To celebrate, I want to offer a gift that will be meaningful and represent what my blog is about--Social Graces...Southern Style. I started thinking about the massive amount of e-mails I receive daily and what people want to know from moi. There's the usual dining etiquette questions, appropriate attire questions, gifting etiquette questions, et cetera. What is the question I get the most? "How do I learn about Southern etiquette?" My reply is usually to direct the person first to social etiquette books, either by Letitia Baldrige or Emily Post. Then I recommend several books written by Southern authors about Southern etiquette, entertaining, hospitality, et cetera.
I can say that I was taught all the prissy Southern stuff at early age by my mama, her lady friends, my aunts, and etiquette teachers. These books I am giving away today will definitely give you the inside information on what we Southern ladies have spent a lifetime learning!
Miss Janice's Social Graces...Southern Style Giveaway

To start, I'm including the latest copy of Southern Lady magazine--a must-read for any Southern lady! This magazine, published by Phyliss Hoffman, always delivers beautiful tablescapes, recipes, and loads of Southern lifestyle inspiration. Next, there are three books by Deborah Ford, famous for "GRITS--Girls Raised in the South." The first book is Putting on the Grits, A Guide to Southern Entertaining; the second is The GRITS Guide to Life, and the third is GRITS Friends Are Forevah. All of her books are excellent sources for those who want to learn about Southern etiquette.
The next book is A Southern Belle Primer, by Marlyn Schwartz. This is a great little book for Southern belle wannabes!
The last book is one of my all-time favorites What Southern Women Know, by Ronda Rich. You will absolutely adore this book!
Here's how to enter my Social Graces...Southern Style Giveaway:
~Post a comment about why you Might Be a Southern Lady (refer to my website link here to find out if you are a Southern Lady)--you receive 1 entry
~Be a follower of Miss Janice's blog--you receive 2 entries
~Post about my giveaway or add a button to the sideboard of your blog--you receive 3 entries
The deadline to enter this drawing is on Tuesday at 12:00 midnight, EST. I will announce the winner on Wednesday afternoon. Good luck to y'all!
Oh Miss Janice, how wonderful! This is too fun!
If we recall the list at all, most of it is applicable. The proper way to cross one's legs, the appropriate response to a funeral procession on the road legs, Scarlett ("'s the land Katie Scarlett, the land is the only thing that lasts..."), the state of the house prior to departure, etc.!
Smiles at you for the week aheadt
I must be a true Southern Lady because I can say yes to every single description that you included in your post (except the mint julep). It would be sweet tea for me! :-) I was taught all the southern social graces by my Mama and my MawMaw. Thanks for the opportunity to win the lovely books. I have my fingers crossed. Have a lovely Sunday evening!
Wow! What a wonderful giveaway!
Everyone I know can't believe it when they find out I am not originally from the south, though I consider myself a southerner through and through! And I can honestly say I would wear my pearls with my sweatshirts when I was in college! I also NEVER leave the house with out a quick pickup and cleaning! Because you never know if something will happen to you when you are out and I wouldn't want the neighbors to come in and see a mess! No dirty dishes in the sink for me!
I am a follower and I just love your blog!
I went private and then started a new blog: livinlifeinthelowcountry.blogspot
Although I find a few descriptions that fit me, I think "You always clean your house before going on a trip, just in case you don’t come home." is the most applicable. I follow your blog in my feed reader, and absolutely love all the great advice!
Wowee, I'm a follower with some Southern refining going on??? Looking to be most proper!!! CHEERS! Michele
P.S. Come by my blog! I'm having a GIVEAWAY too!
Congrats on the 100th post! I always wear real pearls..fake with bating suit attire only! I theme everything and love to entertain friends & family. I monogram everything!! Had two cakes.. always bless the hearts of all. The only think that I do that you would disapprove of is wear white dry-cleaned jeans all year long...NOTE I also live where most are in resort wear in the winter!! I follow- of course and will post about about your give-away!!
