Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Getting Ready for the New Year!

Whew! I'm exhausted y'all! Looking for a quiet spot on the beach to relax and think with some peace and quiet:) This is what I need...
Pepi is down for his long winter's nap...bless his little heart! He's been so busy:)
My thank-you notes have been sent for all the Christmas gifts I received...You can read here and also here about my thank-you note etiquette tips.
As I've said every New Year's, I'm NOT a fan of New Year's Eve parties. I am always exhausted by this point and just want to stay home and watch the revelry from Times Square...wearing my PJ's and sipping some champagne.
However, I've been known to give these cute little "New Year's Eve" gifts to friends...
This is my go-to "New Year's" gift...the Southern must-eat on New Year's Day black eyed peas, wrapped in cello, tied with my signature gingham ribbon, with a party horn attached!
This year I'll be tweeting my "2012 Good Intentions List" on New Year's Eve over at Twitter...check it out. No goals, no resolutions...just "Good Intentions!"

Happy New Year to all y'all and I'll be back soon!


  1. I like "Good Intentions". It is a combinations of goals and resolutions, plus you haven't failed if you don't keep them. I may use "Good Intentions" as the heading for my list.

  2. Love the blackeyed peas and blower idea!

  3. Being 'pooped in style' is always great - will be joining that special group on NYE also - sipping champers in PJs too - in an airport hotel :(. Have a wonderful relaxing evening - your friends are in for a treat with their goody bags! Happy New Year Miss J!

  4. Happy New Year!!!! Looking forward to your good intentions tweet.

  5. I'm with you Miss Janice, nothing like kicking back in jammies and ringing in the New Year with your sweetheart.

    Happy New Year!!! xo HHL

  6. Like the "Good Intentions", will be checking your twits, Miss Janice. I wish you and your family a Happy 2012!

  7. Hi, I just gave you a shout out on my blog. I used your blackeyed pea gift idea. Used Poppers instead of the blower. Thanks, Lori

  8. However you decide to celebrate it -

    Have a Happy New Year!

    Sand and Sea
    (aka beachside cottage)

  9. Love the blackeyed peas gift.

    Happy 2012!

  10. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, if you find a spare minute hope you visit me sometime and follow back so nice to meet new friends. Sending you special wishes for a wonderful New Year I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.

    Always Wendy

  11. Happy New Year Miss Janice!!
    Hope you had a simply wonderful evening ushering in 2012, sending you all my very best wishes for the new year!!

  12. I love your gifts! So cute. I stay in on NYE too

  13. Happy New Year, Miss Janice! I just love your black eyed peas gift! Too cute.
