search for them all the time.

Another must-have accessory for the inside of my cute little Beetle...

Do y'all have a Style File or a Wish List Book? If you want cute loot, VISUALIZE IT! Yes ma'am!
Miss Janice please tell us where to buy the large door monogram. It is to die for!
I got a kick out of this post--very cute! I have a "git list," but maybe if I had pictures (so I can visualize things) they would come to me faster, right?! ;)
Is the bike from the "Electra" company? They have the cutest vintage-looking bikes. I've been eyeing one myself in a mint/pistachio green with big fenders. So cute!
No. 5, the door monograms can be purchased at www.SouthernProperMonograms.com. They are sooooo cute!!!
CeCe, the bike is by www.Huffy.com. You can find it at Walmart for around $85. It's real cute in person. They also have one in a reddish color:)
I LOVE my VW bug convertible! Mine is green with a pink monogram on the back. You'll love your's when you get it! It's such a happy car.
You know I'm a napkin nut. I even have a label for them all their own. That one is too perfect. I wish I had your energy and enthusiasm! Lori
What a cute idea. I don't have a wish book, but I think I will start one. I LOVE that monogram. I think I will be ordering one of those for our NC home :)
I am with you on the napkins..love all those cute little napkins with sayings and I love that particular one. Love all your wish lists items, especially the monogrammed car mat idea..so neat!
I have two books-- one for home and one for personal! Plus I keep a running list in my journal of what I want and where to look for it. Somehow the list never dwindles though, does it?
Too, too cute! I have a list too! "It's on the list" keeps me organized and happy! Looking for a bike too, but I think maybe a 3-wheeler with a big basket!
I see we have some of the same things in our Wish List Book! Beetle (vintage for me), bike, basket, swing... I have a hammock but need a new one. Love the monograms!
Hope you are having a fabulous day!
~ Tracy
I have a friend on Facebook who has some of those copper molds for sale. Go and check out the page for "Texas Pickers". Her name is Haley, and she lives in Waco, Texas, but I'm sure she'd ship to you.
Also, if you aren't already on Pinterest, I bet you'd love it. You can create style boards with all of the things that you love, as well as browse the boards of others. If you need an invitation, please let me know.
I have a list to -rather hubby does - and sometimes I get surprised and sometimes they are birthday or christmas gifts! I love all of your items. Jennifer
Wow! I like to collect beverage napkins as well!
Janice - What a small world. The artist who makes those napkins (and other gift items) used to be my next door neighbor.
I have a VW Beetle convertible and L~O~V~E it. Mine is silver with black top and interior. I of course have a pink gerber daisy in my vase filed with turquoise shredd. Turquoise and white polka dot bows adorn my gear shift, mirror and the grab bar. In the back seat are 2 toss pillows a dear blog friend had made for me in my fave. Lilly gator print. The bug is so much fun to drive around town. I have NEVER regretted buying it one bit.
Mrs. Kindergarten
(p.s. Your Lilly market totes can stand tall in that itty bitty trunk without fail!)
Here's to the Beetle of your dreams comin' your way!
Dear Alana, thanks for the info...I will check out her site:)
Mrs. Kindergarten, I am SO jealous. Yes, now I want some cute throw pillows for the back seat!
Ok! Please send me your wish book because it is sooooo me! I would just have to switch up the monograms and I would have the perfect wish book for myself ! ( :
Have a pretty day!!!
Miss Janice you need to check out my latest post on my blog to see my latest "Happy Summer to Me" purchase! A beach cruiser that looks just like the one you have pictured! I love it and I got it at Walmart for only $89. I'm like you though...it needs accessorizing and my next purchase will be a Nantucket basket for the front! I also keep a wish book or what I like to refer to it as "my inspirations"...complete with products, stores, and websites...anything that makes me say "Ah..." it goes in my book! :)
Miss Janice, I am in love with your beautiful cottage!! So, so pretty! I love VW's as well. They are one of my favorite cars. I have always wanted a light pink one :)
oh you would LOVE pinterest.com- go check it out- you pin favs and see others' as well!
oh you would love pinterest.com! You should check it out, you "pin" favorites" and you can see others' as well!
What a great idea... Once we all are able to rest, I may just start this for myself.
Thanks so much for all the prayers. I will post an update later this evening... xox
I adore you wish book. I used to have one. I think it is time to begin a new one. It must have dividers to separate items/ideas for home, travel, fun stuff, etc. I will also separate into reasonable and, "Never Say Never!"
Thanks for letting us know about the door monogram and the bike. Would it be possible for you to put where you found these wonderful items like you do in the majority of your posts? For example that wonderful hammock for the back porch?
As always love your posts! Have a wonderful Seersucker Thursday!
Dear Jennifer (Beaufort Belle),
The hammock is available from www.VictorianTradingCo.com. It's the "Wedding Hammock"...so cute!
Miss Janice
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