Sunday, August 8, 2010


Have you ever thought about some of your favorite bloggers and how they came up with their blog name? Some bloggers have chosen the perfect name for their niche and some, well, I have to wonder "How did you come up with that name?"

Blog branding is important if you want to attract a targeted audience to your blog...

~Is your blog name memorable? Etiquette with Miss Janice is probably a difficult name to remember after seeing it only once. Is is unique? Definitely more unique than, say "Southern Etiquette".

~Can people spell it? I'm always surprised at the different ways people spell the word "etiquette." And, just for the record, it's not pronounced "eda-kwit"!

~What image does your blog name convey? When you see my blog name, you probably think about a little old lady who teaches etiquette...that's just fine with me!

Lately, I've been thinking about my own blog name. Hmmmmm, Etiquette with Miss Janice...the name of my etiquette business. Years ago, when I decided to open my business I thought a lot about what I would call it. For some people, it's really hard to come up with a name for a business; for me, it was easy! After I chose my business name, I was told by a high-fallutin' marketing executive that "Etiquette with Miss Janice just sounds too old-fashioned...sounds like a little old lady teaching etiquette." Yes sir, I replied, that's exactly what I want to be...a little old lady teaching etiquette!" (That name is really a perfect fit for me. All of my marketing tools are branded with the Southern magnolia and all of my programs are taught keeping the old-fashion Southern traditions in mind.)

"Easy now, you have to be careful" I was told my BFF Teresa Jane. She reminded me of the name of one my long time fav stores in Evans, Georgia called "A Little Bit 'A Country." Years ago, the store sold all the popular country items people were buying back then (now y'all don't act like you didn't buy the mauve wooden hearts, cows, houses, et cetera!). Today, they still have that Country name, but not so much Country inside. Confusing to the public!

So back to moi! My business name is Etiquette with Miss Janice and my business website name is Miss Janice. If you visit my website, you'll see that's it all Southern and prissy! At the present time, I have no etiquette programs scheduled because I'm just not interested in teaching right now. That doesn't mean that tomorrow, I will decide to schedule ten programs. I'm very lucky that I have the knowledge to teach something very valuable to the public and fortunate enough that I can teach whenever I want.

So, when I started my blog, I wanted to use the name "Miss Janice" But nooooooo, some other Janice out there had that name already. So, I chose the name "Etiquette with Miss Janice" and when I first started blogging, I blogged about etiquette ALL the time. Thinking that my readers might be tiring of reading about etiquette all the time, I added posts about my love of entertaining. Then after awhile, I started talking about my other! Now, imagine the confusion when my new readers click onto my site recently and see posts about my beloved Yorkie, Mlle Coco Chanel!!! They are probably thinking, "What on earth does this dog have to do with etiquette?"

The tagline on blog has always been "Social Graces...Southern Style". I love to share my knowledge of etiquette, my upbringing in Southern hospitality, my love of entertaining, my obsessive shopping habit & "What I'm Wearing", and of course "What Miss Coco is Wearing."

To further confuse y'all, if you follow me on Twitter, SocialGraces101, I tweet about anything and everything!

In closing, I want to say that I hope you are not confused when you visit my site--'cuz recently a reader inquired as to why I'm talking about my dog on an etiquette blog??? Ouch--Miss Coco's feelings were hurt! ('Cuz she was looking tres chic in that post!)

I'm interested in hearing how YOU came up with the name for your blog. Are you still comfortable with that name? If you could, would you rename your blog?


Anonymous said...

This is a thought provoking post. Although I realized I lost my blog and will have to make a new one due to was originally called "Mrs Lynch's Series of Unfortunate Events". Based on the Lemoney Snicket book.But I changed it to "Fortunate Events" because life is best viewed with the glass half full.

Nana's Fun Stuff said...

