Saturday, May 15, 2010


Thank you to all the people who entered my giveaway this week to celebrate National Etiquette Week! I asked y'all to tell me what etiquette faux pas others commit that drive you crazy. Here's some of the tacky things people do everyday:

~This whole cell phone thing is out of control, Period

~Failure to R.s.v.p.--I just don't understand why people don't respond to an invitation. It's soooo easy to do!

~Not sending a thank-you note. Totally tacky. Just tacky.

~Bad table manners. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it...nothing says more about you than your table manners!

~A lot of you are not happy with the way gentlemen treat ladies and elderly people; i.e., not giving up a seat on the subway, opening doors, et cetera.

~The ladies are not comfortable with people asking personal questions about their 'biological clock.' Also, it's not acceptable to touch an expectant mother's tummy! Good Lord!

~Several readers don't like it when men wear caps/hats indoors...not proper, no ma'am!

~Applying makeup in public, not using kind words, wearing white shoes before Easter (don't get me started on this one), and not addressing people properly (yes ma'am/no sir) also made y'all's list.

This is what National Etiquette Week is all about--making people aware of the rules of civility. I believe that all y'all practice proper etiquette and know you are setting the right example to your family, friends, and co-workers.

Now y'all be ever-so gracious and join me in congratulating the winner of my giveaway ...Jo at BeesAndFleurDeLis. Jo lives waaaaaay up north in Connecticut and has a darling blog. Y'all stop in to visit with her soon.

No worries though...I'll be hosting another giveaway in June!!!


  1. congrats to the winner! I forgot about caps indoors.... my father has a fit when his students do that, and asks them to leave his class or take it off!

  2. Congrats to your winner, Miss Janice! Your list of no-no's hit the nail on the head! Just a return to common sense and good manners could change the world! Have a wonderful weekend...hugs...Debbie

  3. Congratulations Jo! Well done!

    Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway Miss Janice!

  4. congratulations to the winner. great advice. thanks! verbena cottage p.s. thanks for your sweet comments.

  5. Congratulations to the lucky winner (on my way to visit her blog right now!) and thank you again, Miss Janice for hosting such a fabulous giveaway.

    Hope you both have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Congrats Jo. You will just love these books. Miss Janice made me read them cover to cover and I actually enjoyed them. :)

  7. Congratulations to the winner! I loved seeing what everyone else posted.

  8. Congrats to your winner! My Grandma always made the guys in the family remove their caps. And, out of respect for her- they did.

  9. Congratulations to the winner.
    I'm going to hop over to her blog now.
    The world would be a better place if everyone followed the rules of etiquette with Miss Janice.

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you! What a wonderful surprise this morning to learn that I'm the winner of your lovely giveaway!


  11. Congratulations to Jo... Love her!

  12. Congrats to the winner of your blog giveaway!

  13. Can't stand it when people apply makeup in public! A little lip stick or gloss is okay, but when you start getting out the face makeup or eyeliner you've just gone too far!

  14. Congratulations to the winner. Oh yes the cell phone thing is so crazy. We were sitting outside at a restaurant last weekend when a man at the next table (who was alone) started talking on his cell phone so LOUD. He was totally oblivous to the rest of us. He just ate and talked on his cell phone. Everybody was looking at him! Didn't seem to bother him at all.


  15. What a wonderful giveaway, Miss Janice. Sorry I missed it.
    You are always inspiring. Thanks so much for educating us.
    Enjoy your week! I love your header, too.

  16. Congratulations Jo! Miss Janice, I'm really enjoying your posts.

  17. Congratulations to your winner! Your list was right on point. Poor table manners always gets me, I can't stand it!!

  18. Congrats to the winner! I also can't stand when people don't RSVP. I mean really? You can't make a simple phone call??? Blows my mind!