Have a fabulous SUNDAY!!
xxx me
Well, Congrats on 100 posts!! 100 wonderful posts I might add. I'm not gonna enter the giveaway, cause you just know that I already have these books. I gave PD a copy of A Southern Belle Primer for Christmas this past year, with my annotations on each page! I think she loved it!! This is a fabulous giveaway. A great friend of our family's daughter has a story in GRITS ;-) Small, wonderful world - right? You are a wonderful addition to the Blog World!! xoxo
Congratulations Miss Janice. You know I always love a good giveaway. I fit the bill regarding the list and as a matter of fact, am SHOCKED at the people who do not stop for funeral processions. By the way, I have a new picture of Lorelai in a different Lilly dress that I need to send you.
Miss Janice Congrats!
~WOW~ 100th Post!
I would be thrilled and very honored to win your fabulous giveaway!
I read the list and many of them sure do apply.
I've been a follower since day one and your blog is still one of my favorites. Thank you for everything that you share with us.
You are an inspiration.
Have a blessed evening.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
I just love your blog. I am a northern lady who simply adores and admires the ways of the southern lady!! Congratulations on your milestone.
This is a fun givaway - Since I'm a nana to 4 grandgirls - this would be helpful to make sure I hand down all those wonderful southern graces - (I can feel the pressure) -- I am a southern lady - but being from Virginia we're the "northern southerners" LOL. I do follow your blog too!
I think I just may be a Southern lady, Miss Janice, because I most certainly "would stay home before [wearing] white shoes or linen before Easter or after Labor Day." I am a little bit obsessive about this.... ;)
I am a Follower of your blog, and I love it! Thank you for hosting such a fun Giveaway.
oh my goodness! so many of these apply, but I do definitely always have real pearls on and often get yelled at for having them on during spin class; all my parties do have themes (we just had a southern dinner on Friday!), and my stuff; oh lord, my stuff...
im a follower, and im blogging about this giveaway! so three entries please!
I definitely believe that I am a true Southern young lady.
I throw themed parties all the time and hate when people don't RSVP... Everything is monogrammed... I'll always be a Daddy's girl... I love Lilly & Burberry & Vera Bradley & Chanel... And I absolutely HATE gum chewing.
I love this giveaway :) And of course I follow!
What a fun way to have an entry.
I love to monogram things.
I wear do not wear fake pearls.
I do not chew gum.
I like Sweet Tea.
I have Brighton, Vera Bradley, Lilly and Burberry items.
(plus my mother was born in the South).
I am a follower.
Miss Janice, You know this girl is a follower!
I can answer yes to all of the Southern Lady list, EXCEPT, every once in a while I'll sneak a piece of gum after lunch when I've forgotten my toothbrush (but only in the break room when no one is looking!) And I am definitely Melanie, rather than Scarlett.
I would love to win your giveaway.
I a not reaaly a Southern women that is why i need those books. lol. mishelle
Oh la la! Count me in. I am a follower and am SL because social graces are first and foremost! Congratulations on your 100th post and many thanks for hosting a fabulous giveaway!!! Xoxo-BLC
I am a homeschooling Southern mama raising 4 Southern girls. We especially take our time getting ourselves out the door to run to the store. "Mom, do I really need such a big bow if we are going to Costco?" Yes, honey, you do. 'Cause that bow turns into pearls when you are older!
Please please please count me in...
I am a southern lady for sure based on the fact that I was a debutante, I am a sorority member, and I never take off my pearl earrings.
I am a follower and will put this on my side bar! Thanks so much.
What fun reading around your blog this morning. All the books and the magazine on your great giveaway are already on my book shelf so I will pass on the opportunity to win. If I get a minute today I will do a post about your giveaway.
Congratulations, on 100 posts, Miss Janice!
Wonderful giveaway!
What a fun giveaway, especially for this girl from the north! I do love the south and my southern relatives are some of my favorites. I love monograms, wear white only between memorial and labor day, and love my pearls!
