Y'all know I'm going to show you What I'm Wearing tomorrow, but first I must tell you that recently, I received a comment from another blogger, Kathie Truitt at Hillbilly Debutante:
"Miss Janice, I am sure I speak for others when I say we want to see more pictures of YOU. Please accommodate." Hmmmm, Miss Kathy, my friend Teresa Jane has been telling me the same thing. Honestly, I kind of feel uncomfortable splashing photos of myself all over my blog and I'm so busy...sometimes when I leave the house, I am by myself, so there's no one to take my photograph. I promise, I will definitely start posting some photos of moi modeling my outfits. However, not tomorrow. No ma'am! That's not the day to start...when I'm going to jog for three miles. Oh no, I'll do it another time. So Here's What I'm Wearing for the 5k race...
My trusty black jogging pants for a cool morning with a plain black tee...pretty plain, huh?

Well, Miss Janice can't go out with a totally boring outfit! I'll have the hair in the usual ponytail, my Chanel cap, and yes I know they are out of style--but I'll be wearing my Burberry scrunchie. Yes, Miss Janice still wears scrunchies! I'm not throwing away my Burberry scrunchie!!! I will be wearing my pearl stud earrings...alas, but no pearl necklace--can't have it flopping all over the place! Since, I'll be timing myself, I'll have to wear my silver and gold Rolex. I'll throw on my jogging shoes and to add a bit more style, I will wear my Chanel fanny pack--to hold my Burt's Bees lip balm with pomegrante (no posh lipstick for the race y'all) and my I.D --just in case I fall out, Lord have mercy.
So, I always try to beat my own personal best...36:50--hey y'all...I'm doing the best I can!
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope that all y'all are able to get out this weekend and participate in some form of exercise!
Miss Janice,
I am so sorry to hear about your friend and I will say a prayer for she and her loved ones.
Participating in the 5k is commendable to say the least. It sounds as if it is bringing forth a feeling of exhilaration for you as well. You seem to have so many good memories of your athletic feats in the past. Are you still in touch with Leslie?
You will be the best dressed runner in the race! Aren't you afraid you might loses a pearl? Well at least it was for a good cause.
Go kill 'em!!!
Sorry for the typo's. (Her and her loved...
lose~ not loses...
Good for you! You are as usual too cute with your outfit! Love it :) Good luck!
Oh Miss Janice I am so glad you're participating in the Memory Walk! I was a Sigma Kappa in college and our philanthropy is Alzheimers. We participated in Memory Walk every year. So sorry to hear about your friend. I know she would love that you are walking for her!
What a great way to support your friend and her family. Good luck to you!
Well bringing the ID along is a good idea, although I certainly hope you won't need it! Good luck tomorrow, what a wonderful cause. Of course you'll look just wonderful in your athletic outfit. Go out there and know you take a lot good wishes with you and most of all take care of yourself along the way, we'll be thinking of you!
Well Miss Priss of the runny circuits, I remember my neighbor asking me just to walk around the neighborhood with her. We did it while smoking saying outloud we were doing it for our weight, not our health. Boy, do I regret that!
Teresa Jane
My grandmother has Alzheimer's so thank you for doing this! You are sure to be the most styligh runner out there, be sure to take a photo!
Is this the same friend who is already on my prayer list from when she went to the hospital for tests? I'm so sorry. This is such a difficult disease for everyone involved.
Good luck in the race. I look forward to seeing a winning medal on your blog! Do you move your pictures around after you post them? That will make them unclickable. If you upload the pictures and type the words above and below the pictures (without clicking on the pictures to move them), your readers can usually click them to enlarge them. laurie
Hi Miss Janice, I'm so sorry about your dear friend. I hope someone finds a cure for Alzheimers quick! You are going to look very stylish on your run tomorrow. I love Channel hat! Good luck! Kristen
Great expression of love Miss Janice!
It has hit our family in a real hard way! I am thankful for people like you. Enjoy your walk!
I think it's a great thing what you're doing Janice - and I commend you for your dedication to the cause! I will definitely say a prayer for her and her loved ones, too!
Hi Miss Janice...what a wretched disease Alzheimers is...I am so sorry to hear of your dear friend. I pray they will find a cure in our lifetime or at least someway to make life better for the sufferers. I commend you for walking for the cause! ;-) Bo
I am sorry to hear about your friend. It always saddens me to hear when someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Good for you for participating in the Memory Walk.
I don't think the scrunchee matters as long as it is Burberry.
Miss Janice,
What a worthy cause and cute outfit! I am sure you will do fantastic.
You are so impressive! I've never done a 5k, but I'm feeling inspired! Way to go! I'll be praying for your friend.
Miss Janice,
I'm sorry about your friend. GOOD FOR YOU for exercising for a good cause!
I had to giggle when you said "I don't feel comfortable splashing myself all over my blog."
I am way too heavy right now, but not shy a bit. when you have the time, take a peek at yesterday's post...I even titled one of the pics "sitting pretty" & afterwards thought people would probably think "get over yourself." but, those who know me know I can be way too self-depricating.
Enjoy your run! I envy you- still running...I do well to walk a lot & hike.
hugs, Cheryl in IN
Miss Janice,
Best of luck with the 5k, we know you'll do well and look good while your at it. ;)
I only saw the Lenox, Butler's Pantry, Rooster dishes on the Boscov's SALE site, that was the first I knew they even existed.
I just KNOW that you were the best dressed athlete!! Thanks for the sweet comments today! YES! please swipe the button and feel free to swipe anything that you want!!
I would very much like to have that lovely floral arrangement on your header for our pink and green shower. I seriously make ask a question about the tablescape. . . I have to get it together in my mind first - then I may need help!! xoxo
Good luck. Great cause.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Janice. My Father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year, so I know how it feels to watch a loved one slowly go through the awful process. But you are an inspiration to get out there and do what you can for the cause, what a wonderful woman you are! Congrats too on getting to that finish line sweetie!! I like your gear too! :) A girls gotta go in style :)
Hugs, Cynthia
Miss Janice,
I am so sorry to hear this about your friend! She is in our prayers!!
You are amazing! And I must say I absolutely love your outfit!!
I'll pray for your friend and her family. This is such a devastating disease and so sad,especially because it can affect people so young. God Bless you for participating in the walk in her honor.
What a wonderful tribute for your friend. My Great Aunt Joan passed away from Alzheimer's Disease in her 70s. This was a vibrant, intelligent woman who became a professor in a time when most women were expected to stay at home and take care of their husbands, as vibrant and sassy as can be. A few years later, her sister, my Granny, began to decline and soon faced the same diagnosis. She made it to the age of 80 but the last year and a half or so was heartrending. My mother did not live long enough to see if she would have developed this horrible disease, but it is one of my greatest fears. Congratulations on your impending accomplishment!
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