"Here's What I Wore"...That skirt was one of my favorites--a pink and green wrap-around skirt I bought at the Casual Hut, the place to shop back in the day in Augusta, Georgia. The white blouse is a "Country Club Blouse" with a Peter Pan collar. The collar was monogrammed in pink and had a pink piping trim! I want that blouse back, right now...it was too cute! The pink cable cardigan sweater was from Trimmingham's in Bermuda--now closed, but one of my all-time favorite stores! My shoes...pink espadrilles and monogrammed in white...yes ma'am! I'm carrying a cute pink Bermuda Bag also monogrammed...in white. My ponytail is adorned with a pink grosgrain ribbon. I can see I'm wearing my Rolex Chameleon watch with the pink (interchangeable) grosgrain ribbon, which I've not worn for years!!! I need to start wearing that watch again--it has its own wardrobe, different colored bands, enabling it to be worn with different outfits! The necklace I'm wearing was very popular back then...gold memory beads--loved 'em! I'm also wearing gold disk monogrammed earrings and the matching monogrammed ring...still have those also.
Now, here's another photo...from way back to my days at Richmond Academy in Augusta, Georgia. Here's the cheerleading squad in our uniforms--monogrammed vests, country club blouses, and the cute plaid skirts. We were also wearing Spaldings...de rigueur back then! I'm the last one the right on the top row, with the flippity-do!) Preppy cheerleaders at the oldest high school in the South...yes ma'am!

So, what are my preppy fashion staples??? Here's a few...
~Pearl necklace and pearl stud earrings
~Anything genuine madras
~A Burberry umbrella
~Lilly Pulitzer shifts
~Engraved jewelry
~Tory Burch Revas
~Ferragamo Vara pumps
~Grosgrain ribbon bows for my ponytail
~Headbands (preferably by Ferragamo)
~Monogrammed baseball caps
~Bermuda bags (monogrammed, if appropriate)
~Chanel 2.55 pocketbook
~Nantucket Lightship pocketbook
~Burberry pocketbook
~Louis Vuitton pocketbook
~Scarves...Hermes, Cartier, Christian Dior, and Lilly
~Rolex watch
~Polo shirts
~Cardigan sweaters
~Pullover sweaters, either monogrammed or with the Lilly palm/Polo pony
~Jack Rogers sandals
~Chanel ballet flats
~Chanel sunglasses
What are some of your preppy staples? 'Cuz if I don't have it, I want it!
LOVE IT!!! You are so classic! = )
I love this post, Miss Janice!!
Happy Sunday!
You look ADORABLE--I just love it!!!
You are TOOOOOO CUTE!!!! Looove that first picture of you in the 70's!!!!!!!!!!
I tell you, I looooved my Burmuda Bags and wish that I had kept them - the other thing that I loooved were the REAL espadrills (?sp?). With the canvas uppers and woven heel.
And here was a staple of mine that I loved and I can't believe that I can't find ANY, not even on E-bay:
TREETORNS!!!!! OMG!! I used to have them in EVERY COLOR to match my outfits!!!!
Big (((hugs))) you southern CUTIE!!!!!
OH - I'm sending you a picture of the Lilly store on Madison in NYC - not quite the same as in the south....
You are my role model. Too cute! Where can I get the Rolex with the grosgrain ribbon band?
I love your post! I have been dressing preppy forever. My mom had me in monogrammed jumpers when I was a toddler then into prep school uniform. Nowadays my staples are Lilly Pulitzer dresses and skorts, Polo ralph lauren polo dresses, Burberry and Lacoste headbands, Miss Trish of Capri shoes, and Gucci bags with Lilly and Coach scarves tied on the side for some color!
LOve, love Peter Pan collared blouses! Had a ton of them in white, light blue, pink, yellow + the ever so wonderful Starched Oxford cloth button downs! ;-) I love your list. My list would also include my Weejuns, my gold charm bracelet, gold bangles, ribbon cardi sweaters, kilts, and I could go on and on! What a fun post Miss Janice!! xoxo
Oh Miss Janice! You are such a cutie! You are your own Mini Me! lol I love the look and had many of the same preppy items...but alas..where are they now...especially my bermuda bag??? :-( I do still have my monogrammed pin, however! Happy week!...Debbie
How cute as a button were you in the 70s?!?! I just LOVE "vintage" pictures! (We don't use the word 'old' around here!)
