The other day, I walked into a room full of ladies and one of them said, "Well, if it isn't 'Miss Priss!'" Hmmmm, I'm still unsure if she meant it as a derogatory statement, but, I took it as a compliment. Yes ma'am, I AM PRISSY! I have been called "Miss Priss", "Priss Britches", "Priss Pot," and other Prissy names since I was a child. It's a Southern thing y'all! My mama, Miss Pauline, is the Queen of Prissiness and is the Prissiest-thing ever! Her friends are all prissy, as well. She taught me everything I know about being Prissy.
What is Prissiness? How does one come about being called a "Priss Pot?"
~Are you high maintenance? Miss Janice is extremely high maintenance...Check.
~Is your idea of camping staying at a Day's Inn? No Camping. No Day's Inn. Don't think so...Check.
~Do you behave in a dainty-like manner? Hmmmmm, I guess I do...Check.
~Are you prim and proper...most of the time? The older I get, the more prim & proper...Check.
~Do people say that you are bossy sometimes? No, people say I'm bossy ALL the time...Check.
~Are you particular? Miss Janice is very particular...Check.
~Are you very neat? OCD neat...Check.
~Do you get upset and in a tizzy when you get dirty? In the garden no. In a room with no air conditioner, absolutely!...Check, just because I get in a tizzy about everything!
~Are you squeamish? Certain private things def make me squeamish. Check.
~Do you identify with any of the following famous ladies? Absolutely! All of them. Check.
Prissy, in Gone With the Wind, is my first runner-up as Miss Priss--behind the Queen of Priss, my mama. Dainty. Squeamish. Lord have mercy, she was definitely Prissy.
What is Prissiness? How does one come about being called a "Priss Pot?"
~Are you high maintenance? Miss Janice is extremely high maintenance...Check.
~Is your idea of camping staying at a Day's Inn? No Camping. No Day's Inn. Don't think so...Check.
~Do you behave in a dainty-like manner? Hmmmmm, I guess I do...Check.
~Are you prim and proper...most of the time? The older I get, the more prim & proper...Check.
~Do people say that you are bossy sometimes? No, people say I'm bossy ALL the time...Check.
~Are you particular? Miss Janice is very particular...Check.
~Are you very neat? OCD neat...Check.
~Do you get upset and in a tizzy when you get dirty? In the garden no. In a room with no air conditioner, absolutely!...Check, just because I get in a tizzy about everything!
~Are you squeamish? Certain private things def make me squeamish. Check.
~Do you identify with any of the following famous ladies? Absolutely! All of them. Check.
Prissy, in Gone With the Wind, is my first runner-up as Miss Priss--behind the Queen of Priss, my mama. Dainty. Squeamish. Lord have mercy, she was definitely Prissy.

My next fav prissy lady is Delta Burke, who played Suzanne Sugarbaker, in Designing Women...Bossy. Very particular. Oh-so prissy!

Here I am...Miss Janice. Squeamish. Somewhat dainty. Def bossy. Extremely neat, and ever-so prissy!

Loved, loved, loved Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde...Very prim and proper and very Prissy!

Marcia Cross, as Bree in Desperate Housewives. Oh yes ma'am--my fav character on the show. She's got her prissy principles and she's sticking to 'em! Presentation and appearance is everything to Miss Priss Britches of Wisteria Lane. Bree is extremely particular y'all and I've learned a few prissy traits from her!

