Black A-line dress, with three-quarter sleeves and a shawl collar...adorned with a Chanel brooch.

Black Ferragamo pumps and a 'Grace Kelly' Ferragamo pocketbook....I also wore pearl stud earrings and my rollring wedding by Cartier. 

My "Sunday Best"...all laid out...just like I have always done on Saturday night! And...I'm not alone...
Recently I had the pleasure of being introduced to Gayden Metcalfe, the "Queen of Southern Etiquette--in the Mississippi Delta," and the author of The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral.
Recently I had the pleasure of being introduced to Gayden Metcalfe, the "Queen of Southern Etiquette--in the Mississippi Delta," and the author of The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral.
Gayden Melcalfe...So very Southern...and so proper!

She is also the author of "Being Dead is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral"...Yes, that is important to Southern ladies! 

She and I both agreed that pants or pantsuits are NOT appropriate to wear in the sanctuary of a church. Thank you Ms. Metcalfe!
My mama "Miss Pauline" chimed in on this subject also..."Well, I certainly would not wear pants to church on Sunday morning--I might wear them to Prayer Meeting or to Family Night Supper on Wednesday, but NEVER on Sunday morning"! Mama also complains from time to time that she can't find "church clothes" in the stores anymore. "I better hang on to the dresses I've got, 'cuz you just can't get pretty ones nowadays." Thank you Mama!
To further cement my belief, here's an article written by one of my favorite people--Ronda Rich, Southern Diva, and author of "What Southern Women Know".
Ronda Rich, a Southern Diva, author, and speaker...she's just plain darling!

"What Southern Women Know"...a must-have book for us Southern ladies and those who wish they were!

