Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The lazy days of summer are upon us! You might be enjoying sunny days at the beach, at the lake, or taking in a movie at a nice cool theatre. Well, I'm relaxing on the porch...with a good book and a goblet of iced tea!!!

June is National Iced Tea Month
In 1904 a gentleman by the name of Richard Blechynden was trying to sell his hot tea at the World's Fair in St. Louis and because there was a heat wave, no one wanted any, so he added some ice and iced tea became popular.

Like most Southerners, I began drinking iced tea at a young age. Iced tea is considered the beverage of hospitality, the table wine of the South, and sometimes referred to as the champagne of the South.

Take the heat out of your summer, slow down, and join me in sippin' some great iced tea! Today, I'm enjoying a longtime Southern favorite--Lipton Iced Tea. I'm browsing through this darlin' book "Screen Doors and Sweet Tea," looking at all the recipes and tales from a Southern cook. As a Southerner, the title and the cover photo make this a must-read for Miss Janice!

What goes well with iced tea in the summertime? I can't think of anything tastier than saltines and some 'Comeback Sauce.' I fell in love with this sauce as young girl. When mama & daddy and my brother J.D. & I would make our trips to Jackson, Mississippi to visit daddy's family, the entire Sessums family would get together for dinner at Dennery's in Jackson. The 'Comeback Sauce' was served as a complimentary appetizer with saltines. Years later, as an adult, I would drive four hours to Jackson, Mississippi just to eat at Dennery's and enjoy the saltines and sauce. Many a Southern hostess has served this sauce in crystal bowls and a plate of saltines. It's good with all kinds of food...chilled shrimp, a green salad, french fries, fried dill pickles, and other Southern favs.

It's The Table Sauce of the South...there is a fab recipe for the sauce in the book or you can buy the sauce online at TheMississippiGiftCompany .

I'm enjoying this Southern fav...on the porch, at "The Roost."

Saltines and "Comeback Sauce!"

To celebrate National Iced Tea Month, I'm hosting another giveaway!!!

Here's the prize:
My mama, Miss Pauline always taught me that it is more gracious to give than to receive. Along with the book, "Screened Doors and Sweet Tea", I'm adding a bottle of 'Comeback Sauce.' I'm also including this absolutely precious monogrammed iced tea pitcher and tumbler set, I KNEW that one of my readers should have it...it's just too cute!!! Good Lord, I want it myself!

So, along with the book and the 'Comeback Sauce, the winner will receive the pitcher and tumbler set, with your monogram--in the font and color of your choice.

Here's the rules y'all:

~To receive one entry--you must leave a comment.
~To receive two entries--please let me know if you are a follower of my blog or if you are a new friend and proper follower.
~For a third entry--please let me know if you posted about my giveaway on your blog/or Twitter.

The winner will be announced on Sunday, June 6, 2010. Good luck y'all!


1 – 200 of 252   Newer›   Newest»
Sweet Southern Prep said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'm a loyal follower, and will post about your giveaway tomorrow. Thanks!

Precious and Pink said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I love the idea of celebrating national iced tea month. Two entries for me please:) I'm already a follower.

Kara said...

Well I declare, I just LoVe your blog and that Come-Back Sauce sounds delish...Been a follower of you and your blog for years now and will of couse twit about you.

LoVe the porch setting..didn't know about a proper "tea month"
Love ya,
Miss Kara

Lexilooo said...

How lovely and generous!

My mother has always made iced tea all summer long, so I've been drinking it for as long as I can remember as well!

I am also a follower of your blog!

LA @The Reel Family said...

new follower!

LA @The Reel Family said...

it national ice tea month, omg didnt now such a wonderful thing existed!

QueenBeeSwain said...

win-win- giveaway and national iced tea month!

I'm a follower :)



Ashley said...

I am a new follower! Cute blog!

DMC said...

I love comeback sauce! I haven't been back to Jackson in years, so I would love to have a good recipe to make some for myself. I am a loyal follower of your blog and enjoy all of your postings. Now, I think that I will go pour myself a glass of my own Lipton iced tea. Have a wonderful day!

Suburban prep said...

I am a follower

Sorry I pushed the button before I wrote that .