So, are you Prissy?--'cuz it's not a bad thing y'all!
I love it! I totally miss Designing Women..I loved that show! You are definitely one sassy priss pot! Hope your having a great Monday! = )
Oh I am definately very prissy!
I have a reputation for it lol!
I always loved Suzanne Sugerbaker too! I miss that show!
I had a boss tell me I was Karen Walker (for the record I do NOT drink, except a glass of wine once every 7 or 8 months, so not sure where that came from). I've been told by co-workers that I was Suzanne Sugarbaker (I can understand that. I'm bossy, like to dress up and did win a few beauty queen titles). I find myself becoming waaayy prim as I get older, and almost intolerable of bad behavior and manners.
I wouldn't dream of leaving the house without makeup. As a matter of fact, I won't go to the barn or even ride my horse without full makeup.
I can't relate to Blanche. I loved her character but she was a little too promiscous for my taste.
I can however totally, 100% relate to Bree! She is my absolute favorite Miss Priss of all time.
Miss Janice,
I had no idea what a prissy pot I am until this very moment! I am SO very prissy!!!! Who knew?? Thank you for enlightening me!
Miss Janice,
Thank you so much for this post! I have a friend from middle school who has always called me "Miss Priss", he meant it to be mean spirited, but I took it as a compliment! Glad I am in such wonderful company!
Miss Janice you are just gorgeous! Take the prissy lines a compliment for sure! Very fun post! And I love your new header, another beautiful tablescape!
I can definately vouch for the fact that Miss Janice is one very prissy girl. She was prissy when we met 35 years ago (oops...did I say that) Thanks for not trying to make me too prissy. :)
Oh yes, all the Pink Green and Southern girls are Priss Pots!
Love this post :) ... and yes, I am as prissy as they come, always have been (I am sure you may know that from my blog). I like to be called 'precious priss'!! ;)
I'm not really too prissy - but I can appreciate it in others!
this was just darling and I love all of your PrissMisses- Suzanne Sugarbaker is always the first to come to mind, along with the Southern mother at the cc when I was growing up- oooooooh just love it!
Haha- cute post! In college, my sorority sisters called me "Polly Prissy Pants" or "Polly" for short. I wore that hat with a sense of pride. I came into this world prissy and will likely exit prissy. :)
Okay, I'm prissy....*Smiles*
LOVE Bree and RW too!
Many Blessings and Happy Fall to you Miss Janice! ~Melissa :)
you go, miss janice!
Bree Hodge is my favorite too! She is the reason I watch the show to be honest! I like her and all her prissy glory! I'd have to say that I'm pretty prissy and it gets worse (better?) daily!
Be absolutely fearless, you are perfect - and perfectly mannered, I might add! :)
Oh, I always knew you were prissy, missy! But I love it! You're one gorgeous one!I'm from Alabama, I'm a true southern belle. Don't tell anyone, but I'm prissy too! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
My mother called me Miss Priss! And I have called my daughter that, too ;-) I'm Prissy and Proud of it!! Just one little fact about my prissiness: Never leave home without - among other things - perfume! GREAT POST! xoxo
Hi Miss Janice,
Some would say I am a prissy pot.
I liked to be "put together", if you know what I mean and I love everything in it's place.
Have a good evening, now.
My daughter has compared me to Ada Monroe (played by Nicole Kidman) in the movie Cold Mountain. I took this to be a very big compliment. She was very prissy and yet able to rise to the occasion and do what was necessary. It shed a whole new light on the movie after my daughter said that!
You are a wonderful Miss Priss... I love you the way you are. My hope is to be Miss Priss!!
Oh NO!! YOU changed your table setting. Only kidding it is lovely and very timely. You little prissy cutie pie. She was probably being obnoxious but you owned it girl! Just like an AT. I identify with Karen the most (mostly because I'm not southern--only a wannabe)oxoxo
PS my word verification code for my comment was ....pante...which made me feel very un lady like but I guess a priss would call them panties!!! xoxo
Oh yes...I've been called Miss Priss a few times myself. I take it as a compliment, even though sometimes I'm not certain that it is intended as such. BUT, because I'm prissy, I don't care one bit!
Three cheers for all the prissy gals out in blogland!!
My mom's names for me growing up were Mrs. Kennedy and Queen Bee. My s-i-l has been known to introduce me as "our First Lady".
Love your Miss Priss list! My favorite television Miss Priss is Whitney Gilbert from A Different World.
Phyllis, Yes ma'am! I love Whitney from "A Different World!" She should def be on the "Prissy Ladies List!" I believe that was Jasmine Guy...LOVED her!
Prissy is FAB!!!!!!!
The Gold Standard in Prissy. Thanks for this great post! Yes, I've been there--when I wanted it done the correct way (my way).
Old fashioned, prissy, traditional and I'm trying to think of the other names I've been called.
If someone wasnt being nice when they said Miss Priss then it's their loss because you are just great and I'm so glad I found your blog! You are a doll!
Oh yes! I'm definitely prissy... but somehow I ended up married to a rugged, outdoorsy, man's man.
Great post!
Okay, I laughed my head off at this! I love all of these women! Prissy Southern Belles Rule!!!:-)
Emily AND Richard Gilmore and the unsung little Primrose of Fifi and the Flowertots (can you tell I spend most of my days with a two-year-old?).
I loved Suzanne Sugarbaker!!! Loved her! And I'm definitely prissy, though I like to call it 'selective'. I know what I like and want and when I like and want it! lol!
Morning Miss Janice! I am a big Delta Burke fan and adore that she is a real woman and admire her because of how she handled her weight gain with style!!! Have you checked out the new Desparate Housewives (Bree may get a new name along with "Prissy!"lol) Yes I can relate to most of these ladies! Even if I'm only a half-prissy!lol Very fun post! Sincerely, Miss Jeannette!
