Sunday, January 25, 2015

Social Graces Sunday

Lately I find myself visiting Facebook less and less.  I love the idea of keeping up with family members and friends who live far away.  I confess that I also like to keep up with friends I haven't seen in years...being curious about third grade classmates or high school friends.  I especially like following businesses so I can keep up with sales, etc.

What I do not like is the ever-increasing political/religious arguments.  I'm also not a fan of bashing your boss or workplace, trashing ex partners, or over sharing.

The over sharing is out of hand.  Seriously, when did sharing a photo of your naked, pregnant belly become interesting to anyone?

Horrific photos of your latest medical procedure are also considered over sharing!

And would someone please tell me why parents are sharing photos of their naked children in the bathtub?  Why anyone would post such a thing, especially in today's world?  It's baffling!

On another level of annoying me is the "Poke."   Am I completely out of the loop?  Why would grown people do such a thing?

Those vague status, attention-seeking{vague booking}posts crack me up too.  You know the ones meant to generate comments of interest.  Whatever.

People don't like complainers in real life and certainly not on social media.  Keep your negativity and ailments to a minimum, or better yet, keep them to yourself!

Please, please stop with the game application requests...Lord have mercy, I don't want to be your FarmVille neighbor!

Be considerate when tagging others in photos.  Not everyone wants their photo to appear online.  It is not a breech of Facebook etiquette to untag yourself in a photo.

You don't have to share every little detail of your life on Facebook or any other social media site.  I do have a tendency to over share my whereabouts{per my husband who shares nothing}, so several years ago I decided that I would not advertise where I am in real time.  For instance, I post photos of a restaurant, store, etc. after I have left, not while I'm there.  Of course, I don't do this all the time, but whenever possible.

Last, but not least, don't like your own posts.  That's just plain tacky!


  1. If I could get the family to use something else, I would happily never again use FB. Alas, I can't shift them to my favourites, Twitter and Instagram, so I closed my original FB account and opened a very private, family only one. No more ads, misery inducing news stories and pointless posts!

    Ali x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've had to unfriend people because of their critical posts of other Christian denominations and outright bigotry. How is that helpful? Thank you so much for this post. The political/religious post are just plain ugly and who needs that. I'm much happier.

    1. It's like "Can't we all be civil and get along?"

  4. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There is just so much tackiness and over sharing!

  5. I have a Facebook friend that goes on and on about her breastfeeding and she rants and raves about everything. I would unfriend her, but as annoying as her facebooks rants can be, they are extremely entertaining.

  6. That's a personal subject to be going on and on about.

  7. Great post today. So true thanks again.

  8. The first of each year I post that some people's New Year Resolution should be to face their problems, not Facebook them.

  9. Thank you for saying what I've been thinking! xx

  10. I agree wholeheartedly. But what I DO love about facebook is meeting ladies like you as well as Jill Forister, Carrie Zapfe, Anne Lake, Beth Dunn and many more mututal friends. I've met Carrie, live near Jill and have met her, and would love to meet you, Anne and Beth. I love how it ties all of us together.
    Speaking of 'poke'....I accidentally did that to someone. I was so mortified and I sent them a note immediately apologizing. And I hate when I get one. What is the use?

  11. @Kathie Truitt: My sister and I use the poke feature but it's just between us and more of a way to say, "Hey, been thinking about you" since we live in different states. That said, I would never poke anyone else - just her.

  12. Preach it, sister! I agree on all points.
