The suit is by St. John's Knits. At the Breakers Hotel...

My go-to casual high-falutin outfit, by St. John...Trust me, you will never go wrong with a St. John suit!

The necklace and earrings are also by St. John. I wore my Cartier roll ring wedding band and my ponytail was adorned with a gold Chanel barette. I carried my black Chanel 2.55 pocketbook and my shoes were black Chanel ballet flats. My lipstick color was "Star Red" by Chanel and my fragrance of choice...Mlle Coco Chanel!

Earlier today, I attended a Luncheon at the Stuart Woman's Club. "Here's What I Wore"...The jacket is by Taylor G and the black A-line skirt is by Talbot's.

My gold disc-style earrings are by Givenchy, the Oyster Perpetual watch is by Rolex, and I wore my Cartier roll ring wedding band. My ponytail was adorned with the gold Chanel barette. I wore my black Vara Ferragamo pumps and carried a black Ferragamo pocketbook. Again I wore "Star Red" lipstick, by Chanel and my fragrance of choice was Mlle Coco Chanel.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!
Lovely, just lovely! You were in my neck of the woods today, I work just down the street from the women's club! Glad you had a wonderful 25th! Happy Anniversary!
Just perfect! :) Happy Anniversary!
Well, look at you, Miss Janice, looking all gorgeous and stuff! We were at the Breakers this summer and will be going back right after Christmas. It is a gorgeous place.
Happy Anniversary!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
you looked presh both times and there is something to be said for classics, isn't there?! The Breakers is "high cotton" to quote Nanny- thumbs up :)
I love the Breakers!
what great style you have!
You are SOOO CUTE!!!!! I want to put you on my mantle!!!
Just wonderful, Miss Janice!!
Congrats on your anniversary!!! May God continue to bless your union and you looked fabulous!!!
love the breakers! fantastic ensembles- you looked great!
Lovely as usual! Happy 25th Anniversary...what a wonderful way to celebrate.
Love both outfits! Happy Anniversary, Miss Janice!!
Happy 25th anniversary!! In this era that's a wonderful milestone. I guess I'll have to reach for a 'higher level' this year for my anniversary (33 years next month). I'll use your style guide as I know that sometimes I can go "renegade" and it would meet with disapproval from Miss Janice :) Don't want that!
Happy Anniversary! You look marvelous!!! :D Jewel
Happy Anniversary! Your outfits are so lovely. You always look very classic. Can't wait until I am healed so that I can start back wearing my classic stuff. (it's sweatpants and turtlenecks for now)
I think I would enjoy playing in your closet.
Congratulations on your 25th anniversary Miss Janice. You look so tiny next to that great big old fireplace at The Breakers.
First of all-Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary.
It looks like a lovely place to celebrate.
Loved both of your outfits.
I'm beginning to get in the holiday spirit, as well. Getting a few decorations out.
Happy Anniversary!
Gorgeous!! Happy Anniversary!
You look beautiful. Happy anniversary.
Miss Janice, you truly have the most classic style. I love every one of your outfits because they are timeless!
Happy Anniversary to you and your beloved. We're celebrating 34 years on Thanksgiving. Of course, we'll be celebrating over turkey with 14 guests.
Happy Happy Anniversary! You looked so lovely! I know you had a marvelous time.
Happy anniversary, you look lovely!
Happy happy anniversary! 25 years! And lovely as always!
Oh Miss Janice, we are sending you the very best of wishes on such an auspicious occasion! Congratulations! (Albeit belated.)
Happy Silver Anniversary! You look lovely at the Breakers. My husband and I just celebrated our 25th this past Tuesday. Well ... we actually haven't celebrated yet due to our crazy schedules (or more like our boys). We will be in Palm Beach and the Breakers in a few weeks though :)
Happy anniversary! Looks like you had a nice time. Your jacket is wonderful, fun and classy at the same time!
Happy Anniversary! Your outfits are GREAT!
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