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Hello Miss Janice! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend! I wish it had been longer;)!

I so enjoy your sweet southern posts...they are always quite the education!

This is such a wonderful giveaway...please count me in! I am a follower and I will post a reminder of the darling gift on my sidebar! Good luck!


Stacey said...

Miss Janice, I was just thinking about doing an Iced Tea post this morning! I didn't know it was iced tea month. :) Makes us smile, doesn't it?

You are so sweet to have a give away! I am a follower and I will post about this. Everyone should know the pleasure of iced tea...especially with a little sugar sometimes. :)

Suburban prep said...

These are absolutely so cute.
Who wouldn't be proud to pour a glass of Iced Tea from the pitcher to the glasses.

Juanita said...

I Love this giveaway! I am a South Carolina gal but, have never heard of this sauce and am anxious to try it!Thanks so much and have a blessed day!

Juanita said...

I am also a long time follower-Thanks Juanita

Juanita said...

I am posting about this wonderful giveaway on my blog!

preppyinnewengland said...

Great post! Hmm....Southern iced tea and New England strawberries, sounds delightful to me!
Fab giveaway! Love the pitcher set!
A comment + follower: Count me in for two entries!

Jenny said...

What a great giveaway!

I'm a new follower :)

Mama K said...

I am new follower!!

Jess said...

You are so gracious! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous giveaway :) I am a new follower and look forward to reading your -oh so proper blog.

Mama K said...

I will post your giveaway on my sidebar at mamasmessages.blogspot.com!

Mama K said...

I drink sweet tea all summer long, and the pitcher and glasses would be perfect in our home!

Bethany said...

What a lovely giveaway! Perfect to get ready for those warm summer days! Two entries for me please; I'm your loyal follower. Thanks for this fun opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Yum! That comeback sauce looks amazing!
I'm a new follower of your blog- I absolutely love it! I've been reading through all your past posts, trying to play catch-up!
I blogged about your giveaway (http://polishandpearls.blogspot.com/2010/06/hahaha-last-post-of-day-scouts-honor.html).
Three entries for me, please and thank you! :)

Unknown said...

I am a brand new follower & this would be a perfect win for my family!!!

Unknown said...

I am going to have to try the comeback sauce!!


MiMi Magnolia said...

Miss Janice-
What a lovely giveaway! I will have to tell my husband that it is National Iced Tea Month, he will be thrilled! I am a follower and love your blog.

Nancy Rosalina said...

OH Lordy Miss Janice! This is such a generous giveaway and I loooove it all!!!

I'm a follower and I just did a quick post about your giveaway.


midnight macaroons said...

Very lovely tea set. I'm tossing my hat into the ring for an opportunity to win your fabulous prize. As you know, I'm a follower and I have posted a link to your blog on mine.

Best wishes for a beautiful week.

Nicole-Lynn said...

Already a followr of your blog!

Entry 2


Nicole-Lynn said...

Already a followr of your blog!

Entry 1


Nicole-Lynn said...

What a generous giveaway! I am just loving this! Iced tea and entertaining are my two favorite things... winning this would be lovely :)


erica said...

what a fabulous giveaway! You know I am a loyal follower! You tips are absolutely amazing!


Kate Spears said...

just became a follower and would love to win those goodies! hope i win!

Classic Tart said...

I live for Iced Tea! I love this giveaway! I am a new follower!

E. said...

Ooh! *crossing fingers*

Please sign me up for two entries; I am a relatively new follower. Thank you!!

Leelee said...

I have been eagerly awaiting your sweet tea and saltines post since you mentioned it on my blog comments....love following your blog and celebrating our way of life in the south! I am having a book swap weekend at the beach with my sorority sisters and have been thinking about my menus...I think they will love saltines with Comeback Sauce with our sweet tea!! Surely being from Augusta, GA and Dothan, AL, it will bring back memories for them too!!

Beth Dunn said...

I'm a follower! I'm tweeting this

Lori said...

I love this giveaway. It's so generous of you! Lawdy, I love iced tea!! Three entries for me please. I'm already a follower, I've left a comment and I tweeted about your giveaway.

