Saturday, February 11, 2012

Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Tammy B of Pink Cupcakes and TaB. She's the winner of the cute bow skirt from Shabby Apple!

Miss Tammy B, please send the following information to me by e-mail at Miss Janice {at} Miss Janice {dot} com.

~Full name
~Desired size
~Shipping address
~E-mail address
~Contact phone number

Thanks to all who entered and thanks to Shabby Apple for graciously hosting this giveaway! Now y'all do the sweet thing and congratulate Miss Tammy!


  1. Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!
    How wonderful and lucky!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten

  2. THANK YOU! I just love that skirt. I'll email you my information later in the day.