It's funny that you posted this. I was learning about 2 years ago how to do blogs to possibly earn extra money when I was laid off. When I decided to start my blog up for crafting, I knew I had my account already so I just stuck with it :) Would I rename it, probably :) I'm just afraid if I do it will mess up what I've done so far so I'll be leaving it. lol

Have a great day!! ~ Laura

Jessica Ryan said...

When I first started blogging my blog was called "Welcome to our Crazy Crowded House!" We were five in a home we had completely outgrown. And then we moved and that title no longer seemed fitting, so I chose, instead The Entertaining House. It's fitting and I love it. It encompasses so much of my life... I love to entertain and my family is certainly very entertaining!

Great question Miss Janice. I can't wait to read all the other answers!

Kelly said...

My blog is called "Chatty Kelly." I picked it because chatting is an informal conversation, and I just loved it to be a place where people could come and chat...well actually hear me chat! *smile* Of course, after a while, I learned about the branding and such, and changed my profile name to Kelly Combs (my real name). I want to be a published writer, and as such my actual name is important. But my blog is still Chatty Kelly.

I love your blog! And Miss Coco. So keep up the good work.

Lori said...

I actually have a post, Why the name? My heart with pleasure fills... is from a poem I had to memorize in high school. It is about daffodils and every spring, to my families delight, uhum, plight. I would recite the poem every time I saw a flower bed full of daffodils. So I chose the name from one of the lines, because my heart is full with everything going on in my life. I still love the name, but it is long and drives some folks crazy when they try to find it for the first time.

Unknown said...

I love your blog, the topics, especially Miss Coco - I have a new sproodle puppy that would benefit from some Miss Janice refining.

I was racking my brain trying to think of a clever, witty blog name when my 25 year old son strolled by and said "name it Snap Peas and I'll draw a pea pod for the logo". I suppose I'm glad the name "Corn on the Cob" didn't pop into his head. Change it? Never.

Suburban Princess said...

I think branding is very important - I have spent a lot of time building mine! I never took your blog for strictly an etiquette blog but that might be because I didn't find you through your work website.

My blog name just popped into my head after 10 minutes of staring at the computer screen trying to come up with something all encompasing. I am very happy with it and wouldn't change it!

Carly A. Heitlinger said...

I was just thinking about this sort of thing! What am I going to do when I graduate from Georgetown??? I'm not going to be a college prepster anymore :-(

LPC said...

As far as your blog goes, I think of it as "Miss Janice." That's the title you show, and since I follow you in Google Reader, I have really forgotten your URL. I wish your Twitter name were closer to your blog name, just so I don't have to remind myself of who you are when I see your tweets.

I named my blog Privilege because when I started writing I was so aware of both my privileged circumstances, and the privilege I feel ever day just from being alive. I couldn't use Privilege as the URL, it was taken. So then I added Amidlifeof to Privilege. And it means both, Amid Life, and A Midlife:). Which being a word geek, I liked.

So then for Twitter, the only thing I could find that was similar was AmidPrivilege. I hope it's close enough to my blog name that people can tell who I am.

Then there's the whole am I LPC or Lisa thingie. Yikes.

Lori said...

I had a blog where I wrote about myself, but I grew tired of that. I much prefer to write about other things/people. My blog "The Doxie Diaries" is about my cute little dog. It amazed me how dog blogs there are out there. The name for my blog came to me in a dream and seemed to fit the bill so to speak. I need to get back to blogging again. Have family health problems keeping me from it.

Blessed Rain said...

I choose my blog name 'Blessed Rain' five years ago when I first started blogging on Y360, since then I have moved to multiply and finally landed here. It suits me (even though I am not a fan of the singer by same title) and while I couldn't get it as the web address I am so well known by my blogging friends by this name that it has become my calling card.
Would I change it? - Never!
How did I come up with it?
My life has been full learning how to laugh, cry and find joy in the simple things my life truly has been full of blessings and rain - hence my name.

Anonymous said...

I came up with the name "Preppy Panache" because panache is one of my daddy's favorite words (he often uses it to describe himself, which is funny because he only really wears polos and khaki shorts). I chose to include the word preppy because my personal style is definitely influenced by all things preppy. Plus, I love alliteration and use it whenever I can!

