Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello, this is Miss Janice and I'm unavailable at this time...

So, please leave your message--thank you very much!

The mover's are coming to get my computer soon and then I'm off to my new home in Florida! The boxes are packed and the Jack Russell, Yorkie, and Kitty are loosing it! Please think about me on my 16-hour journey with these little houligans. I will be back blogging probably the weekend after Thanksgiving.

I hope you all have wonderful Thanksgiving Day:)


  1. Best of luck with your move, Miss Janice. We have done that many times in our day. We have 3 children, always a cat or two, a dog and once a bird in with that mix. Talk about exciting! I hope all goes well. We will miss your posts and looking forward to your thoughts come December.

  2. Good Luck Miss Janice! I hear you and will be right there doing it too come Spring! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. ~Melissa :)

  3. The best of luck to you! Can't wait to hear more about your move!

  4. I shall miss you, my traveling, tea drinking buddy!

    Miss Kara

  5. Blessings on your move...and Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!


  6. I aready miss you, for some reason, I have felt a connection. No,I never been to Paris and probably never will at this stage of my life. When you leave a note for me, its as if you have left a calling card. Your words are so simply moving. I wish you the best in Florida, This will be the first year in all 31 years of marriage, that we have not gone. I have a few dear friends in Cross City. My hubby wants a Jack Russell, I have been keeping a look out for one. I hope you and all your animals arrive safely and your household furnishing. Best Wishes for your family now in Florida. What a way to be thankful this Thanksgiving, to be in a new home, and in Florida! I can hardly wait to see your new home, with all your lovely things!

  7. good luck with the move....I would love to move to is warm there!
    I feel for you with the one and only dog is not a good car rider...the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard doesn't hold a candle to the sound of the nervous dry panting of a dog in the front seat!

  8. Oh, Miss Janice, I will be praying for you during your move. It's always a little more 'exciting' when little animals are part of the moving process! I do hope you get settled in comfortably and that all goes as smoothly as you could hope. I will be anxiously watching your blog for confirmation that you have arrived and are safe.

  9. Oh Miss Janice, you must be the bravest woman in the world to move around the holidays. And you're still posting...amazing! You've got it going on!!! Be safe & good luck with the unpacking...the worst part.

  10. Best wishes to you in your new home. Have a safe trip and a happy thanksgiving. Looking forward to hearing about your new home. laurie

  11. Miss Janice! Please have a safe move! I will be thinking of you and your furry family!Yay for new things!

  12. Best Wishes Miss Janice! When you arrive I hope you will have a Floridian picnic and take a deep breath and relax!!! Happy Thanksgiving and Have a SAFE trip!! Sincerely, Jeannette

  13. Best of luck with the move. We'll look forward to great stories and photographs.

  14. Miss Janice...I hope your move goes well and you are very happy in Florida. I once had to move with three cats in the car. Journeying mercies, as my mom used to say. Happy thanksgiving...Debbie

  15. Best of luck with your move. Moving is always such an adventure!!



  16. Hi Miss Janice...I'm wishing you a smooth & easy move into your new home that I just know you are going to make gorgeous! See you soon, ;-) Bo

  17. Best wishes in your new home. The weather is cool and breezy. It's a good time to move down here. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  18. Hi, Miss Janice. I hope by now you've reached your destination with your little naughty babies!! lol Hope all goes well with your move and the unpacking. I'll miss visiting with you and am wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving in your new place.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Good morning, Miss Janice. I know you said you would post a message after Thanksgiving about your move. I just came by to say hello again and let you know I was thinking about you. By this time you must be in Florida, and I imagine you are surrounded by some very unhappy, confused pets and lots of boxes. I know you will tranform your new home into a beautiful sanctuary!

  20. Have a safe trip...God be with you.

  21. You are a brave soul! During this time to give thanks, - I am thankful I'm not you!

  22. Have a safe trip......lots of work but in the end you will have a nice new lovely home...
    Take care,
    Mo :-)

  23. Good Luck with your move! How exciting! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  24. Hi Janice
    I'm just now seeing this. Hope all is going well with the move.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving, Miss Janice! And welcome to Florida :) I hope you are comfy, cozy in your your new home. I'll be looking forward to your return in blogland.

  26. Good morning, Ms. Janice! Just came by to say hello and wish you a blessed Thanksgiving!


  27. May you have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving dear friend...hugs and smiles Gloria

  28. Hi Janice
    Hope the move goes well. I just stopped by to say Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  29. Hope your move goes smoothly and that you are settled soon. Happy Thanksgiving!


  30. Hello, Miss Janice. I just wanted to wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving.

  31. Hurry up and get that new house cleaned and have things to do on the computer.
    Teresa Jane

  32. I hope your Thanksgiving was GREAT and your move went smoothly. Hope you'll be back soon!!


  33. How exciting! A new home to start a new year in! The house is adorable...have fun getting it all together!