This is the cutest thing I've ever read! LOL! You have me grinning like the Cheshire Cat, Miss Janice.
I love prisspots. They make life more fun! My mother looked like she stepped out of a bandbox at all times and had the accompanying behavior with a twinkle in her eye. I'm a bit of an unmade bed at times, but being a good Southerner, I can put on the priss when need be! ;-)
Sheila :-)
You know your prissy if you've even been called it in another language. When I was in Venezuela they called me "sifrina." My prissiness translates into Spanish!
Miss Janice
Wonderful incite, yes I am a mid- west priss and can now be proud of it! I've been reading you for sometime and today just had to say darling, I love every droplet of your site! As I host my daughters wedding on November 14, 2009 I will be the hostess with the mostess of priss to all present! They are just jealous aren't they? Hugs, Lori
I just found your blog and laughed out loud when I saw this post! Yes Ma'am, I am a priss pot and so proud of it. I don't think a southern womens job is done unless her daughter is undeniably a "priss!" I am very proud that my daughter's nickname is Miss Priss. A southern compliment if I ever heard one!
Thanks for the laugh!
What a delightful site! You took me back to the days of Villager, John Romain, Ladybug, and Bass Weejuns. Of course, most of mine came from Rich's, downtown. When I was in college, Wesleyan of course, we used to comment on all the little old ladies ( like my mother) who wore their Ferragamos. What do I wear now....Ferragamos! Plus, my mother recently passed, so I now have 7 sets of fine china, 2 sets of sterling and crystal. Now, why does ANYONE need 7 sets of fine china? Is that not southern and terribly prissy?
A Dixie Chik
Oh my goodness, I love this post which I just reread this evening. Suzanne Sugarbaker was the best prisspot. Growing up in the Midwest, ladies and young girls were referred to as being "very particular" in their manner and they way they dressed. I think I prefer the appellation prissy. Think I'm too old at sixty-six to become prissy?
This is the cutest post ever. My husband has always called me prissy, going back to when we were dating. I've always found it endearing! I'm so glad to 'meet' some other wonderful prissy ladies here online.
This is the cutest post ever. My husband has always called me prissy, going back to when we were dating. I've always found it endearing! I'm so glad to 'meet' some other wonderful prissy ladies here online.
I love your hair on that photo. It really suits you to have some hair falling closer to your face.
What a beautiful photo of you . I'm so glad being prissy isn't the bad thing some folks think it is.
Ali x
What a refreshing thing to hear...I am definitely Prissy, actually everyplace I work people end up calling me "Princess"...well at first I thought that was rude, but after a while I thought to my self....I am not going to apologize for the fact that I am educated, went to a private Catholic school/ All girls High School and a Catholic College...when you are practically taught by Nuns and Brothers you do learn proper ettiquite, hold yourself to a higher standard and like nice things. I am a very Southern Belle and probably a handful (high maintenance) but over all a very nice, kind generous person that totally values family. So at my age 50, I just do not care what anyone thinks. There is a great phrase on Pinterest that says "What other people think of me is none of my business". I have three very well educated daughters with wonderful jobs and raised them all by myself...their dad climed the corporate ladder and liked the "greener grass", so a disney paycheck dad who was not involved in the every day life just made me stronger. I am a nurse by profession and have a huge compassion for others, but at the same time, I do not tolerate anything less than acceptable and that is why people who are not like the "prissy" women have a problem. Sad, but it is just jelousy. Now....I will say, I love to decorate my home, but after seeing you Miss Priss...I need to start reading your blog for your fashion tips!! Thank you for giving me permission to not feel bad for the way I am and the way I hold my standards and carry myself in a manner that obviously irritates those who have no clue about manners, social ettiquite and so forth! You made my day!!
What a refreshing thing to hear...I am definitely Prissy, actually everyplace I work people end up calling me "Princess"...well at first I thought that was rude, but after a while I thought to my self....I am not going to apologize for the fact that I am educated, went to a private Catholic school/ All girls High School and a Catholic College...when you are practically taught by Nuns and Brothers you do learn proper ettiquite, hold yourself to a higher standard and like nice things. I am a very Southern Belle and probably a handful (high maintenance) but over all a very nice, kind generous person that totally values family. So at my age 50, I just do not care what anyone thinks. There is a great phrase on Pinterest that says "What other people think of me is none of my business". I have three very well educated daughters with wonderful jobs and raised them all by myself...their dad climed the corporate ladder and liked the "greener grass", so a disney paycheck dad who was not involved in the every day life just made me stronger. I am a nurse by profession and have a huge compassion for others, but at the same time, I do not tolerate anything less than acceptable and that is why people who are not like the "prissy" women have a problem. Sad, but it is just jelousy. Now....I will say, I love to decorate my home, but after seeing you Miss Priss...I need to start reading your blog for your fashion tips!! Thank you for giving me permission to not feel bad for the way I am and the way I hold my standards and carry myself in a manner that obviously irritates those who have no clue about manners, social ettiquite and so forth! You made my day!!
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