Earlier this evening, I needed to go shopping at Walmart. Yes, I most certainly do shop at Walmart...I shop everywhere. I'll admit that some stores provide a little more excitement for me than others, but shopping is just plain for me.
There has been a lot of publicity recently about the website PeopleofWalmart. While I won't copy any of the photos from that site, I will just tell you that they are all pretty much ridiculous. I'm not laughing at the way that other people dress, but certainly feel some of those people in the photos featured on the site should have looked in the mirror before they left home!
Now the Walmart where I shop is one of those fancy Supercenters and it's real clean and neat. There are no houligans running around screaming, no merchandise strewn all over the floor, and (some say, due to the economy) you will see many BMW's and Mercedes in the parking lot!
"HERE'S WHAT I WORE" The classic shift in green with pink palms is by Lilly as is the pink cardigan with palm print. The pink flower thongs are also by Lilly. I wore a Lilly-fied flowered ponytail holder, a pearl necklace, pearl stud earrings, and my rollring wedding band by Cartier. I carried my Nantucket pocketbook and my fragrance of choice was 'Wink' by Lilly.
Love this pattern...perfect color and print.

Of course, the bows at the hem are a must for Miss Janice!

Love the palm needlework on the cardigan...

Of course, I stop at the sanitizing stand to clean my cart...ewwwwww~

Walmart is a great place to find Paula Deen cookware!
Loved all the 4th of July partyware they have and loved the price also!

Of course, the bows at the hem are a must for Miss Janice!

Love the palm needlework on the cardigan...

Of course, I stop at the sanitizing stand to clean my cart...ewwwwww~
Walmart is a great place to find Paula Deen cookware!
I've got my eye on this baby...
Beach reading material... I must read about Prince William's girlfriend!!! Lord have mercy, is the Star reporting that she's pregnant????!!!

Loaded up the trunk with a few fun goodies...LOVE my new hot pink beach chair!!!

