Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

These are some of my ideas for Mother's Day gifting...for the elderly Mothers.  When our Mamas reach a certain age, their wants and needs change.  My Mama stays at home most of the time now, except to go to the beauty shop, out for lunch, visit with the neighbor ladies, or visit with us.   Her closet is stuffed with beautiful classic clothes, so she really doesn't need more dresses, blouses, or anything to wear outside of the home.

She LOVES all the Target pajamas and these two pair are adorable and just her style.  These are the Nick and Nora Zebra cute!

These are also by Nick and Nora and have a Sock Monkey pattern!

So if you are looking for a gift for your elderly Mother or Grandmother, here are a few of the items I recommend:
  • A fuzzy robe and a pretty throw blanket...since the elderly get chilled easily.
  • Hand cream, face cream, and body lotion...dry skin is usually an issue with the elderly.  My Mama still uses Pond's Cream on her face and she has beautiful skin!
  • Perfume/Cologne...Ladies always love a sweet smelling fragrance, at any age.
  • Face powder, blush, and lipstick...I remember a friend told me her Mama insisted on applying her own lipstick while in the nursing home--and even on the day of her death.
  • Wet wipes...perfect for cleaning hands after eating and for other personal reasons.
  • Manicure/Pedicure Set.  Mama has her pedicures done at the beauty shop, but I try to keep her fingernails neat and trimmed.
  • Nail Polish...a light colored varnish keeps the fingernails looking pretty.
  • Satin hairnet...Mama has worn a hairnet ever since I can remember.  She won't go to bed without her hairnet.
  • Hairspray...Big hair requires a teasing comb and lots of hairspray--especially for the Southern elderly lady!
  • Night Light...for the bathroom and bedroom.
  • Beauty Shop Gift Certificate...for their standing appointments.
  • Chick fil A/Cracker Barrel Gift Certificate...well, these are Mama's favorites!

Don't forget the corsage y'all!  A sweet Southern tradition on Mother's Day in the South...ladies are given a red corsage if their mama is still alive or a white corsage if their mama has passed away.  You can read a post I wrote about corsage etiquette here.

Happy Mother's Day y'all!


  1. Sweet and thoughtful post, Miss J. My mom is past appreciating anything but flowers, but these are great ideas! Bless you!

    1. Hope you had a wonderful day. Mama got a corsage and flowers!

  2. Sweet and thoughtful post, Miss J. My mom is past appreciating anything but flowers, but these are great ideas! Bless you!

  3. Very nice post, Janice. I will definitely keep these great ideas in mind for my Grandmother! Thank you!

    1. Hope you had a wonderful day. Blessings to your Grandmother!

  4. These are great ideas. Thanks. :)

  5. Miss Janice, you are so right about all your suggestions. I lost my mother last month, and the scented body lotion, she loved, was her favorite thing that made her feel good. I always made sure she had a 'supply' of it in her bathroom. She had her nails done once a month and then lunch. She enjoyed these things, as long as she was able to. Those gifts are so perfect and practical.

    Warmly, Kathleen

    1. Kathleen,
      My heart goes out to you in the loss of your Mother. May God be with you as you deal with your life without her.

  6. Great ideas for thoughtful gifts. I love your blog Miss Janice!

  7. Great ideas for thoughtful gifts. I love your blog Miss Janice!

  8. Great ideas Miss J. I was just thinking about your move to Georgia, knowing that was putting you closer to your Mama.....glad to hear she's doing well. I miss mine every day. Have a wonderful Mother's day.

    1. I know you miss your Mama! Blessings to you Martha.

  9. These are all wonderful ideas! My mother in law doesn't drive anymore so she can't purchase her own foundation at Belk's anymore. So I always make sure at Christmas and on her birthday to gift her with her favorite. She is so appreciative!

  10. KittyLuvr,
    Very, very thoughtful!
