You "Might Be a Southern Lady" have fancy deviled egg plates!
Southerners loved deviled eggs. The deviled egg is the perfect party food and a beloved staple at Southern events. Nobody can eat just one...they are most definitely the first food to go at a party!
The savvy Southern hostess makes sure she has a deviled egg plate for every occasion.
Here's my to-go deviled egg plate...a must-have for picnics!

My standard glass deviled egg plate...great to carry the stuffed eggs to a church reception or to the home of the bereaved before/after a funeral.
Love this 'Friendly Village' deviled egg plate, from Johnson Brothers. It looks awesome with my 'Friendly Village' dinnerware during the holidays!

De rigueur deviled egg plate here at "The Roost," from Arthur Court.
This deviled egg plate by Spode is darling to use at Christmastime.

For those prissy occasions, I use this deviled egg plate in 'The Old Country Roses' pattern, by Royal Albert and coordinate with my teaware in that same pattern.
Southern ladies have recipes for all kind of deviled eggs--spicey, garlic, low-fat, crab stuffed, Tex Mex, Tomato Basil, et cetera. But my all-time favorite recipe is for Traditional Southern Eggs, by Paula Deen:
Paula's deviled eggs, served on my Arthur Court deviled egg very Southern y'all!
Southerners loved deviled eggs. The deviled egg is the perfect party food and a beloved staple at Southern events. Nobody can eat just one...they are most definitely the first food to go at a party!
The savvy Southern hostess makes sure she has a deviled egg plate for every occasion.
Here's my to-go deviled egg plate...a must-have for picnics!

My standard glass deviled egg plate...great to carry the stuffed eggs to a church reception or to the home of the bereaved before/after a funeral.

De rigueur deviled egg plate here at "The Roost," from Arthur Court.

For those prissy occasions, I use this deviled egg plate in 'The Old Country Roses' pattern, by Royal Albert and coordinate with my teaware in that same pattern.

Paula's deviled eggs, served on my Arthur Court deviled egg very Southern y'all!