Our staples are the same, Miss Janice! I don't think you left anything out, except perhaps a monogrammed boat and tote bag from LL Bean? That is the only other item I can think of!
Lovely post, those are the most exquisite cheerleading uniforms I think I have ever seen anywhere!
You are just the cutest!
You look like such a darling in all those photos! I love looking and talking about clothing - especially preppy (and classic) clothing. Thanks for your best post ever and I'm writing down a list of preppy needs I have now.
Love this post!! I can only add my Tiffany purse pen, Eliza B sandals and my large signet ring.
Oh la la! I was a tomboy ... ewww! Xoxo-BLC
Love the post. I live in a colder climate, so I couldn't be without my navy wool peacoat. I have one in red too, which I wear to Badger games.
That's great. I just found your blog through Newlywed Hostess, it is lovely here and we have many of the same interests. Will see you back here!
Beautiful photos!
Great list, I must add L.L. Bean boots to the list for those of us up north.
You look fabulous. I had no idea you were a fellow GA Peach!
This is such a fun post! Love it! how could I possibly add to such a perfect list?? I heart my Rolex too! I never take it off! xox MBM
I have an assorment of rainbow colored driving moccasins, and of course every kind of loafer imaginable, from Brighton, Ralph Lauren, Aigner and Brooks Brothers. I find the older I get the more I love loafers, especially kilties and alligator.
I have a long tartan skirt that I wear for formal occasions.
I wear my hair very short (very un-preppy I know, but I look old with long hair), so I don't have a need for head bands.
I have an assortment of pearl necklaces, single strand, double strand, long, short, even white, or cream colored.
I have a pair of Lilly jeans, a few Lilly cardigans, a Lilly skirt, but most of my staples are Brooks Brothers or Ralph. I very seldom stray from those brands.
I guess my style is more classic/traditional than preppy, now that I think of it.
My gosh! I am a true blue "preppy girl". I don't know how my sister wasn't preppy, but I seem to still be in the mode, vintage, embroidered, initials, PINK (I do love PINK!) and any thing plaid..... I still have my freshman year in college, penny loafers with the penny and my 'dock siders'
Loved it girl!
Oh Miss Janice, can you tell how much we all adore your post? You look cute as can be, and we totally understand the desire t have that blouse back with the pink piping!
Your list is also outstanding, there's little we would add other than Brooks Brothers, occasional Orvis & Pendleton, plus the LL Bean and/or Lands' End.
What fun this one is, we'll be back to see everyone's continued comments!
Love this post! You look great in the pictures. I used to have a Bermuda bag (stolen from my mother, but I have no idea where it is now. I think my sister took it from me! I need to find it or buy myself another.
I had several of those blouses with the peter pan collar. Mine were made by Tanner. I would love to have them today.
What a fun post! I especially love that last photo :)
I love your photos and your list is so classic! I remember having many of the same items.
Thanks for this fun post!
I love the Laizy Daisy in Vero! It used to be my go-to Lilly store before I discovered the corporate one in Winter Park ;-)
Remember Pappagallo shoes? Oh how I miss those!
This is a cute post! I was raised in LL Bean, Land's End and Bass shoes. Today it's still the same with an occasional Lilly dress, VV shorts or Anne Taylor dress. But always with my pearls!
OH I love this post!!! You just look adorable in all the photos!!! Nancy
LOVE IT!!!!!!! We could have been best buddies! (ha ha)..
I'm going to post an old preppy picture of me too!
I think you have the staples covered. My favorite outfit was full of frogs: frog trimmed cardigan, frog turtle neck, frog earrings, and green cords, and blue and green LLBean duck boots. I looked great!
what a great blog...was the country club collar blouse you were wearing from talbotts?
Dear Prep Air,
This photo was from the 70's...Lord have mercy, I don't remember where I bought the darlin' blouse. I do have one similar to it now, which I purchased from Land's End cataloge.
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