Cheryl said...

I have been a blog lurker of yours forever...and now officially a follower! Love your blog and absolutely adore this giveaway!

Shrimp and Glitz said...

I love this! It is so cute, I am a follower and I will post about this giveaway! :)

Kelly said...

What a great giveaway. I love it.
I hope you come and check out my giveaway too?
Kelly Bookend Diaries

Anonymous said...

I also follow you on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I follow you on facebook

Anonymous said...

I just love this giveaway, I drink Sweet Tea everyday and would just love this set. I will tweet this giveaway and post it on my facebook page.
Thanks So Much,

Erica said...

I absolutely love this giveaway! I am a newlywed so anything with my new monogram on it is exciting!!
I am a follower of the blog & will be twittering about this today! 2 entries for me! Thanks!!

WSU Laura said...

One of the many reasons I just love following your blog, I learn something every day. What a lovely prize. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Suburban Princess said...

What a wonderful giveaway!

I am a follower!

I just now put this on my blog sidebar for everyone to see!

Have a wonderful day!

Mary T said...

Lovely giveaway! I'm a follower, a true lover of your blog.

The reinvention of tea rooms around where I live have me all atwitter. Gourmet iced tea in crystal glasses, ahhh :)


Kristin said...

Yay~ What a great summery giveaway! I'm a follower and I will also be blogging about your giveaway in my next post, so that's three entries for me - woohoo! Keeping my fingers crossed, ~Kristin from Windy Poplars

Cynthia said...

I am a new follower!

Cynthia said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for entering my name.

Melissa Miller said...

Miss Janice how precious! I just adore this pretty giveaway. Thank you for the chance.

I'm a loyal follower since day one sweet friend! ~ Melissa :)

Joy D @ A Glass Act said...

and I'm a follower!

Joy D @ A Glass Act said...

Another giveaway so soon!! I'm so excited!!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful blog I am a first timer to your blog and love it. My husband & I love tea we just differ on plain or sweet tea. And the give away is delightful.

Unknown said...

Love the pitcher set!So cute:)! I'm a new follower and love your blog.

Bethany said...

New follower

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

new follower

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Bethany said...

Great giveaway!

I just stumbled upon your blog from "The Life of a Suburban Princess" blog.

logan 4301 at yahoo dot com

Belle said...

I'm also a follower!

Belle said...

What a fun giveaway! I love the monogrammed pitcher and tumblers!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I love sweet iced tea! I am a proper follower. That would be two entries please. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway. I am a loyal follower! Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day.

SouthernProletariat said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

I was a follower of you blog for months, but must have somehow accidentally deleted you from my reader as I can't find you...I have now subscribed again. THANKS!

MKP said...

Miss Janice, I love your blog and this giveaway is just precious! I can not think of a better way to spend an afternoon then with a friend, enjoying a book together and sipping ice tea!

Donna said...

Great giveaway! I am a follower1 I will post your giveaway on my blog my next post will let you know when.
Being a Southern gal I love my sweet iced tea!

Emily said...

hi miss janice! love your blog.
i'm a blogger follower and a follower of all things miss janice!

gob bless!

M. L. said...

I love following you Miss Janice! What would I do without my daily dose of Southern style?

Whitney and the Preppy Puppies said...

Such a generous giveaway, Miss Janice! I love your blog and am a follower.

Snooty Primadona said...

I just found you by way of "Suburban Princess" and love your blog! I just became a follower so I'll be looking in on you frequently. (You & I are alike in soooo many ways.)

Since I decided to do NaBloPoMo for the month of June, I'll be happy to post about your giveaway on this coming Thursday. I'm writing about SP's giveaway tomorrow. (I need blog fodder, right?)

Have you ever had almond tea? I first had some at an Afternoon Tea to introduce the new debutantes and I've been hooked on it ever since...

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

I'm also a follower, so two entries for me please!

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

I have never had or even heard of Comeback Sauce, but you have me very interested! That tea pitcher and tumbler set is so cute and I'd just love to be the winner of it!

Julia Ryan said...

Love your blog and your giveaway! I'll be sure to post about it as well!

Anonymous said...

