Monday, August 22, 2011

Prayer Request for my Mama!

I'm taking an unscheduled blog break. My sweet Mama is in the hospital in Georgia. We do not have a diagnosis yet but I will certainly let y'all know when we know more. I hope that everyone will understand that I feel it would be inappropriate for me to blog at this time.

I will tell y'all this...Mama is not in her right mind at this time, bless her heart. However, she did tell me yesterday "Janice Kay, get that nurse's name and address 'cuz I want to send her a thank-you note when I get home." Even in this state, Mama has been so sweet to the hospital staff and her family & friends and also talking on and on about fashion!

Thank you to all of you who have tweeted and e-mailed me your thoughts and prayers for Mama!


  1. Praying for your sweet mama. Even in her confusion she remembers her southern upbringing and wants to thank her nurse. What a wonderful mother!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that your sweet Mama is in the hospital. Please be assured that I will be praying for all of you at this time.

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with your sweet mama and all of your family.

  4. Praying your mama gets better in no time. So it's clear where you learned your manners. How sweet of your mama to be thinking of others even in the hosptial.

  5. So sorry to hear that! Will be praying for your sweet mama!

  6. Continued prayers for you and your sweet southern mama.xx

  7. Keeping your sweet Mom in my prayers!

  8. So sorry to hear your Mom is sick. Please know you both are in my thoughts and prayers Please keep us posted. Safe travels to get to her.

  9. Dear Miss Janice,
    I'll keep your Mama in my prayers. They say that God listens to the prayers of sinners first....well I guess I have a direct line, so I'll send some up.

    Take care of yourself,too.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  10. I am praying for you and your lovely mama........

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your little mother! Yes, I'll be praying for her and for you! I know how it is, my mother is 88 years old!
    Shelia ;)

  12. Your Mama will most certainly be in my prayers as will you and I will pass the request along to others also.
    Will be thinking of you.

  13. Prayers to you and your precious Mama! I am certain that all the hospital staff are loving her.

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  14. Hugs to you and your sweet Mama! My grandmother recently away at the age of 99, and I know how special these ladies are in our lives.


  15. My thoughts and prayers for your sweet mama, and your family.

  16. Prayers going up for your mama right now. I'm so sorry to hear that she is ill.

  17. Prayers ascending for your mom. Mine also is non compos mentis. So sorry.

  18. Dear Miss Janice -- I'm sure praying that your mama will be well and back home sending that sweet southern thank you note to her nurse real soon! I know that you're beside yourself with worry. Keep us posted please on how she gets along.
    Take care.

  19. We'll be thinking of you, and your mom.

  20. Prayers that all is okay. Hope we can hear an update from you soon. XOXO

  21. I hope all is well with your Mama I will keep her in my prayers.

  22. Arrow prayer straight to Heaven for your dear Mama...and for you too.

  23. Arrow prayer straight to Heaven for your dear Mama...and for you too!

  24. I'll be praying for your sweet mama Miss Janice!

  25. Prayers are with you my dear Miss Janice. Your mother is so blessed to have such a wonderful woman as her daughter, and I'm sure you're the most comfort to her.

  26. Consider it done, sweet Janice. Please keep us posted...

  27. Miss Janice - I will be lifting your mama up in prayer and your family too. xo