Tammy B said...

I like the name of your blog. I really never noticed that it is not exclusively etiquette. I love seeing your entertaining ideas, what you are wearing and what Mlle. Coco is wearing. When I named my blog, I wanted it to be something pink. I remembered drooling over the pink cupcakes that Carrie and Miranda (Sex and the City) were eating in front of Magnolia Bakery. I have an addiction to TaB. I decided to put the two together and came up with Pink Cupcakes and TaB.

Paula@SweetPea said...

My blog is called "Sweet Pea" because my initials growing up were PEA. Now they are PEAS. I like to garden, so "Sweet Pea" seemed just right for me.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Miss Janice! I love your blog no matter what you name it. Anyway, it's your there! lol I don't have any trouble knowing that's you on Twitter whether you are reporting on the bad manners of the people in Panera Bread or talking about American that! I named my blog Confessions of a Plate Addict...because I am. I don't know how much I actually confess, though. One lady left a comment that she was sad to see no plates on that particular post...oh, well. I don't know what else I could name it, though my staff wants to name it Four Felines and a Human! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

Sherrie said...

Mine is pretty self explanatory. I actually just went back to my very first blog post ever in 2005 and this is what I wrote:

I chose the name for my blog because God has spoken and I have listened. I am due to have my THIRD boy Sept 10th this year. There are days I question God's wisdom, but nonetheless plug along on this crazy train of life as the mother of not one, not two, but 2 and 2/3 boys (you knew I just had to throw some math out there).

Sandra said...

Well, I do think my title describes a lot about me - Southern and Preppy - although sometimes my topics are a bit of a stretch :-) I think my name Preppy 101 does fit though because I was a teacher all those years ... What do you think? Does mine fit or no? xoxo

Jeanette said...

What an timely post. I jumped into blogging last year feet first. I didn't even know what a blog was and 30 days later I had one! One of the wonderful friends whose blog I read often emailed me and said, I am going to design a blog for you. What do you want to name it? After considering it for about 10 seconds I said Starting Over. For a while I thought I made a mistake in the name. Just this morning I realized it was perfect.

Karen said...

Ladybug Creek... hmmm... well, I really like ladybugs, sorta. I think they're cute. I get real concerned though when I read an article such as the one I read recently where it stated that ladybugs had been the cause of the failure of their crops. Oh dear! And my husband is a farmer! I love the idea of a creek. A good friend's blog name is Butterfly Creek.. which I love. I do adore butterflies. Anyhow.. it was a snap decision but I'm still happy enough with it.
I do think "Etiquette with Miss Janice" is good!
Ladybug Creek

Mary T said...

Steel Magnolias was the first movie I ever saw as a hairdresser that portrayed the business as something other than a joke,it's always been dear to my heart. Lord knows, I am one Steel Magnolia myself.

And I pay good money to be a blonde. ;)

I heart the name of your blog, it was actually the name that made me click on it the first time. It conveyed everything your particular blog is about.

highheeledlife said...

Miss Janice ~ I just love your corner of BlogLand. I am inspired by your wonderful wit;great hostessing knowledge; and for me your posts remind of the importance of manners.
I love the posts on your outfits and how you put them together.Coco well ~ I just love reading about her thoughts and seeing the wonderful outfits she is wearing.
If I recall Etiquette is about making others feel comfortable and good manners; which is what I get from your blog.... after all would it not be bad manners to show up for afternoon tea wearing a gym outfit- see fashion is part of manners!!! :)

As for the Miss Janice and Etiquette with Miss Janice - I relate to the two as one in the same.

OK - now to your question... It took some time to come up with a name for my Blog - my Speech Therapist and I tossed around many titles - then one day we were speaking about how much I missed my wonderful life prior to the accident- how it was filled with much privilege- as I looked over to the high heels I could no longer wear - "Falling Off A High Heeled Life" just rolled out.
With that not only did we have a name for my blog - we had a name for the book I'm working on. - So it just made sense to go with .. and start establishing a brand.