Iced tea and Miss Janice's blog...two of my favorite things!! What a nice giveaway. Thank you for all that you do. We appreciate you so much!! Yes, I am a faithful follower. I get so excited when I log on and see a new post!!

Sweet Southern Girl said...

I am a new follower!

Sweet Southern Girl said...

What a great giveaway! I love sweet tea and I would love to win this giveaway!

Sweet Southern Girl said...

Just posted on my blog! thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway!

Deborah said...

Miss Janice,

What a sweet giveaway. I'm a google reader follower and always enjoy your posts. My girls and I just love iced tea. Our favorite is fresh mint tea from our herb garden. Happy Summer

KellyHandly said...

What a great giveaway! I love Iced tea and didn't realize we have whole month to celebrate! Thanks!

Miss Southern Prep said...

This is a great giveaway! I love the monogrammed pitcher and cups!

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

Miss Janice- you always outdo yourself! I LOVE iced tea. I remember the days of sitting the tea out in the sun to brew in a clear glass flip top jar. Mom would always yell "watch out for the tea!!"

I am a follower, or course :-) And I will most definatley blog...

DSS said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I've just found you, and I'm oh so glad :)

I've heard about this cookbook, but I've yet to purchase it. And the ice bucket and tumblers...divine!

I am becoming a propper follower, and also tweeting about it right now (@DSSeersucker).

highheeledlife said...

What a wonderful give-away! To learn that Ice Tea has a month of celebration in its honour is so interesting. I love lemonade, my favourite is Lavender Lemonande ..mmmmm... I do follow your blog ... so two enteries for me please.

Leigh Anne said...

Miss Janice, what a wonderful giveaway!

I have been a follower for at least a year- love your take on Southern traditions!

Unknown said...

I've got to have it!!

Three entries, please!
1. Comment
2. Follower
3. Blog post, http://www.charmcitydaily.com/2010/06/national-iced-tea-month.html

Love you!

Sweet Carolina Girl said...

I am a follower of your page and love it! What a wonderful giveaway! I love to entertain and this monogrammed set would be so great! The comeback sauce sounds wonderful as well! I will be posting about this on my page!

Nancy Grayson said...

What a perfect giveaway for the beginning of summer! I love iced tea and have loved since I was little (as do my children). Thank you for your generosity!

p.s. I'm a follower!

Annie said...

Hello! I am new to the blog world but LOVE your blog! What a great table set up on your header! and I am a new follower.

Leanne Helums said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Nothing is better than sweet tea with fresh lemon in the summer here in Alabama.

Leanne Helums said...

I am a follower!

Jessica Ryan said...

Miss Janice,

What a wonderful giveaway.. wow!!!! Please enter me!! I have been a follower for about a year now. I'm leaving a comment and I am just about to Tweet it and of course I will put something up on my blog shortly!

Leanne Helums said...

I posted this on my blog, too. Hope I win!!

Lisa said...

Miss Janice,
Leave it to you to get our Summer off on the right foot!
PS You know I'm a follower!

emcr1229 said...

What a wonderful give away. I am a loyal follower.

mFw said...

What a fab giveaway! You are so sweet! I thought I was a follower but apparently I was not so I am now! I am posting this on my blog in a minute! Hope you had a great weekend!

Julie Leah said...

I want to win!! What a wonderful giveaway, Miss Janice!! I follow you, of course, and I will post this on my sidebar right now! Thank you for hosting! xo

Mallory Ann said...

Hi Moss Janice
I am entering all the way from Argentina!! You know I am a follower and that is such a cute giveaway!!

lmr528 said...

I love your blog! What a cute giveaway! Sweet tea is definitely a staple in the summer. I'm follower too!:)

MMM said...

Just posted this on twitter!

MMM said...

I'm a follower

MMM said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to serve my sweet Northern (Yankee) friends some sweet tea from this lovely set.

Erin said...

What a precious giveaway! I am a follower!

LC said...

I LOVE that set!! TOO CUTE!

Yes I am a follower & I will be blogging about this for you!

The Cute & Sassy Golfer said...

I love the giveaway! I'm already a follower!

Leiah said...

Two entries for me please!
That is just the cutest drink set and that cookbook would be the best addition to my collection.