I am a follower and regular reader and plan to post about your sweet Lilly post of my girls and this giveaway this week! Seems like the perfect lead up to the Lilly sale!
Thanks for including me!
I was born to two Mississippi parents and raised in Alabama. Church is the social center of our lives and good ole fellowships and teas. I have fine china and use it. Cloth napkins over paper. We drink a gallon of sweet tea every night. I am southern through and through.
I am a follower of your blog.
Despite the fact I've always lived in California or Connecticut I'm pretty sure I am secretly Southern. First, I adore sweet tea, despite the fact no one else in my family does. I only cross my legs at the ankle and always clean my house perfectly before leaving it in case I don't come home. I also wear my pearls with everything! They were my grannies! I'm a follower and will post this on my blog as well! Happy Monday!
Good morning Miss Janice, I loved your list! :) I have to say I do pride myself in my themed parties, as you know, and am not too proud to ask for help when I need it. ;) An ardent follower, of course. Have a lovely day. xoxo
Miss Janice- what a charming and thoughtful giveaway you have to celebrate your **100th** post- Woooopie!
I took the test and the only one that wasn't true for me was the wedding and groom's cake part- because I've never been married (yet), but fully intend to have them both- the wedding cake is going to be red velvet with a roux-based (aka, the correct) frosting- this has been my birthday cake since I was eight years old! Loved the part about the pearls- my trainer comments on how I'm the only client she has ever had that wears her pearls! Also- about crossing your legs at the ankles- my Nanny would always remind us "A Lady reveals nothing."
I'm a Southern Belle by default- my mother's family hails from Memphis; Nanny had her debut at the Peabody AND was crowned the Sweet Potato Queen!
Happy Monday
I'm not from the south (went to college a little south of you in Miami) but I do clean my home when I go away and are you ready for this? In case I'm ever home alone for any period of time, I make sure I have my best P.j.'s on and a spotless home just in case I ever have to make a 911 call. I know, I know, I'm sure people have been committed for equal neurosis. Pearls, yes they are my favorite! Diamonds maybe a girls best friend but pearls are a girls best statement! Please enter me for this post and I also am a follower.
Although I have been born and bred in the North, I guess that when it all comes down to it, I have quite a bit of "South" in me. I can honestly say that most of your list is applicable.
The 3 top items would have to be . . .
It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to be ready in 30 minutes or less. Everyone in my household knows that I need at least an hour to be prepped and perfect for whatever social obligation we are heading out to.
My house is ALWAYS 100% perfection before we head out for a trip. A day trip or a week long trip. It doesn't matter. It needs to be clean and sparkling . . . "just in case".
And if it doesn't move - it is monogrammed, much to eldest cherub's chagrin, I might add. He believes that he is the only 14 year old male alive with monogrammed pillow cases. He asked if I did that just in case he forgets who he is when he wakes up in the morning. :)
I am a follower and will definitely put this on my blog under Giveaways!
It was your blog that got me so enthralled into the world of blogs! Congratulations on your
I'm right there on that list. Love the them parties, had 2 cakes at my wedding.. in fact, we had an "old south" themed wedding and the grooms cake was a confederate flag. Wear my pearls every single day at some point and wear my granny's to church on Sundays.
I am a follower and I will post this on my blog.
I just tagged you for some summer fun! Great give away btw. xoxo
This is one of the BEST giveaways I've seen yet! I'm already a follower of yours!
I'm certainly not a Southern Lady by birth (I live in Michigan), but I try to have all the lady-like qualities that make a lady Southern! I hope to actually more to the South someday. My fiance agrees that we'd love it!
I plan to post about this giveaway today!
I just found your blog and became a follower! I'm not from the south, though I live in DC, so maybe that helps a little? I do love sweet tea and grits though, and I love Vera Bradley and my Tiffany pearls!
Miss Janice,
Tho I do not have a blog, I read Your blog faithfully. Love it!
