Monday, June 1, 2015

The French Market

The other day I drove up to Locust Grove, Georgia to shop at the outlet mall.  The outlet mall isn't large like the ones I've been to in Florida, but I still got to get some cute loot at Polo Ralph Lauren and J Crew.

 If you are traveling on I-75 through Georgia this summer, you must stop off in Locust Grove...for the outlet mall and The French Market.  I have seen the billboards on I-75 and heard about The French Market and Tavern from new friends.  

The French Market.  It is fabulous!

I spoke with owner Lauren Weaver a bit about her business.  She completely renovated the building which was a former hardware store and it is stocked full of French Country goodies y'all!  She does a lot of catering and hosting on-site events...weddings, birthday celebrations, corporate events, and business meetings.  In addition to the cafe bar, there are two dining areas adjacent to the main store.

This is the entrance to the cafe bar...I simply have to start playing dress up with my mannequin.

I love a place where I can shop and eat and this cafe is fabulous!

Take a peek inside the store...

I cannot wait to go back to this store!

The French Market
3840 Highway 42
Locust Grove, Georgia 30248


  1. Loved your post, always like seeing new shops. Wish I was close enough to visit in person. fondly ~lynne~

    1. Thank you Lynne. Maybe you can visit Georgia some day!

  2. Miss Janice, I bought my first pairs of Jack Rogers, and my heels are in extreme pain. I know you wear the sandal, but how do you get past those three pain holes in the heel pad? I tried to pull it off and it was mistake as my husband had to glue it back.

    I know this has nothing to do with your post, but I bought two pairs and I can't imagine wearing them for more than 5 minutes at a time and I can't return them.

    Thank you,


  3. Oh dear Gail, I'm so sorry the sandals are causing you pain. Welcome to my world! The Jack Rogers sandals are so cute but not that comfortable for me either. I have a high arch and they give my poor feet no support at all. I wear them when I plan on spending only a small amount of time on my feet. I really don't know of anything that can be done to provide comfort to your heel.

  4. I am sorry to hear you have no ideas! I follow you on Instagram and love all your outfits and take tips to update my wardrobe. When I found the sandals I thought Miss Janice approved. Maybe I can find clear heel pads to cover the holes.

    Thank you,


    1. I have both Jack Rogers and Palm Beach Sandals. The Jacks are not comfortable and I can wear my Palm Beach Sandals all day long. They are comfortable and I love them. They look exactly the same too. Hope this helps!!

  5. Gail,
    I do "approve" of Jack Rogers sandals and wear them a lot during the summer. Just like my Tory Burch Revas, they are not my most comfortable shoes...but, fashion before comfort!

  6. That looks wonderful! I would spend ages just browsing I'm sure.


  7. Gail,
    Maybe some "moleskin" put over those three holes in the sole would provide comfort. I use moleskin in the back of shoes that rub my heel and it provides comfort. My husband normally has it for me, but I believe it is purchased in the First Aid section. It looks like nude felt with an adhesive back. I hope this helps!