I follow your blog too!

alanaransley said...

I'm a new follower, and always wondered what Comeback Sauce was. I've seen the recipe in my Southern Living cookbooks, and now I must try it.

Tammy B said...

What a great giveaway. I'm a follower and it is posted on my blog. I just love a big glass of iced tea. As a matter of fact, I'm drinking a big glass right now. I've never had Come-back sauce, but you can be sure that I am going to order some.

kl said...

Great blog! I am a new follower!

Mrs.Grits said...

Count me in! Sweet tea is my favorite and what a wonderful giveaway! I'm a follower and I blogged about it, too. :-)

the pink prep said...

what a great giveaway!
i am a loyal follower, miss janice, and since i'm home in TN now with my family, there is a lot of tea drinking going on! i will post about this on my blog!

Sonia said...

I am a devoted ice tea drinker and a follower!

Miss Bloomers

Sonia said...

Miss Janice,

That book looks like something Miss Bloomers needs to read! Sounds fun and interesting. I love the saltines and comeback sauce!

Miss Bloomers

Miss Sweet Tea said...

Hi Miss Janice! This is a great giveaway! I'm still so excited about having won your Gucci shoes last year :)

I would love to enter this giveaway because I love my sweet tea and it's hard to find out here in California. I have a feeling I'd be making it a lot more if I had this beautiful pitcher and tumblers to serve it in!!

I'm a loyal follower and just die every time I see your amazing table settings and party pictures. I'd love to come to a Miss Janice party some day!!

Oh, and I've added your giveaway to my Current Giveaways page (http://sweetteadiaries.blogspot.com/p/current-giveaways.html).

Pam McDonald said...

What a great way to celebrate National Iced Tea month! I have probably been drinking iced tea as long as I have been alive!

jeanie said...

I found your blog several months ago and have been a loyal reader and follower ever since. I'm also a lover of iced tea--have been as long as I can remember.

Sandra said...

I'm a follower and would love to be entered! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I love you Miss Janice. I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all your wonderful table settings. You are truly an inspiration! I have a link to your blog from my blog yourhomecanbehappy.blogspot.com and I am definitely a follower of your wonderful blog. Thanks for taking time to inspire me. Lisa Hood, Owner of First Fruit Collection

Anonymous said...

I love you Miss Janice. I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all your wonderful table settings. You are truly an inspiration! I have a link to your blog from my blog yourhomecanbehappy.blogspot.com and I am definitely a follower of your wonderful blog. Thanks for taking time to inspire me. Lisa Hood, Owner of First Fruit Collection

Musings of a newlywed said...

I am obsessed with this giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity. I found you through Sweet Southern Prep's blog!

Musings of a newlywed said...

I also follow your blog!

Laura said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win! Such a great idea to celebrate National Iced Tea Month!!

James said...

Even if I don't win I think I'm going to find that sauce!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

What a wonderful post! I love iced tea -- but somehow I've never heard of "Comeback sauce" -- it certainly sounds like something to find out about! You know I'm a follower and I always love your posts.

Hattie said...

Miss Janice,
That is a most lovely giveaway. I faithfully read your blog. Love it!

Laura said...

I just blogged about your give away on my blog.

The Barnett Family said...

Mouth is watering as I type....love sweet tea with a slice of lemon...please! Never heard of Comeback Sauce....guess it keeps you coming back for more?

The Barnett Family said...

Have your giveaway on my blog...I know my readers are licking their lips and crossing their fingers when they enter too.

The Barnett Family said...

I am already a follower. Put me in the hat once more, please! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Kristen said...

I think this is such a great give away and would love a set for our new house. I also am a new follower!!

Sarah Brooke said...

This is an adorable set and I'd love to win! I'm a follower :)

9405018--Pat said...

What a wonderful giveaway....I'm already a follower....thanks Pat H


Kappa in the Commonwealth said...

Miss. Janice, I love your blog and am thrilled with this giveaway--what a fab pitcher and tumbler set!

Shawn-Dell said...

