Friday, June 22, 2012

There's Southern and Then There's UnSouthern Tea

Iced tea is a classic symbol of hospitality in the South.  On a hot summer day, nothing quenches your thirst quite like a tall glass of iced tea.  Of course, us Southerners are partial to sweet Southern Tea...but, we simply must be hospitable to those who don't like sweet tea for health/dietary reasons and prefer UnSouthern {unsweet} Tea!

Cheese straws are a perfect snack to serve to guests who drop by and are staple in my Entertaining Pantry.

Southern Tea...served in a Waterford goblet...already sweetened while the brew was hot.

UnSouthern Tea...the sweetener {sugar or sweet and low} may be added after the beverage is chilled or not at all.

My sterling Sugar Scuttle...the little scoop on top is used to scoop and add the sugar.

Of course, sterling iced teaspoons are needed to stir the beverage if sugar is added after the tea is chilled.  Remember to practice proper "Iced Tea Etiquette" and "The Art of Using an Iced Teaspoon."  You can read my previous post here.

Cheese Straws...The indispensable Southern staple!

You can't go wrong with cheese straws from the Mississippi Cheese Straw Factory!

A little note about my floral centerpiece...Several years ago, my late BF Teresa Jane wanted to find a floral piece for her table.  We searched the net forever until we found this urn, which matched her chandelier perfectly.  Graciously, her husband J.D. gave this to me when I visited her home a few weeks ago.  I will forever think of her when I look at the arrangement and am so grateful to him, as he allowed me have several of her possessions...all that really meant something to me.

Thank you for visiting with me to day...have a relaxing weekend y'all!


  1. My tea of choice always betrays my NY roots. However, seven years of living in the south converted my sister. When I visit I bring her Luzianne tea bags; she adds the sugar right away.

  2. Cheese straws are always such a yummy snack, with or without tea! Cute post. Have a great weekend.

  3. Love it! I am a sweet tea fan. (Some might say "addict".) And you know, Miss Janice, you just can't find iced tea anywhere in France. Quelle dommage! The only place you can find real Southern iced tea, even in the USA, is right here in the South. it too early for a glass?

  4. Sweet tea is a staple in my home! Being raised in Louisiana, you couldn't have a meal without sweet tea! Now, THAT would be "un-southern"...LOL!

  5. I take mine with sweet n'low and an extra lemon. If there is no lemon, I take it plain (I know, not very Southern). I also drink Canadian tea. I use Red Rose. It's so much better than Lipton.

  6. I just love sweet tea, but I will drink so much it will pack the pounds on. So I use splenda. But sometimes you just have to have the real thing. So when I do, I don't let myself feel guilty about it. It was so nice of your friend's husband to let you take some items that hold memories for you. I know you cherish them.


  7. Summer wouldn't be summer without iced tea!

    It was really nice of J.D. to give you that vase. I know you will treasure it.
