Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Recently I purchased Paula Deen's new book "Savannah Style." I've been waiting on just the right moment to sit down and look through the pages. Doesn't the cover show how gorgeous Miss Paula is?! Look at this lady...
~Dinner and Good Book~
Excuse me y'all, while I step back a bit from the good ol' Southern-fried food and enjoy some whole grain pasta with sauteed asparagus & mushrooms, a fresh salad with Goddess Dressing from Trader Joe's, and iced cold mineral water.

I can't eat macaroni and cheese all the time...even if it is a member of the Southern vegetable food group!

"Savannah Style" was written by Paula Deen and Brandon Branch. Brandon is Miss Paula's Design Director and Personal Assistant. I am fast becoming a fan of his work...googling him like a stalker:)! Love everything he creates y'all! Here's an image I found of one of his florals--cute, cute, cute! Look at him with Miss Paula...with his velvet jacket, jeans, and a mint julep!!! Miss Janice wants Brandon as her personal assistant also!!!

This is one of his latest tablescapes...I found this on the Paula Deen website. Miss Paula is hosting a Mother's Day Luncheon for Brandon's mama and mawmaw...this is what he's working on for the Luncheon. Pretty, pretty y'all!
I say "Welcome to the top of my coffee table, Miss Paula and Brandon!" Gorgeous book, full of entertaining and decorating ideas. Love the Jane Coslick cottages, Brandon's Style Secrets, and the photos of your new guest cottages.

This would make a very special gift for y'all's mama on Mother's Day or even a nice gift for a hostess! Thank you Miss Paula for keeping it Southern!


Suburban Princess said...

I love her show! I have all of her Christmas episodes on dvd lol!
This book looks like a lot of fun - I will have to poke through it the next time I am in the book store!

I (finally!!!!) made it to the post office yesterday so your new rooster accessories should be there soon!

the pink prep said...

oh miss janice! i just LOVE paula deen! being a southern girl in the north is hard enough, but with a little help from the Food Network, all i have to do is turn on paula to be home again! And since my daddy said that my baby's "first word BETTER BE YA'LL" I made sure that child was watching too! (she can conjour up a decent accent upon request) -- love her recipes, her style and all of her! she is one of the patron saints of the south!

Lexilooo said...

I borrowed this book from the library recently, and love it! I think I may need to purchase it.

Also, Paula Deen came to DC last November and I met her! I was at a cooking show with my friend, and her sister got engaged at Deen and Sons Restaurant, so my friend asked if she could sign a copy of her sister and fiance's photo, just after they were engaged at the restaurant! She did, and was so sweet!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

This book is already found it's way into my home! I adore it! I tell everyone that when I grow up I want to be Paula Deen! I! It is almost an obsession;)!

Your dinner looks simply scrumptios! I have been cooking with whole grain pasta as of late. We are huge pasta lovers and I have been trying to make it a little more healthy! I am also a huge fan of Trader Joes...can you believe we don't have one in Texas?
I try to stock up when we are in California...I am hoping they take pity on us and start one here soon!

I hope you have a beautiful day!

The Countess said...

Hi Miss Janice,
I was wondering if you had tried any of Miss Paula's
boxed mixes?

Princess Freckles said...

We just got this at my library and I've been looking through it! Eye candy!

Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

I also recently got this book and LOVE IT! Paula is a true southern woman, a girl after my own heart. I think she is just precious and her recipes are so tasty and simple!

She also always manages to make me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

I am also a lover of all things Paula Deen. Your blog is beautiful and very interesting. I visited 3 tea rooms a few years've peaked my interest again. I remember it took me to a different 'place' while I was there!

PAT said...

Oh yes, I enjoyed Paula's book, on the back porch, the other day. I just can't resist going back again and again. Beautiful book!

bj said...

Well, I guess I will have to break down and buy this book, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Janice! I love to watch Paula's cooking shows. She's a hoot! She is very pretty, isn't she? I'll have to get the book. I'm sure it's wonderful.
Are you coming to my party on Friday? I would love for you to come.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

I did not know Miss Paula had a new book out! I'm definitely ordering it!

Bea said...

I love Miss Paula! Her show makes you feel at home and happy...

Whosyergurl said...

Doesn't Paula look ab fab? I want a personal assistant like that!
YOU ROCK Miss Janice!
xo, Cheryl

Tammy B said...

I just love Paula Deen. I will have to get that book.

Nanette said...

Hi Miss Janice,
Oh yes the book and Brandon for a personal assistant would just be perfect! Your salad looks light and delicious. I think I'll be heading to the bookstore tonight or tomorrow!

bevy said...

I want to be her best friend... doesn't she just seem like she would be THE BEST???

Bama Girl said...

I love Paula! I need this book....:-) XOXO

midnight macaroons said...

I love this book. I could only dream of owning one of those fabulous Savannah historic homes. Your tablescape looks fanastic. Dinner as well. Can you believe we do not have a Trader Joe's in the Lone Star? This was my favorite place to shop in California. Wish we lived closer so I could invite you over for a glass of sweet tea on my porch rockers. Have a great weekend!


Angie said...

I looked through this book quickly at Sam's the other day and thought it was great! I may have to go back and get it. I love a good decorating book!!!

From the Kitchen said...

Well, thanks a bunch Miss Janice! Now I've got to add another cookbook to my library! I cannot miss out on any of Paula's offerings. She's my southern connection! Thanks for keeping me true to Dixie!


Kittie Howard said...

Looove Paula Dean (a little birdie said the book's comin' my way), adore Trader Joe's (was there yesterday), would suffer the vapors without Home Goods (was there yesterday), and can't imagine a proper Southern afternoon w/o Southern Living or your blog. And, I really, really hope your baby lives many, many more doggie years!!

preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

Paula Deen is AWESOME!