****What an appropriate June giveaway!! I just recently discovered your delightful blog and I hope to sign up as a follower shortly! Thank you for all of your informative insights! Oh, I love the rooster decor, and my kitchen is decorated with them as well. But you have given me some fresh new ideas to incorporate into my decor! Thank you for this chance to win this giveaway. I would appreciate it dearly:-)

Unknown said...

I am a follower too!

Bridgit said...

Great give away - I so wanna try the sauce now ...I'm intrigued ...and who doesn't love monogrammed goodies! bggianakos@yahoo.com

Bridgit said...

I am a new follower! bggianakos@yahoo.com

Laur said...

What a great giveaway for this time of year! I always am learning something new from you, and now realized I posted my Sweet Tea blog post a little too early this year! Just made a pitcher of tea and this would just be perfect on the deck! Of course I'm a follower of yours!

Cristi said...

My favorite Month! Iced Tea Month! I love that set and hope I win! :)

Preppy Southern Belle said...

What a fun giveaway! And such a darling way to enjoy your iced tea in the hot summer!
I am a follower and will post this lovely giveaway on my blog!


Jenifer Helton said...

What a sweet giveaway! That comeback sauce sounds perfect for Friday evening cocktails with my momma and daddy, and the glasses and pitcher will go great with my King William Ice Tea( a verision of a Long Island, but with Peach Schnapps added in).

As always Miss. Janice, you make me proud to be a Southern Lady!

I am a follower.

Unknown said...

Your blog is the very first blog I ever began following!!

I have never heard of Comeback sauce but I may order it!

Besides coke and ice tea, we drink something called "Sundrop" here in North Alabama.

Your blog inspires me and I always look forward to reading it.

lollyc said...

I am a follower! And that is a wonderful giveaway! I love sweet iced tea!

Haden News said...

I am a new follower and love your blog!

Haden News said...

What a great giveaway!! I have always wanted that cookbook, love the title!! You really have me very curious about Comeback Sauce. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Erin said...

Ooooh how neat. Please enter me.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I am a follower!
You know, I have picked this book up many times and never bought it! Maybe I'll be lucky and win!
Thanks for a great giveaway!

Kathryn said...

What a great giveaway! And I'm a new follower!

Beth's Blog said...

Wonderful giveaway! :)

jillskict said...

I have never had Comeback Sauce, but now I want to try it! I am a follower too!

Amy said...

I am a new following and LOVE your southern attitude!

Amy said...

I love making ice tea in the sun on my back porch!

AngelaV said...

Love the monogram pitcher! Yes, I follow your blog, almost daily.

Maryland Magnolia said...

What a wonderful giveaway! And what a wonderful way to celebrate National Iced Tea Month (Hooray!) :)
I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the past month, and I'm a new follower! Two entries for me please :)

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower!

Unknown said...

I grew up on iced tea! What a wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...

I added a picture/link to your giveaway on our sidebar!


Unknown said...

Hi Miss Janice,
I'm usually referred to as Miss Lynda, even in Hilton Head Island, SC where most are Southern by Choice. I see you were raised in Augusta, I was raised in Sandersville, Ga.

I was trying to find a source for Southern Manners to share with my seven year old granddaughter, and after going through so many other choices...you are absolutely the One.

Now I'll be following your postings online and checking to see what other online or written material you offer.

Bless your sweet heart!

Lynda A Long

Nita in South Carolina said...

What an awesome giveaway! Never heard of Come Back sauce, but would love to try it!

mrs.mfc said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I would absolutely love to win!! I have just found your blog today because Brown Eyed Bell put a link on her blog. I'm a new follower!

My fingers are crossed :)

ABC said...

I am SO CRAZY about that pitcher and tumbler set! I just LOVE IT!

ABC said...

I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar! http://fromthestartofthealphabet.blogspot.com/

ABC said...

I am a follower!

Lily @ Life, Love, and Cupcakes said...

I'm a new follower and I posted this in my sidebar :)


Unknown said...

Miss Janice: Greetings from Augusta! I am a follower, a twitter friend and a facebook friend. All have been properly notified of your exciting giveaway!

I type this on my pink netbook as I sit on my back porch sipping iced sweet tea, overlooking my freshly mowed yard. There is nothing better!