Traditional Southern Eggs
(Makes 12 eggs)
6 large eggs*, hard-boiled and peeled
1/4 cup of mayonnaise
1 1/2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
Salt & pepper
Sweet gherkin pickles, sliced
Halve eggs lengthwise. Remove yolks and place in a small bowl. Mash yolks with a fork and stir in mayonnaise, pickle relish, and mustard. Add salt and pepper to taste. Fill egg whites evenly with yolk mixture. Garnish with paprika, pickles, and pimentos. Store covered in refrigerator.
*I can't stand a skimpy deviled egg y'all, so I always boil more eggs than I need to make my stuffing plumper!
Easter is just around the corner, so make sure you have your deviled egg plates ready to go! No matter which recipe you choose to prepare, I hope you enjoy them! Remember also that there is dining etiquette to be followed when eating a stuffed egg. Deviled eggs are intended to be eaten with the fingers...using the three-finger rule ladies---the thumb, the index finger, and the middle finger. If some of the stuffing falls onto your plate, you would use a fork to eat that part. Some people {like myself} only like the, I use a spoon to eat only that part. I think it would be tres tacky to lick out only the yolk!!!
(Makes 12 eggs)
6 large eggs*, hard-boiled and peeled
1/4 cup of mayonnaise
1 1/2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
Salt & pepper
Sweet gherkin pickles, sliced
Halve eggs lengthwise. Remove yolks and place in a small bowl. Mash yolks with a fork and stir in mayonnaise, pickle relish, and mustard. Add salt and pepper to taste. Fill egg whites evenly with yolk mixture. Garnish with paprika, pickles, and pimentos. Store covered in refrigerator.
*I can't stand a skimpy deviled egg y'all, so I always boil more eggs than I need to make my stuffing plumper!
Easter is just around the corner, so make sure you have your deviled egg plates ready to go! No matter which recipe you choose to prepare, I hope you enjoy them! Remember also that there is dining etiquette to be followed when eating a stuffed egg. Deviled eggs are intended to be eaten with the fingers...using the three-finger rule ladies---the thumb, the index finger, and the middle finger. If some of the stuffing falls onto your plate, you would use a fork to eat that part. Some people {like myself} only like the, I use a spoon to eat only that part. I think it would be tres tacky to lick out only the yolk!!!
Whether you are attending baby showers to bridal showers, picnics or tailgating parties, funeral reception or potluck meals...if you want to be the belle of the buffet, show up with deviled eggs!
Thank you for visiting with me today!
Thank you for visiting with me today!
They look so yummy! I have never seen them at a party so I had no idea what those types of plates were for!
I am hosting a baby shower in a few weeks so I think I will try my hand at them...I will need to keep an eye out for a plate to serve them!
I am the devilled egg expert in my family! In fact, I plan to make some tomorrow night when my in-laws come over for supper. I have about 10 egg dishes, including a couple that you've shown today. My recipe is very similar to yours, only I add a sprinkle of onion powder. It gives it a nice onion flavor without having pieces of whole onions. I agree with you that all Southern buffets simply must have devilled eggs!
I love your Aurther Court pieces! I started buying my sister deviled egg trays every Easter over 20 years ago. She has some really cool ones. And we are both Southern ladies. Great post. Reminds me a little of Being Dead is no Excuse.
I love these and for some reason never make them. They are so easy to make and you are right, everyone loves them.
I had no idea that there was a Friendly Village egg-tray! MoMo inherited my grandmother's FV china (she's not got almost a dozen sets of china) but there is no egg-tray! Will have to get on that stat!
Mmmm...Every real Southerner luvs deviled eggs. My favorite egg serving dish is one my Mama passed down to me. I love thinking of her and all those church socials (she's a pastor's wife) when I use it.
It is just not a family get together without deviled eggs. In fact, I posted this hint the other day: The night before you make your eggs, if you will put some rubber bands around the carton and stand it upright the eggs will lay sideways, allowing the yolk to be in the middle. That way when you slice them in half, you will be able to center your filling each time. Simple but makes such a difference. (And I'm with you - I boil extras to make more filling. Now I'm hungry!)
Oh Yum! LoVe devilled eggs....wook some to a party and never got my tray beware ladies love them the world over...
Love your Miss Janice...
Since I do have a deviled egg plate or two, I hope you will be flattered should I steal this clever You Might Be A Southern Lady If idea for a blog post of my own one day!!
I'm a New Englander, but I LOVE deviled eggs and almost always bring them to a party when I am asked to bring something! I have several egg trays, one that was made for me by my mother! Another of my favorites is done by Boleslawiec, a line of Polish pottery.
I received a deviled eggs plate for my wedding! I plan to use it on Easter thisyear. I just LOVE deviled eggs! So delicious!
Your plates are beautiful! Arthur Court is one of my favorites!
I have to admit that I DO NOT eat deviled Eggs. I know, gasp!
But I have to redeem myself somewhat by saying, I do make them for other people a lot. In fact, Hubby and my father think I make pretty good deviled eggs.
So in theory I love a plate like that for when i make them, I do not have a desire to collect multiple ones since I do not prioritize them over things like soup tureens.
I adore devilled eggs! My grandmother recently gave me a crystal devilled egg plate. I adore it and use it whenever I have company though with some thinking it should be used every day!
You have me thinking about an egg salad sandwich..... crispy celery, minced onion, creamy mayo, salt/pepper on toasted bread! CHEERS! Michele.....nice egg plates!
