Y'all know I like to match my iphone case to my outfit. This is my collection which I love, but I must say that it's getting harder and harder to keep up. Each time I get an upgrade phone I have to get rid of the cases. Right now I have the iPhone 4 and when and IF I upgrade to the 5, I won't be able to use any of these. Boo hiss on that.

I keep them in my closet and each one is paired with outfits listed in my "Wardrobe Inventory" book.

To be honest, my soft-gel cases are the easiest ones to get on and off of the phone. The hard-shell cases are very difficult to attach and I'm always afraid of breaking one of the buttons on the phone. Oh, the problems of being so matchy-matchy!
Yes 'mam. You are w onderful and must have the patience of Job. My inner self wants to be as organized as you but I can't do it! Congratulations.
I have a 4s and am growing my collection too. I adore the kate spade and Lilly cases best. Mine have to match as well. I seriously don't think we could be neighbors...we would drive everyone nuts with the matchy matchy!! Ayyynd, we wouldn't have it any other way! Adorbs!!
Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled
I have the same Lilly case! If you want some affordable cases, check out the ones from Initial Outfitters, which I sell, at www.initialoufitters.net/kathybowen
There's lots of other great monogrammed/personalized items, too! Love my Initial Outfitters!
Where do you find all the darling cases? I'm considering and upgrade to a 5 but the 6 is supposed to be completely different. It must drive the case manufacturers crazy. I love the monogrammed cases. So cute and practical if you have a tendency to leave your phone at friends.
I buy some from Lifeguard Press, others from eBay, Etsy, TJ Maxx, everywhere! It's a pain when you upgrade, then you have to start all over again!
I got iPhone 5 on my birthday and searching for the best cases. ucuz iphone 4
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