All That Glitters said...

I just adore your blog!!! I also think you can blog whatever your heart desires too!!! My blog name has been with me for years because that's was going to be the name of my shop and it has just stuck with me. Know that I'm getting older I would rather be Southern Glitter instead of All That Glitters. Also, thank you so much for stopping by my little ole blog! I feel like a famous person has stopped by!!!

Take care,


Susan R said...

I love my blog name Five Great Kiddos. Although I am an individual and I'm more than a mother to five great kiddos, my blog name defines who I am and what I'm doing at this point in my life.
I may decide to change it when all my chilluns leave the nest, but for now it is perfect.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

What a great post! I love learning about the name of your blog!

Mille Fleur is in response to the Emerson quote I use under my blog title...Earth laughs in flowers...I have loved that quote my whole life. I love flowers...I mean love them;)! I love the idea that they are the result of the earth's happiness. Mille FLeur is also the name of a favorite place in San Diego where I lived most of my life! There you have it! Add to the fact that it is french...and you have my blog name!

Wonderful idea Miss Janice;)!

midnight macaroons said...

I came up with my blog name, Midnight Macaroons, because it was late when I was setting up my blog and I was nibbling on a macaroon. Not very creative but I like it. I can't imagine ever changing the name.

As in referrence to the comment about Miss. Coco, please tell her not to be too upset. Over the years I find that strangers who are inquisitive and opinionated often lack the attributes of one who is admired. Please let Miss Coco know that I think she is absolutely fabulous and she mustn't change a thing.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Miss Janice -- I love your blog! It's always inspiring to read, whether you're talking about manners, your seasonal gifts, the social gatherings, what you and Miss Coco have on and are up to...I always enjoy visiting you. My name "Mid-Atlantic Martha" was picked just because that's my name and where I live. Guess I'll stick with it since I'm not planning to go anywhere else!

Tonya said...

I am always interested to hear how people come up with their blog names. My newest blog about living and going to school in Charleston is called "Reflections from Rutledge Blvd." I wanted the repetition of the first letters of the words (Reflections & Rutledge) and Rutledge Blvd. is where I live. I like the name, but wouldn't mind coming up with something different!

Ashley Turner said...

My husband came up with my blog name and I still like it nearly 2 years later! I thought about changing it at one point and he talked me out of it... I'm glad I've stuck with it!

Linda Jennings said...

Naming my blog was as difficult as choosing a name for my children! My blog is Friendship Tea. The tag line is "Taking Time for Tea with Family and Friends." I have a passion for family, friends and all things tea! But, sometimes I blog about activities with family and friends or other subjects which do not include tea. I used to feel guilty about those posts. So to ease this Kentucky gal's guilt, I posted the friendship tea recipe at the top of my blog so searchers can find it immediately and won't be disappointed by my photos of grandchildren, etc.

I enjoy reading about your shopping, your cute little dog, being a southern gal, and your daily activities. It is like chatting with a friend. I hope that is what my readers find when they visit me!

Melissa Miller said...

Miss Janice I thought you had shortened your blog name recently and I'm happy to see you did not. I love it as is! Very pretty and so *you*. Perfect!

Mine just popped into my head one night. I still like it! I would describe myself as having a big heart and I love a warm, welcoming home. It suits me.

Blessings sweet friend.
~Melissa :)

Nancy Rosalina said...

Miss Janice, You already know my answers. I have to tell you, I love you blog and the name, as well..oh and yes I love Miss Coco!! Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Janice! Oh, this was a great post! Shame on your commenter asking why little Coco was on your blog. It's your blog!! :)
Now you know why my blog is called 'Note Songs'. I end each of my posts with a song! :)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

Hannah said...