Love this post. And I love deviled eggs!! I have a platter of my mother's that is so awesome. White with gilded edges. Love it. xoxo
Steeple Chase is this weekend and my MIL is making the deviled eggs!
I love deviled eggs! I have a glass platter that looks that same as the one you posted.
I love deviled eggs. My recipe is simple. Egg yolk, mayo, salad and sweet pickle relish, then sprinkle with paprika. One time I took deviled eggs to a function at my sister's house and forgot to put them in the refrigerator. When I went back in the kitchen to put them in the refrigerator, there were only two left on the plate. Everyone had already helped themselves.
What a pretty collection of deviled egg platters...each one is a lovely design!
I am known for my deviled eggs (secret is to use Duke's Mayonnaise) so of course I have about 4 different deviled egg plates. As a matter of fact I'll be taking deviled eggs to the church dinner Saturday night, wearing my Lilly Pulitzer sweater set, capris and pearls, of course.
My hubs loves deviled eggs. "Eats 'em with every meal."
I use garlic salt instead of table salt.
I inherited a china deviled egg plate from my grandmother. No southern china set should be complete without one!
I love deviled eggs as well! I really need one of those cute plates, haven't gotten one yet. Can you believe that once my 4 year old niece told her Mom she couldn't bring deviled eggs to church because of what they were called!? Priceless!
Thanks for reminding us to get our egg plates ready for Easter. You have an amazing collection of them. I am so jealous.
Oh Miss. Janice! Lovely plates! I have even on occassion gotten creative and used my oyster plates and when I was setting up a buffet and wanted to put eggs in a few different places.
My mother in law is the egg expert in our family. She uses Duke's Sandwich spread and a splash of hot sauce in her's!
Love this post! I've had deviled eggs on the brain lately with Easter coming! That starts our "season". Yum, yum, yum.
I took deviled eggs to a 4th of July party last year. My husband's grand-mothers egg dish got smashed. Luckily, I was able to replace with the same exact one from an atique shop. It wasn't fancy and I found several of the same kind. Only I and hubby know it is not the original, and the hostess whose house we were partying at. The twenty something that smashed it never even found me to apologize for the accident. I didn't care, I knew I could replace it, but the gesture would have been nice.
I have several (and the to-go version also) and love to give them as wedding gifts because very few young brides seem to remember they WILL need one. Also, when I lived in NY I couldn't find them...not a big seller there.
Hi Miss Janice! Well, I must be a Southern Georgia? Of course...'cause i have my deviled egg plate! lol Mine is a beautiful frenchy looking blue and yellow one (what else?)! Love yours and the ones you showed us! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie
I was just admiring a new deviled egg platter when my husband says, "how many could you possibly need?" Now I can show him your post (wink).
Oh, I love Spode. They have timeless but classic patterns. This village scene is one of my favorites. I had no idea that they carried a deviled egg platter. And you couldn't go wrong with anything from Arthur Court. My MIL would kill to have that Rooster platter. What a fabulous Mother's Day gift that would make.
Thanks for sharing. Hope you are getting some nice weather over in Florida. I've had enough cold spells this year.
This is my first visit, and of course I am now a follower!
I just couldn't help but notice how "Lilly" you are in that 1980's picture.
I will now go and look through some of your past posts.
Talk to you soon ;)
Bunny Jean
Goodness! I feel egg plate deprived -- I only have one! Love your pretty collection - you could have a whole table of stuffed eggs. No wonder you have such a fondness of roosters -- to keep those hens laying all those eggs!
Since you have such a wonderful deviled egg posting, you might enjoy reading "Being Dead is No Excuse" by Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hays. They have some great "stuffed" egg recipes.
I picture you swooning over some of the stories in this book. Hope you get a chance to read it. So cute!
Ladybug Creek
I was born and raised in Colorado, but I know I am Southern at heart. I love my Pampered Chef Chillzanne with an egg plate insert. Swoon.
LOL! I have inherited the family treasure trove of egg plates. I have given my kids their fair share along the way. I like the plats that are deeper than many that are made today, and my favorites are the clear glass ones. I think eggs look a bit elegant in the crystal with a bit of chosen greenery. My mom's recipe was very close to Paula's. It must be a Southern thing.
Thanks for stopping by Applejack Lane.
YUM! I jus loves me some deviled eggs, too! I lean heavy on the mustard as I am not a big lover of mayo. Thank you for sharing all of the egg plates. I have the same (old) tupperware egg carrier and I guard it with my life!
Hoosier Hugs,
i am NOT a deviled egg fan, but I have a true WEAKNESS for deviled egg platters!! is that wrong? they're so darn cute, and readily available this time of year... i guess for all those Easter eggs, right?!
I have that very same Old Country Roses deviled egg plate!
I love deviled eggs!
Hi Miss Janice! Thanks for stopping by! That house I grew up in had a lot of character! Nothing like a front porch and side yard for croquet and tag and bird watching.
It is finally warming up in NJ! Yeah! Have a lovely Spring!
Love that you educate on manners! Hope you enjoy the shepherd's pie!
I do love my deviled eggs! I adore the rooster dish!
I never thought of deviled eggs as a Southern food. I live in Connecticut and make deviled eggs often. My dish collection is not as extensive as yours!
We're crazy about deviled eggs here in the Land of Belle. I have several deviled egg dishes, including the Tupperware one for safe transport.
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