Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dreamsicle Slush...Perfect for this time of year!

Modeling another addition to my Prissy Apron Collection, I served Dreamsicle Slushes to my out-of town company this weekend from a simple white wooden serving tray. I added Orange Crush soda to vanilla ice's a perfect treat beverage on a hot summer afternoon!

Of course my beverage napkins are orange and I found the cute orange and white polka dot sippin' straws at World Market.

The blue and white and white polka dot apron is from the Home & Garden Gifts Store in Mt. Dora, Florida...had it monogrammed--in orange! This thing is cute enough to wear in public y'all!!!
It's been a little hectic around here this weekend...with my friend from out-of-town taking my computer apart and fixin' it...stuff scattered all over the office floor! Lord have mercy, can't take stuff thrown about like that! If you have sent me an e-mail, please be program was on the blink and I'm finally able to answer my mail.

Miss Coco had a good visit with the Vet on Saturday and finally "Got her hair did!", she's happy!

Thanks for stopping by tonight. I hope y'all have a great week!


  1. Glad your friend fixed your computer. You look great in your adorable apron, Miss Janice! :)

  2. I bet those are great on a hot day.

    Glad Coco is doing well and her hair is done.

  3. Hi Miss Janice! Oh,these sound so good! Love the orange straws!
    Glad you're up and running again.
    I know how it is for our little fuzzy faces to go to the beauty shop. Chloe Dawn acts like she's embarrassed when her hair gets too long and she looks 'like a junk yard dog'! :)
    Be a sweetie and I hope you'll come to my Roosters and Chickens party!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Good new all around! So happy that Miss Coco is fit and pretty! I love dreamsicles -- these sound wonderful! And of course, the straws to match would make it taste even better! wink! Your apron collection just grows and grows -- you've found so many darling ones to match each occasion. That's so YOU Miss Janice and we love it.

  5. Very sweet apron, Miss Janice! I must check out that shoppe on my trip to Mt. Dora this month. Have a great week!

  6. MMMM love ice cream floats of any kind, but me being the PINK girly I cream soda the best! Now that will be happenin' tonite with vanilla frozen yogurt at our house! Love the new apron, so Miss Janice!

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  7. Adorable!!! I havnt had one of those in years - I will have to get a can of crush and some ice cream this week!

  8. I heart aprons. I almost bought a grandmother/granddaughter set and I don't have a granddaughter yet! Very cute one.
