Friday, October 4, 2013


In anticipation of seeing the movie 'Gravity' I spent the morning reading up on one of my favorite movie stars Sandra Bullock.  This is a photo I posted to Instagram, styling the magazine with my Chanel "Cinema" nail colour and "Star Red" lip colour...perfect shades for Miss Bullock!

'Gravity' is a 90-minute breath-taking, thriller starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.  Mr. Clooney {Matt Kowalski} is a veteran astronaut in the space adventure and Sandra Bullock {Ryan Stone} is a medical engineer who is taking her first voyage into space.  They are on a routine mission when they receive a message from Houston Control that a Russian satellite has exploded, thus causing a shower of debris to come flying right at them.  Now they are both adrift in space...

The special effects and 3-D made me feel like I was right up there in space with them.  Lord have mercy, this is an intense movie y'all!

I enjoyed the movie and now see online that it is getting good check it out!

I never tire of seeing Sandra Bullock.  She seems so real in every part she plays.  The 49-year-old actress lives a paparazzi-free life in Houston, Texas, where she is raising her 3-year-old son Louis.  Isn't he precious?!

Vogue magazine did a fabulous job capturing her in the photos of this month's issue...
In a gown by Michael Kors...

Dressed in a stunning Calvin Klein dress...

Looking fabulous in Donna Karan...

She still has the this leather Prada dress.  Even though her hair is short in the photos and also in the film, I do believe she's wearing a wig as I have seen recent photos of her with long hair.


  1. She is gorgeous and one of my favourites also.

  2. I just wanna know, are they rescued finally?

  3. Now Donna, I can't reveal what happens--that wouldn't be fair to those who haven't seen the movie yet:) If you would like to email me, I will let you know how it ends.

  4. I've seen ads for that and I don't think there's a Disney ending .....

    I especially liked Ms. B. in Miss Congeniality. Wasn't she a hoot.

    Ali x

  5. I love her but have no desire to see that movie. It just looks boring & just meh. I am sorry.

  6. Love her. Just read the Vogue article today at the hairdresser and really want to go see Gravity soon.

    BTW, the new blog layout looks really good! Glad you were able to sort things out.

  7. I've always loved her. What a wonderful actress! Gravity is a must see on my list.

  8. I've always loved her. What a wonderful actress! Gravity is a must see on my list.

  9. Sounds like great entertainment. Intense, huh. Thanks for the review. The pictures of Miss Bullock are so beautiful. She looks gorgeous. Yeah, Miss Janice, my favorite lipstick is also red..."berry wine" by Lancôme.