Barbara said...

Well I live in Southern Georgia, almost into Florida, and I sip iced tea daily, nothing like, love a lemon slice in mine, but then I use lemon in water too, I am new to your blog but truly enjoyed what I have read, I am a new follower now, and will advertise your blog giveaway on my blog too, so put my name in the hat, thanks you for the chance to win, I love that, so thanks, and God bless Barbara from

Posh Peach said...

What a wonderful post! Tea is of course my favorite drink. I'm a follower!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I've never heard of that sauce but now I want to try it! What a wonderful giveaway - please enter me!


LC said...

Coming back to say I blogged about your contest as well!

Shelby said...

I am a follower! :)

Shelby said...

Very cute blog and giveaway! Thank you so much! :)

Shelby said...

I blogged about your giveaway!


Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Thanks for your sweet visit Miss Janice -- I always love when you stop by!

peadoodle said...

I love this giveaway! I would be a follower if I didn't use my work computer to keep up with Miss Janice!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Such a generous and fun give away! Of course, I've followed you for a long time. Please put my name in the drawing. laurie

Whosyergurl said...

Miss Janice,
Here is my comment and I am a loyal follower.
I just heard today that June is iced tea month! When I was drinking iced tea with my lunch...with lemon & sweetner. YUM! Hoosier hugs, Cheryl

Pamela said...

I love sweet tea and my fave is Chick Fil A. So bad for ya but oh soo good!

Pamela said...

New follower here!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Miss Janice, You have a wonderful blog!
I am new and a new follower.
Your stories about Come back sauce are just delightful... and oh, so southern.
Please include me in this vey fun and generous giveaway!
Please stop over to StoneGable and enter in my first giveaway!

Mimi said...

Miss Janice, What a perfectly Southern celebration ~~ Sweet Tea, a gorgeous way to serve it and a very cute cookbook! I first found your blog looking for golf ideas for a shower and take a peek when I have a chance but now I will become a loyal follower because, bless you heart, you just have the cutest entries and I learn something every time I visit. Thank you so very much!!

Mimi said...

Oh, and I forgot ~~ I will mention your wonderful blog and great giveaway tomorrow on blog ~

Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway! And of course I am a long-time follower :)

Breezer said...

What an awesome giveaway!! I'm a new follower. Love your blog!

Blessed Rain said...

Tea and a good book - Perfection!

First time at your blog - looks like fun!

Kim said...

I greet the day every morning by reading your blog and think you are absolutely adorable and the epitome of all things southern! You are too kind to offer up such a wonderful giveaway! There is nothing better than a glass of iced tea and not a day goes by that I don't drink it; in fact it's all I ever drink and I do believe there will be iced tea in heaven! :>)

I also now an "official" follower!

Kim said...

I don't blog or tweet (guess I'm just a late bloomer) but I did send a link to your blog with a message about your fabulous giveaway to all my friends via email.

Lindsey Elaine said...

Hi! I'm a new follower! Love the giveaway! So cute!

Libby said...

what a GREAT giveaway! Found your site through Miss Brown Eyed Belle :)

Libby said...

I'm a new follower :)

Snooty Primadona said...

I just posted about your giveaway on my blog! Thanks for the opportunity to have such a lovely tea set!

Libby said...

i have posted on my blog


mrs.mfc said...

I entered earlier but have just added a link to your giveaway on my blog so I wanted to let you know!


Ms. Bake-it said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I love sweet tea! I make two types of simple syrup to keep in the fridge - plain and mint. Makes the best sweet tea!

~ Tracy

Ms. Bake-it said...

Although I have visited you often, I am a new friend and proper follower!

Ms. Bake-it said...

I posted your giveaway on my sidebar with a link back to you.

Hillcrest Acres said...

So cute. I love the monogrammed ice tea set!!!!

Hillcrest Acres said...

I'm a follower of your fabulous blog!!! By the way, I love the pink and green photo in your header.

Unknown said...

This is GREAT! Fingers crossed! Thanks for hosting! ~Bridgette

Unknown said...

Your giveaway is posted in our sidebar! ~Bridgette

Unknown said...

I am a follower!! ~Bridgette

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