Monday, October 26, 2009


When I was a trick-or-treater, we just carried a pillowcase around the neighborhood and people threw the candy into the case. Well, now I believe that presentation is everything, so here's a few ways I packaged the loot for the youngins.

Last year I celebrated Halloween in my Mississippi home. Our home up there is in a small gated community and I knew that I would not get very many people ringing the doorbell! I came up with a few treats for those who did.

Adorned with a cute black and orange ribbon bow, these miniature orange buckets stuffed with candy were so cute!

"Creepy Crackers" stuffed with candy inside paper towel rolls, wrapped in crepe paper, and secured with spider rings from The Dollar Store. That's right, I shop everywhere y'all, especially The Dollar Store.

"Bat Bags" full of m&m's, from last year's Martha Stewart Halloween collection.

This year, things are gonna be a bit different. I have been informed by a neighbor to expect 400+ trick-or-treaters! What? Yes, that's right...last Halloween, over 400 children chose my "front-porch" community as their must-do place to pick up Halloween loot! So, I've been a busy little witch...getting ready for the big night. Not sure who will be giving all this candy out, but I'm finally finished getting the packages together. This Wednesday evening, I'm having some girlfriends over for a "Witchey Brew & Stew." So, I'm all about the "Witchey-thing" this year!

Plan A: Get 'em while they last! These cute little bags are from this year's Martha Stewart Halloween collection. Full of candy corn, a cute black witch adorns the clear bags embossed with a spooky tree.

Sometimes Plan B is better than Plan A: These cute "Trick-or-Treat" bags are also from this year's Martha Stewart Halloween collection and they are full of miniature candy bars.

When the gift bags are gone, it's back to the old-style...not to worry! We have bags and bags and bags of this stuff!

Stop in to visit with me on Wednesday evening, when I will post my "Witchey Brew & Stew" tablescape. Thank you for stopping in today!


Unknown said...

You are so creative!

Halloween is much better in small doses. 400 children, wonder how many are teenagers.

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

Oh my, you are just too creative! I LOVE your ideas and I would completely steal your ideas if I didn't have 200 trick or treaters.

Nanette said...

Oh my, 400 is a lot! There are a lot of children in this neighborhood, I hope we don't get 400 though!

Your house would be fun to hang out at on Halloween! Very festive. Everything looks wonderful.

Gracie Beth said...

You are wonderful! Those kids are so lucky to stop by your house!

Linda said...

My husband is always commenting on the amount of work I put into things, my's all in the presentation!

I love all of your gift giving ideas. I may need to go to Michael's today to check out the Martha Stewart collection. I love the clear bags with the witch attached.

Don't feel bad, we get over 500 trick-or-treaters on Halloween...and none of them are the neighbor kids!

Suburban Princess said...

Wow! I am all about presentation but there is no way I would do this sort of thing for 400 kids I have never even met! You are much more dedicated than I am!

Jennifer said...

That is so cute! I usually just go old school and throw candy in a cute bucket or bowl and hand it out. Maybe one day I will hand out cute gifts...if there aren't too many trick-or-treaters, otherwise I will just do what you did. You have such cute ideas!

Mona said...

Adorable treat ideas! I agree with you, presentation IS everything!! I'm looking forward to your "Witchey Brew & Stew" post.

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

We usually average about 4 trick or treaters....and I wish we had more...but not 400. Good luck

Posh Peach said...

How thoughtful Miss Janice! Any trick-or-treater is sure to be delighted to knock on your door. All these favors are too cute!

Jewel Sauls said...

TOO TOO Cute! I love it all!!! :D Jewel

Unknown said...

Miss Janie, you have such style in everything you do...I particularly love the Martha Stewart treat bags (plan B). Such great graphics on them...Happy Halloween!

A Hint of Home said...

Everything looks spooky! Really, everything is adorable. Do you get the Martha Stewart collections at Michaels? They are too cute.
Happy Halloween to you!

Her Preppiness said...

fabulous ideas

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh my -- My dogs would be wild at the end of 400 visitors! (I think I would too!) You'll have to give a report back on November 1st on how you survived it all!

Sit A Spell said...

Way new home is in a smaller gated community. I will have to do something similar next year!

When we lived in GA we got about 400 kiddos...crazy! Have fun this year Miss Janice!

Southern Savvy said...

The little goblins are going to love trick or treating at your house!

Unknown said...

Your Halloween treats look wonderful. I am re-thinking my treats, given your inspiration.

melissa said...

Such *CUTE* Halloween treats! I am making up some special bags for the neigher kiddos. I can NOT believe you have over 400 trick or treaters? Holy Moly! We are lucky if we get 40.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I really admire your creativity. The kids will love coming to your house every Halloween. I know I would! =) I'm going to go out and get some cute bags today...great idea!



P.S. Thank you so much for the nice comments on my kitchen, you are so sweet!

Muffy said...

Oh my goodness! These are just GORGEOUS! I love your touch. You just make things EXTRA special.

sle said...

How cute! You always have the most clever ideas.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Those treat bags and crackers are very cute! It's suppose to rain here on Halloween so we don't expect too many people (it's not big here anyway). Most people go to Harvest Day or similar activity at their church that day.


Anonymous said...

too cute! I need to do something like that for Macy to take to school! Thanks so much! Hope your having a great week! = )

M. L. said...

Miss Janice that was wonderful!

We always get a lot of children not from the neighborhood and I take it as a personal compliment that people think of my street as family friendly.

I hope you and all 400 of your visitors had a terrific time!

The Hayden Family said...

How fun! You are so clever, diligent and thoughtful!