That old saying "If I keel over in Walmart, please drag my body to Neimans" doesn't really apply to me! I'm not ashamed for anyone to know that I shop at Walmart! However, I think that just because people are shopping at a discount store doesn't mean they have to show up there lookin' like something the cat drug in!
Thank you for visiting with me and I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!
Loaded up the trunk with a few fun goodies...LOVE my new hot pink beach chair!!!
That old saying "If I keel over in Walmart, please drag my body to Neimans" doesn't really apply to me! I'm not ashamed for anyone to know that I shop at Walmart! However, I think that just because people are shopping at a discount store doesn't mean they have to show up there lookin' like something the cat drug in!
Thank you for visiting with me and I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!
I swear...where have you been all my life...my blogging life that is!
You totally crack me up! I love the stop at the sanitizing station...eeewwww is so right! I hate shopping carts for that exact reason!
My husband tells everyone I don't even know how to find a Wal Mart.
You found some cute stuff...maybe I should try to find one;) and your outfit is darling...I bet you fit right in;)...yeah right!
Thanks for the giggle!
Hi Miss Janice! I hope you are doing well...I'm coming to your state next week. We are going to Disney World!
I think I've told you that I live in a small town in Arkansas. I go to Wal-mart supercenter several times a week since it's so close. You wouldn't believe the way people dress here! They wear their pajamas all the time! The other day a large woman's breast almost fell out of her tank top. Oh My! She definitly needed a bra (and did not need to be wearing a tank top IMO) I
could go on and on...
I don't look as good as you when I go to Wal-mart, but I definitly look in the mirror before I go! lol...
Hi, Janice,
This was a fun post. I always use the cart sanitizer stuff. That Walmart site is hilarious.
What a fun post! I am a bit north of Orlando and don't care much for the local Walmart. I usually go to Target instead. I don't think I've ever been dressed as darling as you when I shop at Target, but I do look in the mirror. I finally found a Lilly shop in Winter Park!
I loved your post on "iced tea" which we usually call "sweet tea" or just "tea".
I also enjoyed reading your Ga peach post! I actually lived there many yrs ago near Atlanta. I wonder if their peaches make it to northern Florida? They are wonderful. My mama made peach cobbler every summer and you always saw it at the church pot luck.
Miss Janice - you're the best! I agree - Wal-mart is on the move now - adding some competitive products. They do a lot of things right! Keep the good stuff coming. xo
Miss Janice - you're the best! I agree - Wal-mart is on the move now - adding some competitive products. They do a lot of things right! Keep the good stuff coming. xo
There's a Walmart right beside my school and every once in a while I have to stop in. I'll have to say that I've never seen anyone as well dressed as you walking the aisles. You look adorable in your Lily!
You go girl! I love this post! XOXO
Miss Janice, you were my first stop in visits today and what a way to start my day! You had me grinning from ear to ear, as I read each word.
We live out in the country - and Wal-Mart is the big thing in the small town closest to us. I'm not sure what goes through these people's minds when they set out ... they either look like they just rolled out of bed or are dressed for a night on the town 80's style. I often wonder, do they not have a mirror in their home? Who are their friends/family that let these poor souls go out in such a state?
I loved your outfit ... appropriate for the task at hand. Have a great week-end!HHL
You look so cute in all your Lilly. My husband has banned me from Walmart due to their apparent policy of not allowing contractors that work on their building projects to break even let alone make a profit. I am all for free markets and so is John so we exercise our free market right to not shop there.
We have a Walmart right around the courner from us. The convenience of it's location is sometimes too much of a temptation for me and at times I have given in to that temptation. My most blatent transgretion was a few Christmas' ago when I was searching for the elusive Wii. The announcer came over the speaker system and announce a new shippment of the coveted game and advised shoppers to line up for a number to aquire one. I couldn't resist...I was right by the person passing out the numbers. I got in line, got the Wii and spent the rest of the season trying to avoid the topic of where the Wii came from....
Hope you and yours are well and enjoying the summer. I haven't been blogging much but hope to get back to it again soon when I get a new camera....can't find my battery charger....
I always make a trip by the clearance aisle at Wally world. I have found some Paula Deen stuff there, great pillows from their new line and plates for a dollar, holler!!
I laugh at the Walmart people pics too! Maybe you will make it for being way overdressed for Walmart! You looked adorable.
What a cute post! I have to say I have never seen anyone as well dressed as you at our Walmart. I am a huge Target fan so I don't go there often. That was so funny showing the sanitation station!! cracks me up!
Fun post! You are dressed to shop anywhere, which is a good thing. I much prefer Target to Walmart, but every now and then I break down and go there (and usually find some fun things). When one of my boys was quite small, probably five or six, we were in WM, and he asked, "Mom, why do all the people here look like this?" and he proceeded to drop his jaw, so that his mouth hung open with a vacant stare! I laughed so hard. I can't wait to tell him about the People of Walmart site; he's 14 now.
This is why I love your blog. You tell it like it is, sister! LOL
I wish the Walmarts by my house were like yours. Sadly, they aren't. Even the most decent one is messy on a good day. Sigh.
I prefer Target but will run to Walmart on occasion. I like their stuff but there is a reason for the People of Walmart website. Ha.
I too have had my eye on one of those Margaritaville Frozen Concoction makers. I'm thinking it just might happen this summer!
I shop at Wal Mart, I won't lie. However, I do favor Target. It's a little classier, no? But I am not ashamed to grace the aisles of Wally World.
Now, onto that little outfit of yours. Darling! And your reusable shopping bags? Fab! Yes, I paid attention to everything!
Happy weekending, lady!
