I simply must stop to say thank you to two special ladies...Jennifer at JenniferDTrent and Kristen at GroveGals. Don't you just love it when you've been away and come home to gift packages...just for you!
Well, I entered Jennifer's "Tootsies Giveaway" she hosted in celebration of her 100th post and I won! I'm soooo excited to start using my gifts...from Earth Therapeutics--Clean & Cool Foot Wipes, Tea Tree Oil & Foot Repair Balm, and the Soothing Gel Soles. I actually do my own pedicures y'all--I'm not into sticking my feet inside public-foot buckets--so these products are a luxury for my tootsies!
Well, I entered Jennifer's "Tootsies Giveaway" she hosted in celebration of her 100th post and I won! I'm soooo excited to start using my gifts...from Earth Therapeutics--Clean & Cool Foot Wipes, Tea Tree Oil & Foot Repair Balm, and the Soothing Gel Soles. I actually do my own pedicures y'all--I'm not into sticking my feet inside public-foot buckets--so these products are a luxury for my tootsies!

I also want to thank Kristen at GroveGals for sending me this tres preppy swap package! Hopsy recently hosted a "Prep for Fall Swap," and yes, Miss Janice decided to enter another swap. My longtime blog readers may remember I had a "bad swap experience" awhile back, but SouthernandPreppy recently brought me right out of that funk when I swapped with her! So, now I'm back in the swap game! Here's Kristen's gifts to me...wrapped so preppy!

Here's my loot...Pink towels, monogrammed in green--too cute! To the right is a darling and useful pink thermal mug. Look at the cute Lilly notecards. Essie nail polish--in the Lovie Dovie preppy pink color...adore that! A cute pink dotted paper clip and green & white zippered bag. She topped it all off with some kiss-a-licious Pink Buttercream lip gloss, by Jaqua.
I adore all my preppy fall loot Kristen.
Y'all should also visit Kristen at GroveGals or over at Twitterville...Twitter.com/GroveGalk.
Thanks again to both of you for adding a little sunshine to my life on Blogger and Twitter.
Yay! I'm glad you like them. The gel soles actually work better in the fridge or boiling water than the microwave/freezer. I usually boil mine! Have fun!
Love your swap package! Those swaps always look so fun.
I am officially jealous!
What a fabulous swap gift!
WOWeee, you have certainly hit the jackpot Miss Janice!!! I'm so happy for you!
What lovely goodies you have! And are surely covered for your next pedicure! I like that color!
Wow! Lucky you. Congratulations. laurie
Such lovely gifts!
I was partnered with Kristen in a preppy Christmas swap which was so much fun and she was a fabulous partner!
And ... I see she wrote a note to you on one of my note pads :)
I am so glad you that you decided to stay in the swap game. Love you monogrammed towels and that darling nail color by Essie looks delish!
Your packages are so nice and the towels are cute! I am sure you looked wonderful in your Lilly! Being in south Florida and a tropical climate don't you have the option of wearing your summer shifts year round? I know it is nice to change seasons though, even if only in wardrobe!
I just love those monogrammed striped towels!
Hi Miss Janice! I'm laughing because I thought I was the only female left in America that didn't get a pedicure! I'm with you on the public foot bath thing!!lol Seeing your beautiful gifts I may have to go soak my tootsies now! Fun as always! Sincerely, Jeannette
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