If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I'm always talking about receiving 'loot' in the mail! Yes, I await the USPS carrier, the Fed Ex truck, and that darlin' Southern boy in the Big Brown Truck...everyday. They all bring me cute loot! I confess, that I am a shopaholic! I love to shop...from The Dollar Store, to Publix, to Neiman Marcus...I will find something that makes my day better! I shop online...everyday! But, please don't think that I'm getting packages with Chanel bags and such in the mail! That's just not true. While I do love buying new Tory Burch 'Revas' and all things Lilly, it's the little things that make my day y'all! Sooooo, awhile back, I noticed that my closeup vision was getting BAD! As in...my iPhone screen was a complete blur in the early morning hours {y'all know...that time, when you haven't crawled out of bed yet, but you are already tweeting!} Well, I was trying to see the screen with one eye closed, or both eyes open--it didn't matter what I did, I couldn't read the words! So, of course, I scheduled an appointment with my Optometrist. I have always worn glasses to drive or to watch a movie, but have never had issues reading...Hmmm, after examining my eyes, the Doctor told me that my distance vision had corrected itself {with age} and now my closeup vision was a little off! Lord have mercy, I needed READERS! Well, of course, I needed CUTE READERS:) Where was my first stop? Lilly Pulitzer! I found the pair I liked at Simply Soles. Love these...The 'Beachy Reader in Pink'
I found the Lilly 'Dream Weaver Case' at Purse Lady Too...how cute is this? What a darlin' case for my new readers! Very Miss Janice!
Speaking of my iPhone...Just received a new cover...LOVE-- 'Limeade Floater' pattern, from Lilly...