Are y'all ready for American Idol? I know I am! Ryan is back with Randy "Dawg", Simon, and Kara. Miss Paula is gone...will you miss her? I'm looking forward to one of my all-time favorite people, Miss Ellen Degeneres joining the judges!
The Top 24 have been chosen and tonight the girls will sing, Wednesday night the boys will sing, and Thursday night four contestants will be eliminated!
Do you already have a favorite? Do you think it's gonna be a year for a 'girl winner' or a 'boy winner?'

Do you already have a favorite? Do you think it's gonna be a year for a 'girl winner' or a 'boy winner?'

Who is your all-time favorite American Idol contestant? It's no secret to all my friends that Clay Aiken is mine! I still cannot believe he lost to Ruban Studdard! While Clay has had many looks...okay, hairdos, I still love the nerdy, Opie-Clay look.

I am pumped to hear the talented singers perform! I've hosted and attended many American Idol parties and this is the sidebar of one...I took the opportunity to serve Girl Scout Cookies and milk for dessert and also had American Idol party favor bags, stuffed with the Girl Scout Cookies!
I have loved American Idol in seasons past (I even watched the most recent one), but I feel it has really gone downhill. First, Paula leaves. Then, they hire Ellen--who knows absolutely nothing about music. And then Simon is leaving? The show is pretty much dead without Simon--I don't think it will last much longer. Which makes me sad. :-(
I adore your American Idol theme. Very unique and fun. You always have the best ideas and I'm always eager to see them.
I just read your grocery shopping etiquette post. Amen! I wish I could say I was shocked by the elderly man's behavior. However, sadly I'm not. I'm constantly disgusted by the rude and selfishness of others these days. And it's not a class, age, or money issue. Many times we've gone to expensive restaurants, Opera, hotels, etc. and the behavior is just as appalling as if we sitting in the parking lot of Walmart (absolutely horrific).
I believe the first rule to proper etiquette is consideration for those around you. I'll post a story regarding a rude shopper on my blog. I was floored by this women's behavior and comments. I think you will truly appreciate it.
Hi Miss Janice! Love your Eastery header! lol Yes, time for American Idol again! Finally, we're through to the real deal favorite part begins! Enjoy!...Debbie
ME!!!! I'm raising my hand Miss Janice! I cannot wait for the show tonight. LOVE it all! My all time favorite idol is David Cook with Clay running a close second. I think a girl will win this one. I'm going to predict *Katie Stevens* will take the crown. She is precious and very talented.
Have fun!!! ~Melissa :)
Can you believe this is the first year I haven't watched it?
But I'm with you - I love Clay Aiken.
I love watching American Idol too. No I don't miss Paula. I felt like she was to wacked out most of the time and made a fool of herself one to many times for my liking.
I think Ellen will be much better. I love Ellen!
I'm not sure who I want to win yet. I have a few that I really like.
My favorite all time Idol is a toss up between Chris Daughery and David Cook.
I think your party sounds fun. Where did you find those bags? They are so cute.
I spent hours this weekend reading your whole blog all the way to your first post. I loved every minute of it.
I also learned a lot too!
What a fun time. I have never watched it but would have loved to join you!
Thank you for reminding me it is on tonight - I forgot all about it!
Idol is one of the few shows we watch together as a family (OK Cooper doesn't really like it, but the older boys do). Greg and the boys have this hysterical dance they do to the theme song every night we watch.
I am thinking the girl talent is overpowering the boy talent this year. Overall they seem so much more talented than past years. No one seems as weak as some past contestants, but time will tell.
Love you idol goodie bags.
Miss Janice, you might enjoy my "Idol, whooz ur daddy?!" posts. I have a special macheen that analyzes the DNA of the contestants to show their possible parentage. That macheen has skills, I tell you.
I'm happy to see Ellen...she's a sharp cookie. I was getting really tired of some of Paula's ups and downs. I haven't chosen my favorite yet. I missed the second episode of the choosing of the 24. I did like the guy whose wife had the baby while he was in Hollywood. Did he make it?
Totally NOT missing Paula. I wasn't sure what the dynamics would be like without her, but I'm still digging the show.
I have a few faves, but I'll start naming names after this week. Namely because I can't remember who's who at this point.
The gift bags are too cute!
I love, love the outfit you wore to the grocery store.
The rules you posted for the grocery store are soooo needed. I was standing in line once when a person tried to push their way through riding a heavy motorized cart and a wheel parked on top of my foot. I yelped and tried to bodilt lift it off my foot. She acted like, " why is your foot under my wheel."
You are so right people aren't taking time to instruct this present generation.
Have a good week.
I can't honestly say I have one, I like most of Kelly Clarkson's songs. But, I never watched it when she was on. I'm just loving the "dirt," so to speak. xoxo
I'm watching right now. I write music & have had the chance to produce vocal performances for artists/ singers in the studio so I like to hear what the judges say & compare it to my opinion. I love seeing the passion & love of music these young singers have. It's great energy. But I have to channel surf sometimes when I know someone is having a bad performance. I just feel so bad for them!
I am so excited for AI tonight! I was a little disapointed last week when Luke Shaffer didn't make it to the top 20 (I actually know him)!! But the group still is great!
It's so cute to have AI parties. What a great idea! Long story, but my sister and I actually got back stages passes at one of the concerts a few years back. We met Jennifer Hudson, George Huff, Diana DeGarmo, John Stevens, Jon Peter Lewis, etc. It was awesome!! Enjoy idol tonight!
When they start the "theme" nights...I'm all in...I get annoyed after a while when they are touring America looking to give out the "tickets to Hollywood"...
I didn't think I would like Ellen...but I really do...she adds a lot to the critique in my opinion, even if she isn't from the music business...and I think her "dead pan" humor has diffused the tension that Simon can create at times...I am looking forward to this season more than I expected...
I loved Kris Allen last year and picked him out fairly early...
Love, love. loved your party theme...makes me want to plan something for the "finale"...
The dark horse Siobhan, or perhaps Katie because of her story.
I can't wait to watch this season develop.
So glad to have you as my mentor!
Found you through sweet tea and biscuits
I love your party theme and decorations Miss Janet.
I also like Clay Aiken. He has a wonderful voice.
It will be interesting to see what turn Idol takes without Simon on the show.
Hope your day is going well.
An American Idol Party- what a great idea! Your sidebar is adorable!
By the way, I wanted to let you know that I tagged you for an award on my blog Tuesday. My apologies for not letting you know until now. Happy Thursday!
Oh I do love AI....and I have such fond memories of your AI parties and the Girl Scout Cookies idea was GREAT! I mean who doesn't love Girl Scout Cookies??? And we know I love Ellen...she rocks........
Yes, we're excited that AI is back! Fortunately we TIVO it so we can just zip through the commercials and all those retrospectives they do. I actually miss Paula. Ellen is funny but she doesn't really add anything to the show other than that. They'd be better off with just three judges anyway. Four is too much talking!
I tagged you in my Blog: because I follow you & think others should too!(Really, everyone needs you Miss J!) xoxo ~ The Posh Momma:)
In one of Clay's Q & A festivals, a fan posed a question to Clay about Girl Scout Cookies, asking if he ever bought them. He enthusiastically responded that he certainly did - that he bought enough to last a very long time and froze them - peanut butter. We know he loves peanut butter and is very allergic to both chocolate and mint in any form.
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