Monday, July 13, 2015

Is Voice Mail a Thing of the Past?

I'm wondering if voice mail is a thing of the the cute pink Princess telephone?  The other day I placed a call to someone and it went to voice mail.  I left my message and waited on the person to return my call.  Well, she called me back and said "What's up?"  I replied "Didn't you listen to the message I left you?"  She said "No."

What?  Has this happened to y'all?  Instead of listening to messages left on voice mail, is it now a thing to just return the call?  I'm not comfortable leaving messages...especially on a business call.  It's even more ridiculous that a lot of businesses have voice mails that say "Your call is very important to us..." but then they take DAYS to return your call.

So, is texting the new voice mail.  A quick text does get right to the point, but leaving a voice mail allows you to be expressive.  Is voice mail a thing of the past?  Do you even bother to leave voice mails anymore?


  1. Sorry, Miss J, but I don't like voice mail. My mother complains all the time that my "voice mail is full" so she can't leave me a message. But she doesn't text and I do. I like text messages much better. Just me. But I also work in an environment where I spend ALOT of time on the phone, and by the time I get home in the evenings, the last thing I want to do is talk on the phone. But I do call my mother.

  2. I hate to admit it, but I am one of those that rarely listens to voicemails...although, I also rarely receive them! And the ones left lack little to no information anyway. I prefer a text or a follow up call.

  3. I hardly ever listen to my voicemails. I also hardly ever leave them. I just feel so awkward and ramble and everyone thinks I'm drunk, lol!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

    1. But what if the voice mail contains important info?

  4. I appreciate voicemails when they contain actual information, however 99% of the time the caller says "Hi it's so and so, call me back!", which I could've seen from their missed call. My phone doesn't make it easy to check VM and then I'm super frustrated by that message.

  5. I HATE it and think it's actually rude when people call and don't leave a message. As a realtor, I also feel it's rude when the realtor on the other end ONLY wants to text and not talk.

    If you're calling for business you simply say, 'This is Jane Doe, and I'm calling about questions/concerns on my account. It's very important and I'd like a call back as soon as possible.' It's on THEM if they don't get back to you asap.

    Also, there are things I don't want to leave in writing. For instance, if I need to talk to another realtor about property or my client, texting is the last thing I want to do. I don't know who has access to her phone - and what if it's stolen? That's confidential information.

    And if all you want to do is text, then that tells me you really have no interest in having a conversation with me. It's so impersonal. It's no wonder people have lost the art of communication.

    1. Kathie, I agree that texting is impersonal and there are some things that need to be said, not written.

  6. I'm old school. I love a land line, and a long winded message. If I could get my hands on an old fashioned answering machine, I would be so happy! Remember pre cell phone when coming home to listen to messages was the most exciting thing?

  7. I finally gave up leaving voice mails, when a friend explained (as you observed) that she just looks at the number/name of who called. She never answers.......only calls back when she wants. That helped me understand why no one ever returned my calls, knowing why I called. So, now I call and if they don't answer, I wait or call back in a day or two. I don't text, so I guess I'm one of those people who likes to actually 'talk' to the person I'm calling. Sad but true.

    1. Very true. I also don't like explaining something in a text. There is no expression, even though I over use emojis!

  8. I still receive and give voicemails. Although if I'm calling my husband I usually just text him that I called.

  9. I check both vs and text messages and return both. Hence I expect others to do the same. How often do you think I'm disappointed ......