I love it! I always head straight to the cleaning wipes! And, if she is PG, that's one way to get your prince!!!
Miss Janice, you always look so put together! I love it- the thought and care you put into dressing each day.....It's great.
Love it! Just made a trip to Wally world this morning. I am little more incognito with my Ralph Lauren ball cap, polo shirt and sweats, but you are right! I love WalMart!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your ecofriendly reusable shopping bags! I wouldn't expect anything less from such a fabulous lady.
Hello Miss Janice! You hit the "nail on the head" once again!lol Like Kristen's Walmart they wear pajamas in mine also!shame, shame and yuck! Even if it is only my t-shirt color matching my shoes w/jeans and always makeup and simple jewelry I feel like I'm the only one in there with a mirror!(including staff!)lol I feel sad when I look at these woman - no pride in their looks and just plain lazy!!! It's just as easy to put on a cute T as opposed to something that looks like you are going to a Harley event!!!lol AND MANNERS AND A PLEASANT SMILE GO ALONG WAY TOO!lol
As usual you look adorable!! Now I must go and check the PoWal site out! Have a fun weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette
I absolutely love your blog (new here). I'm in new england with roots in Louisiana (new orleans) and love your style! I'll be readin.
I love this post! You are definitely re-defining Wal Mart!
Very cute! There ARE times, I must admit, that when I JUST have to run to Wal-Mart, I might head out in my gardening clothes (if I need supplies that is). Now I feel the error of my ways, and will make an effort - you never know who you might run into!
I shop at Walmart a lot too - it is really the only place around here so I can survive or be ashamed...I choose to survive lol!
The George line has some adorable clothes for little boys so I am always picking up something cute for my son! I even bought a few pairs of cute capris for myself the other day!
Cute post! I used that same Lilly Queen of Green market bag at Target today! xo
Darling you look too cute for Wal-Mart!! I shop there too and am not ashamed at all, why be ashamed of finding great deals on brand name stuff!? Lots of love xox
II go to Walmart because there is one near work. They have a lovely grocery and I find fun things there too.
My father never went to Walmart because they put the little guy out of business. I read somewhere that Walmart does not make a profit on their groceries and health and beauty aids, so I don't have a problem purchasing those items there.
I went to Walmart today and did not see anyone that looked like you. I saw a few fairly overweight women in their "Daisy Dukes". Lord have mercy! I also saw a woman with a gored denim skirt that was so long she was about to trip over the skirt tail.
I have to admit I love Wal-Mart. Just can't beat their prices, but yes, I sanitize, find great things and dress appropriately. I saw a 300 lb woman with a tank top, belly and chest hanging out, with purple leopard leggings! Seriously, you think you look nice in that?
Now, on another subject, if you can believe it, I am ready every morning in 30 minutes flat! And I think I look pretty decent most of the time (this includes showering, makeup and all in between!! Of course, I do lay out my outfit, ironed and ready to go the night before, so that helps!)
Hope all is well! :-)
Too funny!! We have several Wal Mart's near my home, but none as nice as your's. I will go in occasionally, but it isn't only the way the other shoppers look that is troubling to me, it's also the way they behave. I think they leave their good manners at home with their good clothing. I would love to shop with a store full of customers like Miss Janice!!
Thanks for always making me smile!
I make a weekly trip to Wal-Mart every Saturday. I am always dressed nicely, hair fixed, and wearing make-up. I love going to W-Mart....cannot beat their prices, but some people do need to doulble check in the mirror before walking out. Because you WILL run into someone you know in W-Mart!!!!
Are your reuseable bags by Lilly too?
You are so cute in your Lilly! Our walmart is nice too and I was there today and found a bunch of random pink and green things that I have pics of for my blog! Hope you're having a great weekend!
OMG, Miss Janice, I do declare, you crack me up! Wearing Lilly to WalMart! I would much rather see you in WalMart than some of the yahoos I've seen in those "people of WalMart" emails I've rec'd!
I bought the most wonderful cream country french sheets for my guest room from WalMart. Ever so often, I find something I love there.
xo, Cheryl
I LOVE this post...I LOVE Wal-mart and I get made fun of all the time from my friends LOL..but I think to my self they are really missing out at all the goodies I find! However that is not to say that their are some strange people that still grace my Wal-mart HA!
You are too cute for words!!! I am loving the outfit AND the shopping totes. Cheers!!! Xoxo-BLC
Love this post and sooo true!!
I love Walmart and buy ANYTHING from there! Also, everytime I go back to the states, Walmart is the first place I go immediately after landing no matter how late it is (they are open 24 hours!) and I stock up on everything! It truly is the greatest invention!
Forgot to say the first time I took my Irish hubs there, he scoffed and was like, "No, I don't wanna go. Walmart is for poor rednecks with mullets!" Half-way through our shop, I lost him. I found him with arms full, stocking up on shaving cream, electronics and toothpaste, grinning from ear to ear and exclaiming in joy how he couldn't believe how cheap it all was! hahaha I sure showed him! hee hee
Amen sister! It seems like basic hair brushing should be an essential part of getting ready to leave the house. Another place that people she dress for is the airplane! Seriously, lately, I've seen some bad stuff on the plane. Gone are the days of people caring what they look like.
You make me giggle!
I didn't realize that Walmart carries Paula Dean cookware. I've seen the People of Walmart website before. My husband and I love that site. It's hilarious.
Love this! There are lots of Range Rovers and Mercedes at our Walmart as well.
We gave Hubby the Margaritaville Margarita maker for Father's Day. He (We) Love It! It will not disappoint for book club tonight.
Sort of like seeing Mercedes, BMW's and Range Rovers at ALDI! HA! HA! HA! :)
Just to add more humor to your life. Check out PeopleofWalmart.com :) It is HILARIOUS how some people leave the house looking....geez people!
There is a a link to that site in this post:)
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