I must say thank you to Margaret and Beth (of the famed Preppy Mafia) for awarding my blog--Etiquette With Miss Janice--the "Preppy Blog of the Week!" I am beyond excited to receive this precious award from two of the most preppy bloggers ever! I love being a member of the Preppy Mafia. Check them out...I mean how cute is their logo y'all???

~Margaret is the owner of 2 Preppy Girls, a business which is a great source of cute, preppy, and classic gifts. Her monogrammed decals are one of my fav products! Margaret is also the author of the blog--2PreppyGirls.
~Beth is the author of the Preppy Bible, Social Climbers. If y'all haven't read this book yet, you simply must...it's de rigueur reading for those who love all things preppy! Miss Janice is definitely not a Social Climber...those girls are just too high fallutin' for me; however, I do have social climbing tendencies! To order her book, visit Beth's website here or check out Beth's blog at SocialClimbers123.

~Margaret is the owner of 2 Preppy Girls, a business which is a great source of cute, preppy, and classic gifts. Her monogrammed decals are one of my fav products! Margaret is also the author of the blog--2PreppyGirls.

~Beth is the author of the Preppy Bible, Social Climbers. If y'all haven't read this book yet, you simply must...it's de rigueur reading for those who love all things preppy! Miss Janice is definitely not a Social Climber...those girls are just too high fallutin' for me; however, I do have social climbing tendencies! To order her book, visit Beth's website here or check out Beth's blog at SocialClimbers123.

Thanks again to Margaret and Beth...y'all are soooo sweet!
Congratulations on being the preppy blog of the week! Love your blog, love the Preppy Mafia and love Social Climbers. xoxo
Totally our pleasure! You are by FAR one of my favorite Preppy Bloggers!! I love seeing your outfits and reading all of your reminders!!!
Preppy Blog world would not be the same without Lil' You!!!!
xoxo - Collars Up!
I can't think of a more Perfecter Blog for Preppy Blog of the Week!! XOXO
Who better than you? Love your preppy blog EVERY week!
Congratulations! Love your blog!
I just wanted to let you know I love visiting your blog-the lovely set table picture in your banner makes me smile every time. :)
Congratulations, Miss Janice. You and your blog are shining, classy examples for all.
Congratulations! You definitely deserve it, Miss Janice! Love Margaret and Beth too. :)
You're cuter! We love you Miss Janice
Congratulations...how wonderful!
Congrats girlfriend.
HOW PRECIOUS! I adore the preppy mafia what an honor! Enjoy Miss Janice, I hope to be out of my boxes soon. Pictures are coming next week!
Congratulations! I really love reading your blog, you a get an award from me each and every post!!
Congratulations, Miss Janice. If anyone deserves a preppy award--you do.
Enjoy your Wednesday!
Congratulations! You deserve the recognition. I absolutely love this blog. Have a wonderful day!
You are the best preppy blog out there... So happy for you. Congrats
Wonderful! I did it a few weeks ago... but obviously I didn't do it as well (or as gracious) as you!!! xoxo
Hi Miss Janice,
Very fun! You deserve every minute of it!
Darlin, congrats to you and your goodness gracious self. (insert curtsy)
There needs to be an award for great Southern flavored blogs. Yours would win that one also!
Thanks for all your nice comments. You are a gem as well as a great blogger.
Thanks for the sage advice, Miss Janice. I do remind people that I'm "not a guy" but the reminders are usually met with blank stares!! Maybe it is a yankee thing (are Chicagoans yankees?). When I'm back "home" (Virginia) in October, I'll have to pay close attention to the "guy" thing. I still prefer the gender-neutral "y'all".
Thought of you after seeing this blog about a teacup birthday party!
I thought you might like that sign that says "Sip, Don't Slurp"!! :)
Congratulations on your award. It is always a thrill to have one's work recognized. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
Congratulations, Miss Janice. You're the most deserving preppy blog I know of. Enjoy all of the accolades!
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