Ronda says she won't give up wearing her "Sunday Best." Thank you Ronda!
Ladies, please remember to dress appropriately when you go into the House of the Lord.
Ladies, please remember to dress appropriately when you go into the House of the Lord.
All of your Sunday best items are classic and timeless Miss Janice!
Very Grace Kelly-ish.
You, are a lady to your very core.
I think that southern ladies, are, just naturally more feminine and genteel. It's a cultural thing. You girls are raised up on that way of thinking. We Yankees are such slobs, I feel ashamed our mannish ways! In our defense....all I can say's so cold, we have to wear pants, and boots and heavy coats and gloves, and scarves, and knitted items to get into the church.
Sigh, how can people who live in the snow belt, look stylish, feel feminine, when dressed in so much wool and layers?
I was raised by my grandparents and I was taught by them that we were to always wear our best clothes to church.
They said that we were to honor the Lord in his house by wearing the very best that he had provided for us.
Even now, I just cannot enter a church unless I'm wearing my best clothes.
Having been reared in the South, I have to admit that it is just in the past 20 years or so that it has seemed to be acceptable for women to wear pants in Church. I suppose we have the Women's Liberation Movement to thank for that.
I seriously doubt that God cares as long as you GO to Church. After all man made clothes in the first place, not God, so far as I cam tell. At the same time God made men and women different and I think it looks more appropriate if they don't adopt a unisex look in their clothing.
It is funny that you made this post.
last night I had a dream that I was going to church in pants & was appalled.
My church, women must wear dresses once you are a member. If you are an investigator then you can wear pants but once you are baptised, it's dresses or skirts!
I love your Sunday outfit. Very, very elegant. My Mom is the epitome of southern charm and elegance. I can count on one hand the times I've seen her in pants. She always looks so nice and my kids think she's so classy. Nothing expensive just nice.
I also love both the books you wrote about. I've actually given them as gifts. Those who received them laugh since we southern women certainly know how to put on a funeral spread!
Loved this post!! I still dress up every single Sunday - always have, always will :-)
I always have worn a dress to church or to a wedding or funeral. I miss the days when all the children would be in there Sunday best, and lovely Easter Dresses, but now the service is at 5:00 am so the Easter finery went out the window.
LOVE Ronda, just love- as much as I love you Miss Janice! Both so tasteful and classy and this was a fab post. Love your dressing table btw. so feminine!
I completely agree with you! I think it shows respect to our Lord to come to His house in our feminine best. I have read all three books you mentioned, and enjoyed each one! I have only recently "found you" and I love your blog! From your wording it seems you might be a graduate of PSOW. I graduated from PSOW in Feb. 07, and also Etiquette and Leadership Institue of Athens, GA. I commend the work you are doing. It is so needed!
Thank you for responding to my comment. I taught for a couple years, in a private school, and various speaking engagements. Right now, I love being a stay-at-home mom and being active in my kids lives. I do a few clases or speaking engagements as they come up to keep current. I look forward to doing more when I am an empty-nester. I see that day racing toward me faster than I want it to. I do love your beautiful tablescapes and tea room reviews!
I enjoy your blog very much and couldn't agree with you more. I have never worn pants to church. It upsets me to see people dressed in jeans, tee shirts, flip flops, etc. I even see altar boys wearing sneakers.
I wish you could come up north to teach an etiquette/manners class at my office! The top executive secretary in my department(Fortune 500 company headquarters) wears crocs every day, I've never seen her in a skirt or dress, and she was hired after wearing jogging shoes to the interview.
WOW! Apparently I have a lot to learn. I don't even own a dress. Ouch. I am of course in awe of the lovely outfit and accessories you have shown for your Sunday Best. I feel like such a slob now. I need help.
Hmmm...I always wear pants to church, but I respect your expertise. I feel dressing in my best is being dressed in holiness and wrapped in a coat of obedience or maybe draped with righteousness. I've got to much work to do on the inside to focus on the outside (lol).
I enjoyed my visit to your blog and will return. Be encouraged!
Hello Miss Janice,
Thank you for this post. I was raised to always wear my Sunday best to church, but noticed in the past few years it has become common practice to wear pants on Sunday morning. I don't object to Wed night service or prayer, but it is out of line for Sunday morning I agree. And I am guilty! I fell into the groove with others. Thank you for this gentle reminder that if I was going to a King or Queen's house, I would dress in my much more should I care going into God's house...when he is king above all kings! I know this post was meant for me. Thank you.
Hugs! Sheri
You are so right, Miss Janice! I miss the days when ladies wore hats and gloves to church, too. I couldn't wait to be old enough to be a "lady." Unfortunately, by the time I reached that age,along came the '70's and the practice was pretty much "old hat" so to speak! lol Have a great week!...Debbie
Janice, I do wear pants to church but now I am re-thinking that practice. My grandmother would not have been caught dead in pants period.
Love your Sunday clothes. Thanks for this post.
Lovely post, lovely-looking blog.
I live in the South, but all my relatives are in the North, and it often surprises me how much less people seem to dress up for Church up there. But it may also be the fact that in the South I go to a church with many well-off people, while in the North the area is rather rural and poor.
However, Corgi Dog Mama, don't lose hope! I managed to be rather dressy in the midst of a below-zero Minnesota winter: with a high collar blouse with a long embroidered wool vest, several petticoats, and a faux fur coat, I was quite warm, and not even wearing pants. I had to keep to thick wool socks and sorrel boots, though. ^^;
Oh I'm appalled by how some dress for church. And for funerals too! I'm so sick of the "anything goes" attitude nowadays.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. Thanks! I am in total agreement but unfortunately most of my generation is not. I usually feel more like my Granny than my peers. I'm generally a very casual person but I hate that even church has lost all reverence.
WONDERFUL post! I must admit that I am guilty for wearing dress slacks to church, but you have inspired me not to anymore! Thank you!
I definitely too, am just amazed at the things people will wear into my Roman Catholic church!! JEANS!!! Flip flops! Casual shirts! Hats! Oh my, it makes my head spin! Thanks for setting me straight! I'm off to put out my best skirts and dresses now for next week.
PS- Love those pumps and your Cartier band!
Good morning Miss Janice, I agree with your Sunday best are timeless and so elegant. The perfect attire for Sunday. Thanks so much for sharing these books and authors. I'll put them on the ever growing list of "must haves".. lol I always enjoy when you come for a visit..your comments are always so kind and up lifting.. hugs ~lynne~
I too believe you should dress in a respectful way to honor God. I believe you should always go to church clean, modest, and dressed in a way to reflect the reason you are there, to worship God. I am very glad as women in America we have the right to worship God as we feel the bible teaches. We are so blessed!
