When I look at my Fall/Winter wardrobe, it's kinda boring. It's all black, black, and more black...with a few bright colored cardigans thrown in. So, I've been thinking about what I want to buy for the new season and well...my usual haunts are not exciting me at all.
Then, I found this site--What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear. Lord have mercy, I LOVE these clothes. Emma Pillsbury {played by Jayma Mays} stars on the hit TV show Glee. She's a germaphobic guidance counselor at the ficticious McKinley High. Like me, Emma loves prim and proper and ladylike clothing. She has a very unique style by pairing together bow blouses, straight skirts, cardigans, brooch pins, fabulous necklaces, Peter Pan collared blouses, and cardi clips. Her style is a little bit JCrew with some vintage classic thrown in.
What I really like about her style is that it can be affordable...not a $250 dress that you will see on every single blog!
I am now obsessed with the cardi clips...Emma's signature accessory. I already have tons of cardis and the clips are perfect to jazz up the look!

So, I'm off to continue my online search {starting with eBay, Etsy, and Mod Cloth} for all the pieces I need to tie a couple of outfits together! Thank you for visiting with me today.