What a wonderful post! I'm a fairly new follower and have enjoyed reading a little bit of your history. When I first started my blog I wrote about this and that, nothing much. Now I'm posting much more frequently, and the original name just isn't doing it justice. I loved getting on today and seeing this post, since it is something I am dealing with right now--trying to come up with a blog name that encompases my life! Have a wonderful Monday!

Anonymous said...

My original blog was all about primping- it was called "Lots of Gloss". Well after a few months, I realized I was blogging about cooking and my everyday life more than anything else, haha, so I closed down that blog and started one with a name that I feel will fit me, no matter what I decide to blog about that day- "Polish and Pearls." I love your blog, and think that it's yours, so you can blog about whatever you want to, regardless of the blog name! :)

SprinklePrep said...

Im a new blogger, but i was stuck with my name for hours! I came up with S&P- becuase,Sprinkle- i have a soft spot for any baked goods and thats going to be part of my blog...and prep- not the most original, but i love all things preppy too! so i just had to include it lol

Have a wonderful day everyone! S&P

ABC said...

When I got married and changed my name, I kept my maiden name as my middle name so my initials would be ABC. I think it's cute, and I love the monogram! While it may be a little vain, I just love my name and my initials. When I started my blog, I didn't want to limit myself to what I write about. So I figured I'd title my blog something cute that had to do with "life from my perspective"...So I chose "Life from the start of the alphabet." It's a little long, but I struggled to come up with a way to shorten it. My URL is, which again, is longer than what I might like, but so far, it's worked for me! If I could come up with something similar, but shorter, and that wasn't already taken, I'd change my name to that, but for now, I'll stick with ABC!

Mimi said...

When my darlin' daughter kept after me to start a blog, I just couldn't think of a cute little name; so, since we lived on an acre which is mostly always green and my favorite "hobby" is gardenin' (used to say "passion" until Pastor Jeremy preached on our passions), I just used My Green Acre ~~ would I change it . . . probably, if I could think of somethin' cute and catchy. But for now this Mimi of 5 will just continue to post about all that happens on My Green Acre because, after all, that's what my out-of-town children want to know about & that's who I'm really writin' to; and, if I meet some really special friends along the way (like you Miss Janice!!), then that's just icing on the cake for me!

Anonymous said...

First...I love your blog, Miss Janice...and whatever you write about (including the lovely Coco)...

Things I Learn From Bear ~ I really started out blogging to connect with my kids and grands...and since they are familiar with Bear I left her do some of the going out and taking the sunshine in on a beautiful summer day...or you just know when to take NAPS :D
but as I started roaming around and seeing other blogs I wanted to post my card creations...
so...would i change the name...maybe...
NO...because Bear's such an important part of my life...and I do LEARN things from HER!!!

Love your BLOG whatever the name :D


Beth Dunn said...

I was never confused by your blog name, got it right away!

Nanette said...

Hi Miss Janice,
Wonderful post, has everyone talking! In almost every aspect of life we can learn to be a little classier, a little more polite, and thus a little more thoughtful of others. I just figured you were sharing these often overlooked aspects with us. :)

Now as far as blog names, mine still fits as I am and always will be traveling through this life trying to keep my eye on the goal of an eternity in God's presence. So, I figure my name works whether I am tablescaping, sewing, sight-seeing or anything else! Hope you have a great week!

Beaufort Belle said...

I am so in love with the town of Beaufort, NC and hope to eventually move there. I also adore the Cape Lookout lighthouse, which you can see off in the distance from our beach place, and I have frequented several times. So being a beach girl, I named my blog "The Beaufort Lookout". Not really telling much about the blog by the name.

I have thought about changing the name several times, but don't really know what I would name it. The beach is a huge part of who I am, however, I am southern (hence my blog persona and twitter name, "Beaufort Belle"), prissy, and definitely preppy.

I don't really know what to do at this point.

Unknown said...

As one of your biggest fan, I love everything you blog about no matter the name!

I like the name of my blog & I've told the story of it's origin many times, but it is kind of long. That's really the only problem I have & I don't just blog about my confessions either!