What fun authors you have mentioned in this posting. Did you know that Rhonda Rich's book "The Town That Came A Courtin" is based on her visit to the town where I live? I try to go to church in my Sunday best, but admit to wearing pants to church in the winter. (Sorry, Ms. Janice.) Your Sunday outfit is SO classic and pretty. laurie
Hello Miss Janice!! I do wish woman would go back to taking pleasure in looking nice and putting effort into their appearance! As a whole our society has allowed it to be "ok" for women to look like they just left the camper or gym or invaded their teenage daughter's closet (another post entirely!!lol)no matter what church or function they attend! It has caused a snowball effect and less and less woman are being respectful of their appearance! I agree with Miss Pauline: it is impossible to find pretty dresses with a feminine flair! and if you look all around you'd feel ridiculously overdressed if you wore one anyway! A woman who dresses well and puts that effort forward always receives more respect whether other women realize it (which is why they can be katty towards her)! Sorry I guess I am trying to say in a wordy way that I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS POST! And I adore your "Sunday Best" (love tailored clothing; can't beat the classics!!) Sincerely, Jeannette
This is a beautiful post, Miss Janice! I always dress in my Sunday best for church. It was the way I was raised. A few years ago, I happened to see one of my mother's cousins, while J and I were out. He told me the one thing he remembered about me and my sister, as children, was that we always looked like we had stepped from "band boxes".
This blog is terrific. I have slacked lately going to church and must say, I did go to Christmas Eve service back in the '80s in slacks as it was only 2 degrees! However, I never went to church if I didn't have on my Sunday best and a "pinched" one of my mom's broaches (I just love broaches). But she started to wear slacks when she turned 80 said she was old enough to do what she wanted!
I will go to church in my Sunday Best next week. Thanks for the reminder that a Southern Woman always does what's right.
Miss Kara
Good morning Miss Janice :)
Personally I am appalled at the way people dress at ALL functions.
What happened to dressing for dinner? I was in Morton's one night last summer and there was a man in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts! Don't get me started on the way people dress to fly on airplanes... PJ's are not appropriate anytime outside of your home. What has happened to us as a society?
My grandfather wore slacks every day of his life and was always beautifully dressed no matter what he was doing. I wish people still cared, but I'm afraid they just want to be comfortable, even when dressing for church. So sad....
PS My Rolex is 25 years old, passed on to me by my mother :)
Oh my goodness Miss Janice - you have no idea how much you are needed in England to reintroduce some civilisation! Great post! My family and I always dress really well for Church, but we are a dying breed! :(
Dear Miss Janice, another wonderful and timely post! Although I recognize you may have readers who disagree, I want to gently attest to the fact that my experience has been that there are many, many women (on BOTH sides of the Mason-Dixon Line) who recognize the impropriety of dressing casually during worship services. The way one dresses conveys a clear message about how we view ourselves, how we wish others to view us, and how we wish to engage our surroundings. You are not at all alone in your convictions, and I am so glad you posted this message!
While I am on this subject--I would just like to state for the record that bedroom slippers are really not appropriate footwear for the grocery store. Can I get an amen? :)
Amen, Miss Linda!
There is a swoozies in Downtown Gardens... I love the book "what southern women know"
I have those pumps in both black and navy. Now I need that pocketbook. The only time I wear slacks to church is when I have to keep the nursery. I don't want to get down in the floor to play in a skirt. I too am appalled at what some people wear to church.
Amen! I agree with you 100%! And what are these Mama's teaching these young girls..that come to church with Summer clothes on in the hose either anymore...I'm talking about 30 degrees outside and they have on open toe shoes...drives me nuts! I want to say something...but I don't. I don't even wear pants at all!!!! I don't think they are lady like at all..and for sure not at church! Oh Miss Janice, you have pushed one of my buttons! What has happened to's not just the way they dress for's every where they go! I see people out and about in their PJ's...what in the world...people don't have any respect for themselves or others, anymore. Sad society we have these days.
I am going to check all these books out. I have heard many good reviews on them. I do love your outfit!
Thank you Ms Janice.I know slacks and jeans are suppose to make it easier on people,but it urks me to see slacks and jeans ON WOMEN in church.
I have a question,I do hope you have time to answer.How do you tell if a glass is crystal or just glass?I would love to know the answer.Thank you for your time...Ann
I understand what you are saying, but I would like to share a story. One of my friends had invited a lady to church over and over and over. She just would not come. So, one day my friend asked, why won't you come to my church? Because I don't have anything good enough to wear. My friend offered to take her somewhere to get an outfit, but the lady refused. Well, thinking quick, my friend said, do you have a pair of jeans and a nice shirt? Well, yes but that is not church clothing. My friend said, well this sunday a lot of ladies are wearing the nice jeans, please come. She agreed. After many phones call we were all informed to wear our nice jeans and shirts and come bearing smiles for the lady. When she walked in and saw almost every lady in jeans or a jean skirt, she was taken back. She accepted the Lord that day because it we showed up in our Sunday best; The love of God!
I whole heartedly agree with you. I taught both my girls to dress for the occassion and that there is a difference in going to the mall or a ballgame than to the Lord's house. They are married now but still hold to that standard, I'm thankful to say.
Your outfit is lovely, by the way.
In my house there were no pants on ladies for church...and there needed to be nylons too. Men did not wear t-shirts and jeans....we dressed in our sunday best!
It is a respect thing. Over the years I have seen things slack off...just being there is considered enough.
Not here!!!! we dress for church...including the boys!
You remind me so much of my mother! She has those Ferragamos in every color known to man and also has a VERY similar purse to match! It is so important to always wear your Sunday best and also be on your best behavior. You only have ONE chance to make a first impression!
I so agree with you and this is one of my many pet peeves. Growing up you always dressed your "Sunday Best" but now, everyone is so casual and not casually elegant. I was raised that you wore your best for God whatever the best you had was. If it meant a homeless person coming in in raggedy clothes, that was the best he had. However, if you had "Sunday Best", you wore it!
I so miss those days.
Love Ronda Rich and her books. I can't wait to get her new book on What Southern Women Know About Faith.
Lastly, absolutely love your Sunday outfit you chose to share with us. Pure style and class...understated elegance!!
I love this post! I own the book Being dead is no excuse, and it is one of my favorites! I am actually on the committee that brings food when someone passes away at my church. I was raised to always wear my best when going to church...I try to always appear presentable...I even wore makeup into the operating room when I had knee surgery!
God Bless you!
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