If you will, please, enter me in your giveaway. Most of the Southern list applies to me.... Most definitely, pulling over for a funeral procession, proper way to cross legs, and definitely a quick pickup before leaving the house.
Thanks and Hugs,
What a wonderful giveaway! Trying to raise two young girls to be ladies - I can use all the help that is available.
While so much of the list might apply to me - I think the one that drives my husband crazy is
You always clean your house before going on a trip, just in case you don’t come home
I am a loyal follower.
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Oh how fun Miss Janice! I was born and raised in the south and am a true Southern Lady. I grew up on grits, biscuits, sweet tea, blackeyed-peas, okra and the like, wore smocked dresses, lots of monograms and was a true Georgia peach. My family hails from the south and I learned all about southern elegance and grace from my grandmother. I love to wear my pearls! I am a follower and love reading your blog.
Wow. This is something I could really use!
I think that (sadly) the only thing I do on the list is wear pearls (real ones) with everything.
See - I told you I really could use the prize! *Laugh*
And I would LOVE to start following you!
Congratulations on your 100th post Miss Janice! While I was born and raised in the north I still found most of the list to be applicable, most notably needing to have "my stuff"! I adore your blog and am a faithful follower.
Thank you again for hosting such a wonderful give-away!
Why might Miss Madras be a SOUTHERN lady?
...I AM Scarlett
...I do wear those pearls!!!
...Leaving the house in under 30 minutes prep time??? Not a chance!
...Must, MUST have my "stuff" (consisting of all that you mentioned.)
Congratulations on your 100th post, Miss Janice! Thank you for following me, and I am following you too.
Good day mzz Janice,i saw you at domestic designer and popped in to say hi.Glad i did for you have a lovely blog and i love all things southern.I am just 21 posts old , local art at the moment.If you wish ,do checkout this blog. A delightful blog it is.
I'm a southern lady Miss Janice! To begin with I live in the great state of Texas where we are ALL southern ladies :O) And I am a devoted follower. Please include me in your fun give away!
oh my goodness- what a fantastic giveaway!
Although I'm a born and bred northerner, I just may be a Southern woman because I wear real pearls all the time! I wear my pearl studs to the gym everyday, but not my pearl necklace.
I'm also a follower.
thank you!
What a fabulous giveaway. The winner of this will be one lucky lady. These books are fabulous and Southern Lady magazine is just wonderful.
Miss Janice, I love your blog and I love this giveaway. I can say "yes" to almost all of the southern lady criteria on your list except I do ocassionally chew gum (with my mouth closed of course) and I don't really like catfish (sorry!). I am a follower though and I also posted about your giveaway at my blog here:
I hope I win so I can work on being a true southern lady.
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
What a fun way to have your 100th post give away, turn into a Southern Lady with Social Graces! Congratulations! I do love getting my Southern Lady magazine!
What a wonderful giveaway congrats on the 100th post. I am a follower. I am Southern Lady because I always wear my pearls, monogram everything, and I LOVE red velvet cake!
As always- fabulous giveaway!! I was surprised that I just might be a southern lady in training (albeit in NY). Oh and I'm a follower too.
I definitely need to win these books. Apparently I need all the help I can get :) Although a few of the things on your 'You Might Be' list do fit - but not all of them...
ps: I am a follower :)
Congratulations on 100 posts! laurie
Congratulations on your one hundredth post! I am not a southerner, however, there is a chance I may be moving south in the future!
I think "Putting on the Grits" is probably one of the wittier titles for a book that I've ever come across. Now, is Southern etiquette like our English etiquette, and if not, then please do teach us :)
P.S. Whenever I hear a southern accent I get rather whimsical and start wishing for a holiday. Good for Ms Freckles.
Miss Janice, I am so southern, not only do I have themed parties, but if someone does something rude, I would die before I would do anything to call attention to it.
No matter what happens in my home, I feel you must be gracious, no matter what. Franny
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