I do find an interesting blog title tends to get my attention quite often.

Anonymous said...

Morning Miss Janice! I think your blog name and all your posts reflect who you are and that is what it should be! Coco is a part of your life so why not include her in your posts!Everything in life that we do in some way reflects back on "proper etiquette"! My name "Sincerely, Jeannette" came from my view that blogs are a modern day version of "pen pals" plus I am very sincere in everything I say sooo - signing off with the same name as my blog just fit! I'm still tring to find my niche as far as what I post!lol I started creating another blog to reflect my decorating interests but the interests change too frequently to be categorized!lol I guess you made us all think "why"? today! Have a fun week - Sincerely, Jeannette

Teresa Jane said...

I think this was a great, fun and informative post. After you bugged me to get a blog and I finally did, I too struggled with whether or not I had chosen the right name. Well, since I don't write anything on it I guess it didn't matter anyway. I'll just keep reading yours girlfriend. Keep up the great work. I knew yours would be sucessful.

annie said...

I named my blog Cottage by the Sea because I live by the shore and the house is a tiny cottage.

I love when you post about etiquette as I think so many have forgotten or never learned much. You have a lovely way of putting lessons across also. But I also enjoy the photos and sharing your days. All very special and nice.

Kathie Truitt said...

I LOVE my blog name. Hillbilly Debutante describes me and my personality to a 't' but that's not how I came up with the name. I was new to Washington, D.C. and was at a fancy high-falutin' black-tie function all dressed up. This man was chatting with me and asking me about where I was from, etc. "He said to me, you sound like a hillbilly, but you look like you used to be some debutante." The name just kind of stuck.

Anonymous said...

Hi again, Miss Janice! Pop on over to my blog and see your Most Gorgeous Divaness! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

bevy said...

"It's a Golden Day"... I blogged about it in my very first post:

"Anyway, Muz is the one who came up with that saying, 'It's a golden day!' She would say it, and we would all wonder what she meant. I think it meant that it was a day that nothing could go wrong. Of course something always did, but she always tried to look for the best in it. And she was right... if something is truly golden, it must be the best."

So, there you have it...

~CC Catherine said...

Miss Janice, From the # of comments, I can see this post definitely struck a cord! :) It certainly did with me. I actually have two blogs, one called "Stay In The Day" which is a type of "marital recovery/restoration" support group type of blog; it was my first one. I loved venturing out with it, and it definitely was serving it's purpose; but I felt very emotionally drained by always working on posts that dealt with heavy content. I started visiting other blogs and decided I also needed a "fun" one. Since I'm a teacup collector, that's what I decided to focus both the blog & title on since my collection is in the 100's. Just like you, I found my interests started out with a Teacup foundation, but began to morph into other directions and interests. But, personally, I think that's partially because of the "growth" we experience as bloggers along the way. We broaden our horizons when we see other blogs and want to share in their fun. By doing that, it's a given that the tapestry of our foundation is going to get "new threads" woven in. At first I was bothered by that too; but now, I find that it makes my blog more like "me"! :) I'm the very same way. My interests change, my decor changes over the years, and I even change my "favorite" colors! Life is all about change, so why should our blogs be any different! I do understand why the "change" we experience might confuse one of our new readers, but if they're willing to stick with us for more than one posts, I think they'll find that our blog titles are just that, a title! Just like our names are just a name! It's the content we follow month after month that is the blog in my view. I follow you because you're interesting, witty, and always have fun & lots of wisdom & lessons you tuck in along the way. So...guess you opened up a "great can of thought provoking worms" when you posed this question. When I have more time, I'm going to read every one of your posts! :) Hugs, and even though I didn't get to see the photo of Coco; I'm glad you posted it! Every blog on etiquette needs to show that even dogs can be chic & in vogue! Merci Ami! ~CC Catherine

~CC Catherine said...

