Monday, October 25, 2010


Are y'all ready for Halloween? I am...and so is Miss Coco!!! She's excited about two new outfits she has for the to wear at her mama's "Nibbles and Bits" soiree and one to wear on Halloween night. She is ready for the witchey week! She said for me to tell y'all "Happy Fall Y'all!"
A little fall on the birdbath...

"You say witch like it's a bad thing"...Pumpkin love on the porch...monograms and dots--obsessed! Lord have mercy, I hate cords, but I've got so much stuff plugged in on the porch!

This year my Halloween tree has a 'witchey' theme...
The top is adorned with a witches' hat...the dots again!
Witchey woman...
Pretty witchey lady...

Love this witchey lady...

Every witch has a broom...
'Bad hair day' witch...
Counting down the days...
Witchey boot...
Preppy spiders on black ribbon bows...
Boo ornaments with gingham ribbon bows...

Last night we enjoyed the cool Florida breeze outside on the porch...Sippin' Pumpkin Pie in a Mug* and eating some chocolate chip cookies...

My pumpkin obsession continues with this fabulous drink "Pumpkin Pie in a Mug"*. I found the recipe (below) in the November/December 2009 edition of Southern Lady magazine. It's absolutey wonderful y'all! You must make it!!! Recipe for Pumpkin Pie in a Mug*
(From Southern Lady magazine)

3 cups half and half
3 cups milk
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup canned pumpkin puree
2 tbsp vanilla extract
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/4 tsp salt
Garnish: whipped cream, pumpkin pie spice

In a large saucepan, combine half-and-half, milk, and sugar over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved. Add pumpkin, vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, and salt, whisking to combine well. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally; do not boil. Garnish with whipped cream and pumpkin pie spice, if desired. Makes 6 servings.

I hope y'all have a very spooky week...I'll be back later in the week with photos from my Halloween Soiree and of Halloween Night at "The Roost." Until then, I'll leave you with this photo of a cute sign I bought at the Mount Dora Fall Festival this past weekend...perfect for my porch!


  1. OMGAWD! I want to come sit on the porch with you! It all looks awesome!!! Awesome!!
    I love those metal signs....I have 2 in my bar area! I sit and read them at my FAVORITE house store and laugh and laugh every time I go in there!

    Have a great day!
    Much Love

  2. Pumpkin in a glass and cookies sounds wonderful! Your porch is adorable!
    What a lovely space to sit and relax!

  3. WOW. Fantastic and fabulous! I hope this question doesn't sound rude-- but where do you store all your holiday-themed items in the off-season? You seem to have so much cute stuff for every holiday! How do you keep it all organized? Do tell!

    PS: This pumpkin lover is going to be making some pumpkin pie in a mug soon!

  4. Muffy,
    The BMW sits out front on the street and all my deco loot is neatly organized in the garage. Husband keeps saying "Get it out" and I keep buying more:)

  5. LOVE all of your Halloween decor! I've GOT to make that Pumpkin Pie in a Mug!

  6. Wow! You are going to have zillions of trick-or-treaters with such an amazing porch! I love the monogrammed and dotted pumpkins the best--too cute! I would love to have the directions or source for those, if you're sharing. Also, I lived in Mount Dora for 12 wonderful years--I hope you were able to enjoy the Goblin Market--one of my all-time favorite restaurants! Have a wonderful week! I'm looking forward to your soiree photos!

  7. Great Halloween decorations! I love the Pumpkins on the porch... ADORABLE!

  8. Everything is so cute! My girls would love your witches. I saw that recipe in Southern Lady & since you love it, I surely try it out now. Love your "porch" sign.

  9. Town & Country Mom,
    The pumpkins are not painted...those are decals. The "G" is a decal and those are black inventory dots...all from Ebay!!!

    I LOVE Mount Dora! Yes, I actually had lunch at the Goblin Market--my fav spot...of course, it was decked out for Halloween and the food was fabulous.

  10. Thank you for the info! I'm trying to organize my own garage (still have fourth of July items in trash bags-- talk about TACKY!!!!) and I'm glad to know how you do it!


  11. Miss Janice...
    love it, love it, love it.
    you are over the top :D

  12. Dear Miss Janice,
    You have got to take your show on the road!! At least, have some 'Miss Janice weekends' and we'll all fly down and you can give classes! Martha's got nothin' on you! YOU ARE THE QUEEN!

    Thank you for all the great ideas.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  13. I'm loving your Halloween tree! That 'bad hair day' witch looks pretty much like me today! ;) Ha!

  14. Oh my my Miss Janice you just NEVER disappoint! The pumpkin pie in a mug is gonna be made a.s.a.p. in my little happy home! Your efforts are so appreciated. My apron collection just grew by two this past birthday...hand-made by a dear friend! You would love as they are very "Lilly-like." I thought of you right away. Thanks for always sharing with us ladies!

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  15. What a fabulous idea .. a Halloween tree!! it looks fantastic... your posrch is wonderfully decorated and loved the bird bath... Coco is looking so cute..

  16. Well you've done it again! Another spectacular success! I couldn't see all of the fine details on my Blackberry so I had to look on my computer. It's all fabulous!!


  17. Your porch looks amazing! I just love the monogrammed pumpkin. Of course, Miss Coco looks stylish as always!!

  18. Can't wait to try pumpkin pie in a cup. Yummy! Love the pumpkins on your porch as well as the festive tree.

  19. Wow Miss Janice, I love the tree!

  20. Miss. Janice,
    I am loving your holiday themed posts! I honestly get a little giddy inside when I see your blog on my blog-roll because I know something fabulous is waiting inside. Your decor is so fun and I love the idea of a Halloween tree. Do you change the decor for Thanksgiving and leave it for Christmas?

  21. Wonderful porch! I talked about you in a post today. We had a dinner party and one couple cancelled the day before, they were in charge of dessert. I thought they should have dropped it off anyway. I had cookies and ice cream on hand for the substitute. Another couple, that had invited the no show brought fudge. But rude!

    Miss Janet would never do that!

  22. Dear Kappa in the Commonwealth,
    The Monday after Halloween...POOF, it will be become a Turkey tree and after Thanksgiving it will be decorated for Christmas.

  23. Very Very Cool! I will try the drink with the hubster. LoVe all the pumpkins and the tree is spookily magik!
    You rule on the Halloween decorations.
    Miss Kara

  24. Love Miss Janice how you make Halloween beautiful! Lori

  25. Well, Miss Janice you have officially out-done yourself :) I love all the fun details, you're just too good!

    I used my 'J' pitcher over the weekend at a luncheon I hosted at my house :) Thought about you!!

    Happy Thursday, pretty lady!!


  26. Love your decorations!

    I have been following your blog for a while, but ironically I am now writing a paper on southern traditions and culture, and your website was one of the links I found. :) So I had to stop by to say hello.

  27. oh my word!!!! I wish I could come to your house for a soiree! They always look fabulous. Coco looks tres chic and everything is just perfect!