Miss Janice, From the # of comments, I can see this post definitely struck a cord! :) It certainly did with me. I actually have two blogs, one called "Stay In The Day" which is a type of "marital recovery/restoration" support group type of blog; it was my first one. I loved venturing out with it, and it definitely was serving it's purpose; but I felt very emotionally drained by always working on posts that dealt with heavy content. I started visiting other blogs and decided I also needed a "fun" one. Since I'm a teacup collector, that's what I decided to focus both the blog & title on since my collection is in the 100's. Just like you, I found my interests started out with a Teacup foundation, but began to morph into other directions and interests. But, personally, I think that's partially because of the "growth" we experience as bloggers along the way. We broaden our horizons when we see other blogs and want to share in their fun. By doing that, it's a given that the tapestry of our foundation is going to get "new threads" woven in. At first I was bothered by that too; but now, I find that it makes my blog more like "me"! :) I'm the very same way. My interests change, my decor changes over the years, and I even change my "favorite" colors! Life is all about change, so why should our blogs be any different! I do understand why the "change" we experience might confuse one of our new readers, but if they're willing to stick with us for more than one posts, I think they'll find that our blog titles are just that, a title! Just like our names are just a name! It's the content we follow month after month that is the blog in my view. I follow you because you're interesting, witty, and always have fun & lots of wisdom & lessons you tuck in along the way. So...guess you opened up a "great can of thought provoking worms" when you posed this question. When I have more time, I'm going to read every one of your posts! :) Hugs, and even though I didn't get to see the photo of Coco; I'm glad you posted it! Every blog on etiquette needs to show that even dogs can be chic & in vogue! Merci Ami! ~CC Catherine

~CC Catherine said...

Miss Janice, From the # of comments, I can see this post definitely struck a cord! :) It certainly did with me. I actually have two blogs, one called "Stay In The Day" which is a type of "marital recovery/restoration" support group type of blog; it was my first one. I loved venturing out with it, and it definitely was serving it's purpose; but I felt very emotionally drained by always working on posts that dealt with heavy content. I started visiting other blogs and decided I also needed a "fun" one. Since I'm a teacup collector, that's what I decided to focus both the blog & title on since my collection is in the 100's. Just like you, I found my interests started out with a Teacup foundation, but began to morph into other directions and interests. But, personally, I think that's partially because of the "growth" we experience as bloggers along the way. We broaden our horizons when we see other blogs and want to share in their fun. By doing that, it's a given that the tapestry of our foundation is going to get "new threads" woven in. At first I was bothered by that too; but now, I find that it makes my blog more like "me"! :) I'm the very same way. My interests change, my decor changes over the years, and I even change my "favorite" colors! Life is all about change, so why should our blogs be any different! I do understand why the "change" we experience might confuse one of our new readers, but if they're willing to stick with us for more than one posts, I think they'll find that our blog titles are just that, a title! Just like our names are just a name! It's the content we follow month after month that is the blog in my view. I follow you because you're interesting, witty, and always have fun & lots of wisdom & lessons you tuck in along the way. So...guess you opened up a "great can of thought provoking worms" when you posed this question. When I have more time, I'm going to read every one of your posts! :) Hugs, and even though I didn't get to see the photo of Coco; I'm glad you posted it! Every blog on etiquette needs to show that even dogs can be chic & in vogue! Merci Ami! ~CC Catherine

~CC Catherine said...

Oh Miss Janice, I posted a previous comment with all these philosophical reasons to support what you're saying...and I think I cxl'd it! haha! I'll come back and try to post it again later! Hugs Miss E! :) That's short for Miss Etiquette! :) ~CC Catherine

Jo said...

I've always enjoyed peeking in and seeing what you're up to!
What a great post topic. No great story behind my blog ~ quite simply bees and fleur de lis are two things I enjoy and have around my home.


The 5 Bickies said...

I have been thinking about this very subject for a while now. I am not crazy about my blog name now that it's been open a while. Biscuits is a sort of nickname for our family and the boring part...who knows what struck me that day. I haven't come up with anything better and have just left it for now.

If you have any suggestions I am open to them!